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The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 67

Author: Pan Sheng 001

Master Chen called a man. Jia Lang was in Master Chen's yard, leaving the only living!

The sharp long knife is on the neck!!

"Go, call your wife and young master. I have something big to announce!"

Mr. Chen said!!

The valet nodded and began to go to the backyard, ready to call the young master and wife!

It's just that the comer didn't find it!!

In the grass on both sides of the road!

I don't know how many bodies were thrown away and thrown into the grass!


"Well, that man, you can put down the knife... This is a little dangerous...!"

Master Chen looked at the long knife on his neck, and his voice trembled slightly!!

"Shut up!"

Jia Lang said coldly, "I advise you not to play tricks, otherwise everyone in your family will die!!"

Sure enough!

Under Jia Lang's control, everyone in Chen's mansion gathered in his own master's outer room!!

"What did you ask us to do at this late hour?"

"Who knows, my son is still breastfeeding!"

A woman dressed up as a concubine said!

"The children are awake and have to shout. It's true!!"

"Sir, what do you ask us to do?"

"Dad, what are you doing inside?"

The families of Chen's house spoke one after another!

Jia Lang walked out with Master Chen!

Seeing his master being driven by a knife around his neck, everyone's faces changed a lot!!

"Hey, hello, who are you? What are you going to do to our master?"

"Come on, let go of our master, or I will report to the official!"

"Come on, come on, come on...!!"


Under the shouts of Master Chen's wife and concubine, a nameman rushed in and confronted Jia Lang with a vigilant face!!

"Master Chen, plead guilty?"

"Otherwise, I'll kill all your servants first?"

A sneer appeared on the corners of Jia Lang's mouth!!

"Contend it, what to confess? I don't know what you're talking about!!"

Master Chen said firmly!

I hope so!

After saying that!

Jia Lang rushed into the crowd of Chen's people in the Chen Mansion with a long knife, waiting for everyone to react!

Several men were cut to the ground by Jia Lang!

Blood splashed everywhere!

The blood type of the scene is incomparable!

The old and young people of the Chen family screamed one after another!!

Several women wanted to untie Master Chen's rope, but found that they couldn't untie Jia Lang's rope at all!!


All the comers are dead!!

Jia Lang's knife!

It was caught in the neck of Master Chen's wife, which scared the middle-aged woman trembled all over and dared not move!!

I saw the scene just happened!

The young man in front of him!

He is simply a ruthless executioner. Now the body lying on the ground has residual warmth!!

"Master Chen, plead guilty?"

Jia Lang continued to ask!

"Preve guilty, what's the sin?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

Master Chen shook his head quickly!


Blood splashed everywhere!

The long knife in Jia Lang's hand easily wiped the neck of a middle-aged woman!!


The long knife in Jia Lang's hand was put on the neck of an eight or nine-year-old child. He looked at Master Chen and said coldly, "Is this your son, right?"

"Tiger poison doesn't eat children!!"

"Say it!"

"Pret guilty, write down the cause and effect!"


Master Chen's face became a little pale!

But he still shook his head and said, "You, what are you going to do? I don't know anything, I don't know anything!"


"Maybe, you still have a way back!"

After Jia Lang finished speaking!

The long knife in his hand turned, cut off Master Chen's lower body, and the blood flowed!

It was so scared that the harsh screams of the female family next to me sounded!

Jia Lang gathered Mr. Chen's children and looked at Master Chen with a painful and ferocious face, and the Chen's concubines who had long been scared to soften all over!

He said, "Master Chen, aren't you doing this for the descendants?"

"Now, your descendants are all here!!"

"Two sons and one daughter, it's so blessed!"

"There are three unfilial piety, and it is the most great thing to have no filial piety. Now you are already an eunuch and have no way out!"

"I'm asking you now, do you plead guilty?"

Jia Lang's voice fell!

Long knife in your hand!

He fell on the neck of one of Master Chen's sons and said coldly!!

Chapter 058 The body of Taiyin, the change of the attitude of the courtier [Ask for Flowers]

The next day!

After Jia Lang and Shangguan Liuyun gathered in front of the gate of the Grand View Garden, they walked to Yanggu County, where Shangguan Liuyun took office!!

Although the carriage will take three days!

But if you are riding a horse!

That's the day!

Jia Lang handed over the fold to the emperor, and the Xuandao emperor naturally agreed!

Otherwise, as a member of the third grade of the imperial court, it will not be impossible to go out of the capital like this!!

Quickly whip all the way!

It will arrive by tomorrow at the latest!

After all, Yanggu County is not far from Jinling!

Jia Lang is alone!!

The whole world of the Zhou Dynasty has been filled with people in their own Red Mansions. If something goes wrong, you can find support at any time!


It's not necessary. Let's find a servant again!!

As for the maid!!

This day is bumpy, and there may be danger. I don't have time to take care of them!!


It's not as good as being alone!

In addition to himself, Shangguan Liuyun also brought a maid, who seemed to have some kung fu on his body!

Hurry up and whip!

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