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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wuyu. Chapter 74

Author: Pan Sheng 001

Otherwise, it will be her who will suffer.

The threat in her heart has always reminded her that Lin Shiyin is by no means harmless as such a person or animal on the surface.

Lin Shiyin is like this.

So, isn't it more dangerous for You Ruo, who ranked fourth on the list?!!

"Look, the list has been refreshed, and the third place will appear soon!"

Lin Shiyin shouted.

The two quickly projected their eyes.

[Qianlong List · Third place!]

[Murong Qiudi!]

[Identity: Miss Qixingtang, Murong Family, the leader of Tianzun Organization!]

[Dimm: Half Step Land Wonderland (life and Death Gateway)]

[Fms: The secret of the trace of Ping!]

[Reward: Heavenly best elixir: fairy elixir, after taking it, it can transform into physique and become the body of immortals!]

Chapter 061 The Body of Immortals, the second place on the Hidden Dragon List [Please order first]

"Half a step in the land fairyland?"

Lin Shiyin was stunned for a long time. She thought Murong Qiudi was also in a perfect situation!

The most important thing is that Murong Qiudi is only the third place?

What about the first place and the second place?

It turns out that Sister Qiu Di's skills are called Pingz's secret?

As soon as you hear the name, it's very good.

"Poetry, help me protect the law. I'll take the elixir first to see what the magic effect of the fairy's body?"

Murong Qiudi looked at the elixir in his hand and flashed a trace of joy.

With the help of this elixir, she will become a land fairy, which will be easier.

"Well, don't worry, I'll stay in front of the door!"

A quarter of an hour later.

Murong Qiudi slowly opened his eyes, and his momentum condensed.

Even the whole person's temperament has changed again.

It was already beautiful, but now that his physique has changed, Lin Shiyin, who can't help but be dazzled.

"Sister Qiu Di, how do you feel?"

"It's worthy of the reward of heaven, and the effect is very good!"

Murong Qiudi took a deep breath and barely suppressed the excitement in his heart.

She felt that her bottleneck was a little loose.

The real element in the body is greatly pure.

The speed is also nearly ten times faster.

After crossing the gateway of life and death, she can be 100% promoted.

The closer she is to the land fairyland, the more she feels the horror and attraction of this place.

"Sister Qiu Di, the identity of the leader of Tianzun's organization has been exposed now. I'm afraid it will be peaceful in the future."

Lin Shiyin is a little worried.

"So what? Do you think I care?"

Murong Qiudi looked disdainful.

Nowadays, as long as she is not a land fairy, she is not afraid of anyone.

What's more, there are many forces under her command.

No one can shake her position.


Murong Qiudi's appearance on the list not only shocked everyone in the Ming Dynasty.

Even all parts of Kyushu are also amazed.

The most important thing is.

Her realm!

Half-step land fairyland!

There is also a name, the Gateway of Life and Death.

It turned out that before the master broke through the land fairyland, there was also a level, the barrier of life and death.

Only by spending it safely can we advance.

Some masters may not be able to touch the gateway of life and death for a lifetime.

Naturally, it can't become a land fairy.

Now the exposure of the life-and-death porch has finally given many masters a way forward.

People from other countries in Kyushu may not know who Murong Qiudi is.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, I know a lot.

Originally, in the eyes of the martial arts people of the Ming Dynasty, Murong Qiudi was just a martial arts beauty and a boudoir.

I don't know any martial arts.

I didn't expect to hide so deep.

It's not just half a land fairyland.

Moreover, a huge and horrible Tianzun organization was secretly established.

Over the years, Tianzun Organization has been famous in the world.

No one expected that the leader behind it would be a little girl who was less than 20 years old.

She is a little girl in a half-step land fairyland.

Everyone can't help but admire Murong Qiudi's wisdom, talent and heart. Feel scared.

She can't do anything else in a lifetime before she is twenty years old.

Moreover, it also puts everyone in the dark.

Even her father, Murong's head, knew nothing.

How terrible this is.

The depth of hiding is appalling.

Compared with her, the dragons in front of her dwarfed.


Daming, in a forest near Shenjian Villa.

The third young master Xie Xiaofeng sat on the ground with thirteen seats.

They each took a bottle of wine and poured it up.

"Hahaha, ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

"In Qiu Di's eyes, I, Xie Xiaofeng, may be a big fool!"

Xie Xiaofeng was also stimulated.

He was defeated by Murong Qiudi before, and he only thought that she was a master's early cultivation.

He is confident that one day he can catch up and surpass it.

But now the gold list has been exposed.

Half-step land fairyland!

Even if Xie Xiaofeng is confident, he will not reach this point before he is 40 years old.

The huge gap made the third young master, who had been pretentious since he was a child, accept it for a while.

The heart is so complicated that it is beyond.

Not only Xie Xiaofeng, but also Yan Shisan next to him is extremely puzzled.

His family has been a monk of the Murong family for generations.

He has been learning and practicing martial arts with Murong Qiudi since he was a child.

Yan Shisan has never seen a young lady practice martial arts.

But why is it getting stronger now?

The strong made him a little desperate.

Originally, I was about to break through the master, and I felt that I could continue to guard the eldest lady.

But now?


Do you still need his guardian for half-step land immortals?

I don't think it will take long.

The young lady is about to become a real land fairy!

What I didn't expect was that the prestigious Tianzun organization in the world was actually established by the young lady.

How much did he hide from himself?

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