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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 64

Author: Pan Sheng 001

If you react, the mood is another situation.

Chapter 056 The Master's Concubine Greeting is on the list, Yang Guangxinsi [Ask for Flowers]

[Qianlong List · Sixth place!]

[Master's greeting!]

[Identity: Da Sui Cihang Jingzhai Saint!]

[Picture: The late stage of the master of martial arts!]

[Feature: Extreme Zen Sword, Cihang Sword Book!]

[Reward: Tianxia elixir: spiritual elixir, after taking it, it can improve your physique, and there is a certain chance that it can be transformed into a congenital elixir, greatly improving the affinity of martial arts!]

Just at a time when Fan Qinghui was extremely restless.

The hidden dragon list has changed again.

When I saw the name of the master's concubine, it was full of incredibleness.

"Fubine Xuan, are you on the list too?"

"Are you the late master?"

How is it possible that Shifeixuan and Wan Wan are on the list at the same time?

"Master, that's the truth!"

"Wan Wan Wan got the opportunity, and Feixuan did not lag behind."

"Otherwise, Feixuan will not have his life to see his master alive."

The teacher's greetings were indifferent.

That's right!

That guy also taught her at the same time.

There is no favor for one.

While I'm happy, I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Hahaha, okay, now Feixuan, you have become so strong that I can finally be afraid of the Yin Gui faction."

"Fubine Xuan, if you are asked to destroy the Yin Gui School, how sure are you?"

Fan Qinghui's eyes were sharp and looked at the master's concubine.

"Ten percent!"

The concubine spit out two words coldly.

However, before Fan Qinghui was happy, the next words surprised her:

"But if you really destroy the Yin Gui faction, you will definitely provoke it."

"With her strength and mind, I destroyed my Cihang Jingzhai, which was also ten percent, and no one could stop it."

"Even if it is guarded by me and Master Ningdaoqi, it can't be stopped."

She knows her temper very well.

Maybe she has no feelings for the Yin Gui School, but she treats Zhu Yuyan as a mother.

The Yin Gui faction is the most difficult painstaking efforts in Zhu Yuyan's heart.

Destroying the Yin Gui faction is equivalent to killing Zhu Yuyan.

In this way, it will never die.

Not only Cihang Jingzhai, but also her concubine Xuan will have no room for relaxation.

Even if she gets into trouble in front of that guy, she will suffer.

Even if Master Fan Qinghui desperately ordered her to do it, she could not really obey the order.

When she comes to the realm of martial arts master, she must follow her will.

Denying your true will will will never be promoted to the land immortals in the future.

She is even less likely to do it.

"Fei Xuan, what's wrong with the extreme meditation sword you practice?"

"Is it an opportunity to get in the world?"

There was no entanglement in the destruction of the Yin Gui faction, and Fan Qinghui changed the topic.

If they can hand over the ultimate Zen sword to the whole Cihang Jingzhai, they will definitely rise completely.

"Master, this skill cannot be taught easily, otherwise it will definitely cause a great disaster!"

"This is more serious than provoking anger."

The concubine said awe.

The Tao is not light.

Even if it was the teacher, she would not agree until the man allowed it.

Although Fan Qinghui was a little unwilling, he was helpless.

Today's concubine Xuan's status is different from the past.

If you know her temperament well, don't be embarrassed.

Fan Qinghui, who is quite politically intelligent, still knows what to do and what not to do.

"Unfortunately, a great opportunity to destroy the Yin Gui faction was wasted."

The concubine was speechless.


It's not just a pity that Fan Qinghui.

On the other hand, Zhu Yuyan of the Yin Gui School is also a pity.

When you know that Wan Wan is on the list and has the strength of the great master in the later stage,

The first idea is to destroy Cihang Jingzhai.

But then, the master's concubine greeted him on the list.

At the same time, it is regrettable.

I hated Cihang Jingzhai more in my heart.

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter to all this for a long time.

In the past, she may have been thinking about destroying Cihang Jingzhai like Master Zhu Yuyan.

But since he was promoted to the master.

Her eyes became wider.

The land fairy is her next goal.

Even if it is the old enemy's concubine, it is no longer an immortal relationship.

Although there are still fights from time to time, it is just to hone strength.

There is such an opponent with similar strength.

We can make progress together.

Whether it's Yin Guipai, it's also Cihang Jingzhai.

It's nothing more than anything else.

It's no longer eye-catching.

That's what happened, and so did the concubine Xuan.


Sui Palace.

Seeing that the saints of Yingui School and Cihang Jingzhai were on the list at the same time, Yang Guang finally panicked.

These two martial arts forces are quite unfriendly to him.

He always wants to destroy his testimony and establish a new imperial dynasty.

Most importantly, there are a lot of licking dogs and lackeys under their command.

Even if you kill, you can't finish it.

"Yuwen Aiqing, how do you think I should treat these two forces?"

"Send troops to destroy them?"

"Wor ignore them?"

Yang Guang looked at the Yu culture below and hoped to get some different views from him.

"Your Majesty, nowadays, the Yingui School and Cihang Jingzhai will inevitably have a great momentum."

"If we attack rashly, we will definitely lose a lot."

"There will be no possibility of repression by rebels everywhere."

"After all, the Yingui faction and Cihang Jingzhai are martial arts forces, and the threat level is completely inexparable with that of the rebels."

"We should pay more attention to the rebels everywhere."

Yu Culture and Naturally will not risk the world's condemnation and suggest that Yang Guang attack these two forces.

Let the people of these two forces know.

His Yuwen family suffered.

The two masters came to the door in the later stage, and there was no other possibility except to destroy the door.

Hearing Yu Culture and saying so, Yang Guang couldn't hide his disappointment.

His real purpose is to destroy the Yin Gui faction and Cihang Jingzhai.

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