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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 68

Author: Pan Sheng 001

Time goes by minute and second!

Enter the night!

Jia Lang and Shangguan Liuyun found an inn to rest!

Wait until tomorrow morning!

I guess I can get to Yanggu County!

After seeing that Jia Lang was extraordinary, the store naturally did not dare to neglect and quickly arranged the room!!

Several county magistrates!

Not only do they die or die in office, but also those who have happened before taking office!!


For the sake of safety!

Although there are two rooms!

But I'm going to stay in a room, at least spend tonight!

As for the following!

Then figure it out again!

"Brother Shangguan!"

"It seems that we can only sleep in the same bed today!"

Looking at the only one bed in the room, Jia Lang took off his boots on his feet and said!!


Shangguan Liuyun frowned slightly and looked at the only one bed in the room and said, "I'm not used to sleeping with others. I'll be on the chair all night!"

"Oh, that's good!"

Jia Lang saw this!

Naturally, there is no reason to disagree!

Whoever wants to sleep with a man can now occupy a bed alone, which is naturally great!!

Jia Lang lay in bed!

Shangguan Liuyun naturally sat on the chair in the room, lying on the table to survive tonight!

As for the maid brought by Shangguan Liuyun!

It's in the outer house!

A girl!

In the room of two men, it's naturally bad!


It's late at night!!


Outside the window on the second floor!

The wooden window was slowly opened outside!

Two men in black tights slowly came in from the outside and were as quick as black cats!!

I hold two sharp knives in my hand!!

I took a look at Shangguan Liuyun, who was sleeping on the table, and then at Jia Lang, who was lying in bed!

Two men in black took out the portrait in their arms!

Above the portrait!

There are two people!

One person is Shangguan Liuyun, and the other one is Jia Lang!!

The man in black looked at each other!

Slowly raise the sharp knife in your hand, even in this night, exudes endless cold light!

Suddenly, he smashed down the Shangguan Liuyun in front of him!!


"Find for death!!"

It's at this critical moment!

A roar!

Like thunder!

The shock made the two men in black feel pain in their ears, and they couldn't help but stop the weapons in their hands!!


I saw a dark shadow coming suddenly!

Jia Lang kicked a man in black on the chest, accompanied by a crisp bone breaking sound!!

The power of terror!!

Directly kick the skin of the man in black, and the blood and flesh and blood were sprinkled out instantly with the internal organs!!

The air exudes an extremely strong bloody smell!

It's even more numb and thrilling!

He was a man in black who was kicked by Jia Lang, because his abdomen had been kicked by Jia Lang, and his skin was broken...!!

As a result, the intestines and internal organs are poured out!!

So after falling to the ground!

I kept trying to get up, but I kept falling to the ground for physical reasons!!

Especially after seeing the misery of my body!!

Keep howling loudly!

This ruthless executioner!

After seeing the scene of his body panic, he was also scared to sweat and upright!!


It was accompanied by severe pain!

I soon fainted!

Another man in black!

Looking at the scene in front of me, I opened my mouth wide!

A cold sweat came out in an instant!!

I don't want to think about it!!

Jump straight down the window and run away!!

The devil!!

What a devil. Is this boy really a devil?

Take advantage of the cover of the night!

The man in black kept running on the road, recalling the tragedy of his companion in his mind, and couldn't help but feel a little nauseous and wanting to vomit out!!

Such a big move!

Naturally, I woke up Shangguan Liuyun...!!

After seeing the scene in front of me, his face turned pale and spit it out directly...!!

At this time!

The maid outside the door also rushed in!

After all, I have some martial arts foundations on my body, and I have a lot of things to contact with. After seeing the miserable situation of the man in black, I couldn't help frowning and pale...!!


But he also resisted vomiting and dragged his master out!!


In the dark!

Jia Lang followed the man in black!!

There are beekeepers!

Because bees like to eat bees, they need to get rid of bees around them!

Choose a small piece of pork!

Place it in a clear place, and the size of rice grains is enough...!!

Waiting for the meat-eating wasp to come!!

While he eats pork, tie a light thread to the wasp and follow the wasp to the beehive position!!

Take it off in one pot!!

The same is true for the man in black to leave!

Sure enough!

The man in black then entered a big house!


In a room with candlelight!

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