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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 55

Author: Pan Sheng 001

Thinking about this, Zhao Gao was not only angry, but also aggrieved.

Moreover, he has nothing he can do.

Chapter 048 Recent Situation of the Great Hidden Dragons [Ask for Flowers]

Time flies, and years go by.

Since the appearance of the list, all the latent dragons on the list have attracted the attention of Kyushu people.

Even the least cultivated congenital warriors are valued by everyone.

Like Guo Jing of the Southern Song Dynasty, even if Zhao Gu and Qin Hui were extremely unintentional, in order to block Youyou's mouth, he was finally ordered to make him a general of the Southern Song Dynasty.

He was ordered to become a general of the defense city of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Moreover, it seems fateful.

The city he wants to protect is Xiangyang City.

The enemy encountered was the Dayuan army.

Maybe it's because of the protagonist's aura.

After losing contact with Huang Rong, Guo Jing's luck did not decline, but became better and better.

On the third day after coming to Xiangyang, he actually looked at the daughter of Xiangyang City Master and finally formed a couple.

With the help of his father-in-law, Guo Jing grew up very fast.

Less than a month.

The power of the whole army in Xiangyang City was controlled by Guo Jing.

With the help of virtuous people, the military tactics have become more and more proficient.

Start to grow towards a mature border general.

Perhaps in the future, Guo Jing will grow into a peerless enemy of the Yuan Dynasty.


Not only Guo Jing, like the double dragon Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling of the Sui Dynasty.

Since she worshipped Empress Xiao Mei Niang as a teacher, her status has risen slowly.

Not only has the strength increased rapidly, but even the power has expanded crazily.

The queen specially arranged for the two to establish a young commander-in-chief army that belonged to them.

After several wars to suppress the rebellion, the two also grew up completely.

With the escort of Empress Sui, the rise is not a problem at all.

Even if those valve families have the intention to stop them, they can't stop them.

In the future, when you grow into a martial arts master, Shuanglong and the young commander will be an unimaginable terrorist force.


Of course, it's not that there is no miserable fate.

Like Dali Duan Yu, that's it.

After being exposed by the Hidden Dragon List,

Duan Yu was deprived of the son of Zhennan for the first time.

I can no longer enjoy the privileges of the previous high level.

Maybe Duan Zhengchun won't kill him, but it's even more likely to get as close as in the past.

In particular, Duan Yu is still the son of an enemy.

The existence of Duan Yu is an insult to Duan Zhengchun's personality.

Fortunately, under the protection of Tianlong Temple, Dali did not shout to fight and kill.

Nowadays, Duan Yu doesn't even dare to go back to Dali anymore, so he can only wander alone in the Northern Song Dynasty.

And he has completely become the laughingstock of some people.

He felt sorry for his illness, but the subsequent treatment was completely opposite. It was a false bamboo.

Now the virtual bamboo has completely become the head of the Xiaoyao faction.

At the beginning, when Wuyazi was about to die, Xu Zhu did not hesitate at all, so he gave the elixir rewarded by Tiandao to Wuyazi, completely saving his life.

Since then, the whole Xiaoyao faction has also recognized him.

Even if he knew that Xu Zhu was the son of Xuanci's abbot and Ye Erniang, he didn't care at all.

Even when Xuanci was removed from the position of abbot of Shaolin Temple and even ridiculed by martial arts, the Xiaoyao faction expressed its support.

When Ye Erniang was hunted down because of her evil.

The Xiaoyao faction also has many people to help.

It can be said that the status of Xuzhu is unparalleled in the Xiaoyao faction except that there is no cliff.

Even if there is any need, the Xiaoyao will try their best to meet it.

Up to the cliff and down to an ordinary disciple, there is no resistance at all.

Moreover, under the guidance of Wu cliff, the cultivation of virtual bamboo can be said to have grown crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The martial arts master will soon reach it.

Now he is a complete winner in life.

The identity was also exposed, and even Xu Zhu's parents were even more rejected by the martial arts channel, but Xu Zhu's fate was surprisingly good.

It is far from comparable to Duan Yu.

Of course.

Duan Yu is not really completely out of public.

His identity may have changed.

But his strength is also getting stronger rapidly.

The speed of progress is not half behind that of the virtual bamboo.

Give him time, even if he doesn't rely on Dali, he can make his own world.

The son of Dali Zhennan, speaking of Duan Yu at this moment is not as important as expected.

After taking this mental hurdle, Duan Yu will completely transform.

Not only in terms of strength, but also in mood.

Zhu Houzhao, who was far away in the Ming Palace, did not mean to underestimate these people after obtaining relevant information.

Instead, pay more attention to attention.


What surprised Zhu Houzhao most was.

Jiang Yuyan's fate trajectory.

Originally, he expected Jiang Yuyan to be sent to her door automatically, making him a "puppet emperor" and becoming a "female emperor"!

Unexpectedly, in the end, she ran to Dahan inexplicably.

Even with the help of a dark force.

She actually entered the Han Palace and became a princess of Han Emperor Liu Hong.

He is deeply loved by Liu Hong.

The stage, which belongs to her alone, also began to appear.

Zhu Houzhao is looking forward to what will happen to her in the future Han Dynasty.


As for Hengshan Pai Yilin, who ranked 11th in the Qianlong list.

Although she was reluctant, under the arrangement of the teacher, she became the head of the Hengshan faction.

Suddenly, the whole Hengshan faction also had a high status in the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty.

In the Five Mountains School, the power is no weaker than the Songshan School and the Huashan School.

Even faintly surpassed.

Unfortunately, Yilin has no ambition.

Otherwise, she really has the ability to become the head of the Wuyue Sword School!

At least, nowadays, Zuo Lengchan dares not threaten the Gangsanists as in the past, but has a much more friendly attitude.


The world meeting of the Han Dynasty.

On the contrary, it was the biggest loser after the appearance of the latent dragon list.

The Qianlong, which originally had the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth, was overnight.

Bu Jingyun fled the world as soon as possible that day.

Subsequently, the broken wave and Nie Feng followed closely.

Even Qin Shuang, who Xiongba attaches the most attention to, left completely for some reason.

Since then, Xiongba has completely become a lonely family.

It also became the laughingstock of the world.

Fortunately, the bully himself has extremely horrible strength, otherwise the world may really be destroyed by major forces.


As for Xie Xiaofeng, Yan Shisan, Li Xunhuan and others in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houzhao also has his own arrangements.

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