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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wuyi. Chapter 63

Author: Pan Sheng 001


[Identity: The saint of the Sui Yin Gui School]

[Picture: The late stage of the master of martial arts!]

[Kung Fu: Moth Sky Evil Fire, Heavenly Demon Strategy!]

[Reward: Tianxia elixir: spiritual elixir, after taking it, it can improve your physique, and there is a certain chance that it can be transformed into a congenital elixir, greatly improving the affinity of martial arts!]


"Wouln you actually be the late master?"

"How is it possible?"

"Aren't you a martial arts master?"

"You hide so deeply!"

Bai Qinger shouted fiercely.

If she had known that she was so strong, even better than the master, why did she do with trouble all day long?

This woman is so vicious.

So insidious!

Wan Wan was playing with her on purpose.

This makes her feel humiliated than defeating her by force.

If it hadn't been for her strength, Bai Qinger would not have wanted to smash her corpse immediately.

"Well, I didn't know until now?"

"I've given you many opportunities, but you foolishly and automatically send it to your door. You can't blame anyone!"

I don't care at all.

"Wh, you..."

At this moment, the queen Zhu Yuyan and other Yingui elders came quickly.

Looking at Wan Wan with a shocked and happy face.

It's like the first time I met her.

Especially Zhu Yuyan, she was surprised and complicated at the same time.

In the later stage of Master!

"Wouln you, your heavenly demon method broke through the eighteenth floor?"

The voice has just fallen.

Zhu Yuyan exerted all her strength, one palm was more fierce, and one palm was more and more vicious.

Attack on Wan Wan.

She wants to try it.

Let's see how strong it is to place in the seventh place in the Qianlong list.

She is now playing a strength comparable to that of the master in the early days.

You can come down a few moves in a row.

But it's easy to avoid and easy to escape.

It's true!

It's not an illusion.

Zhu Yuyan is very excited and difficult to attach.

This time, the Yin Gui faction is finally about to rise.

Cihang Jingzhai!

Quietly meditate the Zen temple!

The sects of the Holy Gate will always submit to the feet of the Yingui School.

"Hahaha, okay, you really didn't let the teacher down!"

"In the later stage of the martial arts master, the legendary land immortals in the future may not be impossible!"

"In the future, the Yin Gui faction will give it to you."

Hearing this, he was not as happy as he thought:

"Master, I just killed the elders. I have violated the rules of the sect. Normally, I am not qualified to inherit the throne."

"Do you live up to it? What is he?"

"Since you are provoked, you will die!"

"Compared with you, you, what is the area of ants?"

"Don't live up to it. Even if you kill him as a teacher, you are qualified to sit on the throne of the suzerain of the Yingui School."

I listened to it and was speechless for a while.

The master really indulges her.

In the past, when she only had master training, even if she insulted her, the master was very unhappy.

Now, you are promoted to the master.

The tolerance for her is infinitely high.

It seems that in the Yingui School, even if it is as close as a master, it still depends on strength to speak.

"Master, if you say so, let's not mention the opinions of several elders for the time being. Will Bai Qinger'er's sister agree?"

Speaking of this, I looked at Bai Qinger under my feet with an interesting face.


As soon as Bai Qinger heard this, she panicked and directly buckled a head on the ground.

"Sister Wan Wan, everything is obsessed with my sister. If my sister knows it's wrong, my sister will forgive me this time!"

"Hee hee, Sister Qing'er, what are you doing? Get up quickly. I didn't say I was going to kill you!"

Wan Wan also sighed that the status change brought about by the exposure of strength.

If it hadn't been for that guy, she would have struggled crazily in the bitter sea of her own fate like Bai Qinger.


Cihang Jingzhai.

Fan Qinghui, the owner of Ramad, looked at the name on the list with an ugly face.

There is endless panic in my heart.

Wan Wan!

The seventh place on the Qianlong list.

The late stage of the martial arts master.

How is this possible?

Why is she so strong?

Even if Ning Dodge is not as good as her, right?

"Concubine Xuan, the witch of the Yin Gui School is on the list."

Fan Qinghui gritted his teeth and said to the concubine next to her.

"You have been entangled with her all these years. Don't you notice it at all?"

"Also, the moth is empty and evil fire. At first glance, it is an evil magic skill, and you haven't tested it?"

Oh, my God!

Master of Martial Arts.

If you insist on coming to the door, I'm afraid the whole Cihang Jingzhai is not the opponent.

You will even be knocked out by one person!

What should I do in the future?

Do you hide?

No way.

If so, Cihang will fail to carry the reputation accumulated over hundreds of years.

"It's true that, as the master said, the moth sky evil fire is a horrible evil skill."

"Every time you perform this work, the whole body exudes an extremely horrible evil spirit."

"Any one under the master will be burned directly by evil fire until death."

"Extremely cruel and bloody."

"Even the master can't stick to a few tricks."

The concubine Xuan told the story with an extremely calm face.

Fan Qinghui's scalp was numb.

It's worthy of being a demon witch.

It's just that where did she learn such a horrible skill?

Are there any more horrible characters in the magic gate?

Fan Qinghui didn't react at all.

When the concubine Xuan said these words, she did not have any fear at all.

In other words, the master's concubine is not afraid of the later stage of the master at all.

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