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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wu Ji. Chapter 76

Author: Pan Sheng 001

"It's far from comparable to Zhao Ji, Zhao Gu and Liu Hong."

"I have carefully studied Zhu Houzhao, from birth to the crown prince to the emperor."


"Even the emperor of Qin Dynasty, Yingzheng, did not give me this feeling."

Hearing this, Li Shimin finally looked directly at it:

"What Yuan Shi said is true?"

"Naturally, the imperial concubine Dragon Girl is extremely in love with him. Will a great master successfully fall in love with a useless person? Even if he is an emperor?"


Li Shimin shook his head decisively.

"It's a pity that even so, I can't give up easily."

"Since it's hard, let's soft."

"To improve the conditions, as long as Murong Qiudi joins our Tang Dynasty and lets her open the conditions, I will definitely be satisfied."

"As long as she voluntarily follows, even if Zhu Houzhao doesn't want to, there is no reason for him to stop it!"

"Your Majesty, although the success rate of this matter is not high, I would like to have a try!"

"Okay, let it be left to Yuan Shi."

Li Shimin nodded and finally made a decision 2.6.


He also focused on the Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao.

Originally, he didn't pay attention to this man.

But after listening to Yuan Tiangang's words, he also felt that it made a lot of sense and immediately increased his attention.

At least Zhu Houzhao has not been regarded as Zhao Gu, Zhao Ji and Liu Hong's stream.


Daqin Palace.

"Zhao Gao, is there any way to let Murong Qiudi join our Daqin?"

"Your Majesty, this woman is too strong to deal with."

Zhao Gao smiled bitterly.

He also wants to do this, but he is weak.

Don't say that he is not hurt easily now, he is in a spell and breaks an arm;

Even in his heyday, he was not Murong Qiudi's opponent.

If you want to be strongly subdued, unless the land immortals are sent.

But if Zhen sends land immortals to go, it will completely provoke Daming.

Although he is not afraid, there is no need to provoke a big enemy.

"Your Majesty, the safest way is to secretly send people and Murong Qiudi to negotiate the conditions and meet all her conditions."

"Let her be willing to join."

"This is the best policy."

"Although the price I pay will be a little high, it's worth it."

"Okay, just do as you said. I can afford some interests in the district!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand and was extremely bold.

The amazing existence of such as Murong Qiudi can defeat millions of troops.

It can even enhance the national strength of the country.

No matter how expensive it is, it will not lose money.

"Huh? The list has been refreshed again.

"I'd like to see who is the second place on the Qianlong list."


In the sky, the list is refreshed.

[Qinlong List · Second place!]

[Wu Wu!

Chapter 062 Caused a sensation, Emperor Shitian [Please order for the first time]

[Qinlong List · Second place!]


[Identity: Empress of the Ming Dynasty, the lord of the Underworld City!]

[Picture: Half-step Land Wonderland (life and Death Gateway) (Originally the Land Wonderland, due to kung fu, self-depreemption of power leads to downgrade!)]

[Kung Fu: Nirvana Tips!]

[Reward: Xianpin elixir: Phoenix Nirvana, after taking it, it can transform your physique and make the phoenix immortal!]


Wu Wu?!

Empress Daming?

Yingzheng had just taken a sip of tea and hadn't swallowed it.

"Why is Empress Daming on the list?"

"Also, I remember, Empress Daming seems to be called Li Mei Niang, right?"

"Why did it become martial arts?"

Ying Zheng said angrily.

"Zhao Gao, what did you do? Can you make mistakes in such a big thing?"

Ying Zheng was shocked and angry.

If it is the information of ordinary martial arts people, it is wrong.

The consequences will not be too serious.

Can the information of such enemy emperors and queens be mistaken?

This is an unforgivable dereliction of duty.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on?"

"No one expected that this Daming Empress was so hidden so deep?"

"Even more powerful than Murong Qiudi!"

"I expected that even Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, might not know her identity?"

Zhao Gao was also drunk.

The aggrieved point.

I used to think my subordinates were awesome, but now they are getting more and more wasteful.

Why are the Ming people so difficult to deal with?

Fortunately, it's just the queen who has a problem.

If Emperor Daming makes another mistake, it is estimated that 29 Yingzheng has killed his heart.

"The Underworld?"

"Master of China, have you ever heard of the Underworld?"

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes and then asked again.

This Daming Empress will definitely be a strong enemy in the future.

She definitely has a big conspiracy.

"Your Majesty, I haven't heard of it." The moon god shook his head.

"Zhao Gao, how about you?"

"Weichen has never heard of it. Empress Daming hides too deeply."

Feeling Ying Zheng's eyes, Zhao Gao gritted his teeth and replied with difficulty.

"Since the gold list is exposed, then the Underworld City must exist. Check it!"

"Recheck all the information of Empress Daming carefully again!"

Ying Zheng gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Unlike Murong Qiudi, it may be recruited.

The Empress Daming can be said to be a clear enemy.

Moreover, looking at her style and her hiding so deeply, her ambition is definitely not small. She is definitely a peerless enemy.

You must be careful, be careful.

Next, Ying Zheng asked several questions in a row. Whether it was Zhao Gao or Yueshen, they all didn't know each other.

It disappointed him.

The moon god who used to know everything and can do everything, and Zhao Gao, a capable general, can't do it now.

"You can retreat!"

After the moon god and Zhao Gao left, Ying Zheng's face changed.

"Come out!"

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