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The golden list appears in the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu Ji. Chapter 73

Author: Pan Sheng 001

"An antidote is impossible for the time being, but this is for you!"

The bent old man took out a book from his arms and threw it away.

"The secret of swallowing spirit?"

Jiang Yuyan was stunned: "What is this? Have I already practiced skills? I don't need this at all!"

Who knows, if you practice this, will you do their way again?!

"Do you move flowers to pick up wood? How can that thing be compared with the swallowing secret?

"Moving flowers and picking up the wood top allows you to practice to the master, and it is even impossible to go to the top ten of the diving dragon list. What's the use?"

"After practicing to the end, it's not a waste!"

"Organizations don't need waste."

"Curching the secret of swallowing spirits, you can also enter the top ten of the diving list in the future, even far surpassing them."

The bent old man pointed to the list in the air, and the quiet way.

Jiang Yuyan's eyes flashed with a strong murderous meaning in the depths of her eyes, and she was very unwilling to open the book.

For a long time, I couldn't help but be stunned.

"This swallowing secret, do you want me to be a devil that everyone shouts to fight and kill?"

Jiang Yuyan said fiercely.

"So what about the devil? Aren't you the devil now?

"Swallow the flesh and blood of the warrior, devour the innate aura of the baby's body, and improve the root bones of qualifications, you, you..."

Jiang Yuyan thinks that although she is not a good person, she can't compare with those who are really unforgivable.

But once you really practice the secret of swallowing spirits, then don't say that there is no forgiveness.

Forget people.

These people are forcing her to death!

"No, how can you catch up with the top ten in the Qianlong list?"

"They have a heavenly reward that can transform their physique. Can you?"

"In the future, your gap will widen and wider, and finally you will become an ant in their eyes, which can be wiped out with a wave."

The bent old man continues to stimulate the channel.

"What's more, the poison in your body and the practice of swallowing tips can also be suppressed or even untied."

"From now on, I won't give you an antidote."

"If you want to continue to live, you can only practice this skill!"

The tone of the bent old man is extremely indifferent.

Even, it reveals endless viciousness.

"Okay, I'll practice!"

Jiang Yuyan stared coldly.

Don't give her a chance, otherwise she will definitely not survive or die.

She has never hated anyone so much.

Although this man helped her become the imperial concubine of the Han Dynasty, she also had supreme power.

"Well, let's talk about business now!"

"The martial arts of the Han Dynasty, the world will!"

"The organization wants you to completely control him. Xiongba is a very good chess piece."

Jiang Yuyan was in a lack of interest. She still has blackened her eyes in the court now.

Isn't martial arts so far away?

"You are so organized, why don't you do it yourself?

Besides, there is a congenital in our district. How can we control the majesty of the master?"

"I will stay and help you, and the strong men under my command will also do it in your name, and the organization cannot be exposed for the time being.

As for your safety, don't worry, as long as you practice the swallowing secret diligently, it is not a problem to protect yourself.

When Jiang Yuyan heard this, a touch of light flashed in her eyes.

Intrigues and tricks surged out of my mind.

She needs to plan well.

It is necessary not only to solve the problem that Xiongba completes the task, but also solves this old ghost that dislikes her to the extreme.

At the same time, she stared at the hidden dragon list.

The top ten Qianlong was also completely hated by her.

It was these people who had to practice this trick.

In the future, she may become a human, ghost, and demon.

Once she finds an opportunity in the future, she will never let these people go.

Jiang Yuyan's heart was full of hatred.

Jiang Yuyan, who has been "tortured" by the bent old man for so long, who is already extreme and feminous, is completely abnormal.

"You Ruo, the daughter of the bully, it's just you."

"Take your knife first!"

Jiang Yuyan pulled out a trace of evil at the corners of her mouth.

Let the rickets and Youruo kill each other, and even hurt both, and she can benefit from the fisherman.


Tang Dynasty Palace, Taiji Hall.

"Yuan Shi, how are you recruiting Qin Shuang, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and Broken Wave, who were previously listed?"

"Although these people are a little different from the top ten, they are not weak when they grow up."

Although Li Shimin said so, he was more looking forward to the ruth on the list.

"Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng failed to recruit, but they broke the waves, but promised to join our Tang Dynasty!"

"This human right is very thirsty. As long as your majesty gives him an increase of officials and power, it is a good chess piece."

"But once Your Majesty can't satisfy his desires, he is likely to betray him in the future."

"Your Majesty, do you need this person? If not, I will kill him myself.

Yuan Tiangang looked at people very accurately and immediately took a thorough look at the nature of the broken waves.

"Use, why don't you use it? If he wants power, I will give him power!"

"As long as I have my task, he can successfully complete it and raise him for a period of time. What's the harm?"

"When I raise my national strength, I will consider whether to keep him or not."

Now that Li Shimin's manpower is limited, he has decided to be unconventional.

"As for the frost and Fengyun, Yuan Shi continued to solicit. If he didn't, he didn't have to complain with them."

"Your Majesty said that these three people are different from Broken Waves and are indeed good talents."

"What I want most is this Youruo. Her value far exceeds that of all, and even can improve the overall national strength of the Tang Dynasty. Yuan Shi, do you have any way?"

For Youruo, he is really happy to see it.

Unfortunately, it is even more difficult to convince you want to accept it.

"I will deal with it myself, and I will not let Your Majesty down!"

"Haha, okay, I'm waiting for the good news from Yuan Shi."

Although it is strong, it is only the realm of the master.

Compared with Yuan Tiangang's land immortal, there is still a long way to go.

Aren't you really taking action?

Once you fall into his hands, even if you can't attract his heart, you can attract his people.

Take time to grind it slowly, and one day sooner or later, it will be completely rehauled.


Daming Emperor.

God's residence.

"Sister Qiu Di, with your strength, how many moves can you defeat this ruo?"

After getting along with each other during this period, Lin Shiyin also began to understand Murong Qiudi's personality.

At the same time, I also know the terribleness of her strength.

At least, Lin Shiyin is not an opponent at all.

"I haven't really fought. Who can make it clear?"

Murong Qiudi shook his head and was speechless for a while.

How many tricks?

Isn't it so easy?

It's really okay to win her.

But it is by no means easy.

Which one is simple to be in the top ten of the latent dragon list?

Even Lin Shiyin around her didn't dare to underestimate at all.

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