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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wu Ji. Chapter 69

Author: Pan Sheng 001

The man in black knelt on the ground, and his voice trembled slightly, "Sir, the assassination failed!"

"Just two princes of Jinling!"

"Can this assassinate failure?"

Master Chenfu, with his back to the killer and dressed in luxurious clothes, said with a trace of warmth and anger in his voice!


"One of them, named Jia Lang, has kung fu on his body, so he failed to assassinate!"

The man in black said helplessly, "If it hadn't been for my cleverness, I'm afraid I'll stay there now!"



As soon as the man in black's voice fell, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open!


Hear the abnormal noise!

The man in black and Master Chen suddenly looked out of the door!

I only saw a handsome man!

At this moment!

Standing outside the door, looking at the man in black and Master Chen with a cold face!!

"Who is your Excellency?"

Master Chen frowned, and a hint of ominous foreboding rose in his heart!

"Jia Lang!"

He smiled and replied, "Are you going to kill me?"



"Jia Lang?"

After hearing Jia Lang's answer, Master Chen was obviously shocked and quickly said to the man in black beside him, "Come on, why are you still stunned? Kill him!"

"Old...Master...I, I...!!"

The man in black looked ugly!!

Jia Lang is awesome!

When I was in the inn, I already understood it and kicked people's bodies directly, which was simply beyond the reach of ordinary people!!

Go up now!!

That's hardly much different from finding death. Naturally, I don't dare to do it!!

"Damn it, rubbish!!"

Seeing the appearance of the man in black, Master Chen couldn't help scolding and immediately called for the servant in the mansion!!

"Come on...come on...!"


"Don't shout!"

"Everyone is dead!!"

Jia Lang looked coldly at Master Chen and the man in black, and he was about to throw out a ball in his hand!!

When Jia Lang first came in!

There is something like a ball in his hand. Master Chen is still curious about what it is!!

Now it's rolling to yourself!

I finally know what it is!

It turns out that this is a human head!!

"Give it to me!!"

Master Chen was shocked, pulled out the long knife around the waist of the man in black next to him, and looked at Jia Lang with a vigilant face!

Jia Lang is not afraid at all!

I even looked at this master Chen with some disdain and walked towards Master Chen step by step!!

By your own means!

Jia Lang thinks!

It doesn't even take too long, and this matter should be over soon!

I just don't know!

Who is involved behind this!!

Since you want to do it!

Then dig out the biggest one!

"Get me to death!"

Seeing Jia Lang walking towards him step by step, Master Chen immediately waved the long knife in his hand and rushed towards Jia Lang!!

The elderly body!!

In the eyes!

But it flashed fox-like treacherous eyes!

I think it in Master Chen's heart!

He holds a long knife, and there is no weapon in the other party's hand. Anyway, he can cut him a knife!!

Just cut it with a knife!

No matter how strong the people are, they will lose their power to act, right?

It's just a pity!

This Master Chen really underestimates people like Jia Lang!!

Before the long knife in my hand was raised, I felt a stone suddenly hitting my hand!!

A long knife in my hand!

It landed directly on the ground!

At this time, Jia Lang also turned into a shadow and rushed up, tying Mr. Chen and the man in black!!

Room 1!

Master Chen called a man. Jia Lang was in Master Chen's yard, leaving the only living!

The sharp long knife is on the neck!!

"Go, call your wife and young master. I have something big to announce!"

Mr. Chen said!!

The valet nodded and began to go to the backyard, ready to call the young master and wife!

It's just that the comer didn't find it!!

In the grass on both sides of the road!

I don't know how many bodies were thrown away and thrown into the grass!


"Well, that man, you can put down the knife... This is a little dangerous...!"

Master Chen looked at the long knife on his neck, and his voice trembled slightly!!

"Shut up!"

Jia Lang said coldly, "I advise you not to play tricks, otherwise everyone in your family will die!!"

Sure enough!

Under Jia Lang's control, everyone in Chen's mansion gathered in his own master's outer room!!

"What did you ask us to do at this late hour?"

"Who knows, my son is still breastfeeding!"

A woman dressed up as a concubine said!

"The children are awake and have to shout. It's true!!"

"Sir, what do you ask us to do?"

"Dad, what are you doing inside?"

The families of Chen's house spoke one after another!

Jia Lang walked out with Master Chen!

Seeing his master being driven by a knife around his neck, everyone's faces changed a lot!!

"Hey, hello, who are you? What are you going to do to our master?"

"Come on, let go of our master, or I will report to the official!"

"Come on, come on, come on...!!"


Under the shouts of Master Chen's wife and concubine, a nameman rushed in and confronted Jia Lang with a vigilant face!!

"Master Chen, plead guilty?"

"Otherwise, I'll kill all your servants first?"

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