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Home > Fan Fiction > The golden list is on the world, and my queen turned out to be Wu.

The golden list appears in the world, and my queen is actually Wuyu Chapter 77

Author: Pan Sheng 001

"See Your Majesty!" An old man in black appeared in front of Eisei.

"Aiqing, do you know the Underworld City?"

"We know, this is an extremely terrible organization. Generally speaking, everyone who knows its name is dead."

The old man in black gritted his teeth.

"My Black Ice Platform deals with them a lot, and there are many people who die in their hands."

"If I hadn't had secret, otherwise I wouldn't have known their intelligence."

"However, even so, little is known about more information about the Underworld."

Ying Zheng was shocked.

Even the Black Ice Platform has suffered a setback?

You know, in Daqin, the intelligence agencies on the bright side are Luo Wang and Shadow Guard.

But what is really trusted by Eisei is still the Black Ice Platform.

Just like the bad people of the Tang Dynasty.

The Imperial City Division of the Northern Song Dynasty.

And the dark guard of the Ming Dynasty.

Among them, there are land immortals.

The old man in black in front of him is one of the backgrounds of Daqin.

A real land fairy.

The strength is unfathomable.

Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin and Yang family may not be good in front of him.

This is also the source of Yingzheng's self-confidence.

"Aiqing, keep investigating. Be sure to completely understand the information of this Underworld, otherwise I will have a hard time to sleep and eat!"

Ying Zheng said harshly.

"By the way, Aiqing, do you know the real footsteps of this Daming Empress?"

"She can't be Li Mei Niang. It's probably her pseudonym!"

"When she enters the Daming Palace, there must be her conspiracy."

"Do you think it's possible for her to usurp the throne like Jiang Yuyan of the hero?"

Yingzheng's eyes showed excitement.

It would be very interesting if Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and Wu Yu were infighting.

Even if Zhu Houzhao is rubbish again, the background of Daming should not be underestimated.

Regardless of the final outcome, Daming's national strength is bound to weaken significantly.

This is their chance.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you."

"The background of Daming Dynasty is comparable to that of Daqin."

"A martial arts in the district can't hurt the foundation of Daming."

"What's more, the Black Ice Platform's exploration of Daming has never stopped."

"Even me dare not easily approach the Ming imperial city!"

"Emperor Zhu Houzhao is not as simple as it seems!"

"Don't underestimate them."

When the old man in black said about the Ming imperial city, there was a trace of caution.

Obviously, he definitely suffered a lot of money there.

"Is that so?"

"Aiqing, you are a land fairyland. Like Wu Yu, first a land immortal, then waste your skills, and then re-cultivate it. What's the situation?"

"Why did she do this?"

He didn't understand the tips on the gold list.

I don't understand what she thinks at all.

"Maybe it's because she practiced her skills!"

"However, it can be confirmed that this woman has a good intention, great perseverance and great wisdom."

"Not everyone has this courage to give up his martial arts after he became a land immortal."

"It seems that it won't take long for her to repair the land fairyland again."

"What's more, the elixir rewarded by Tiandao has made her physique improve again, which is even more terrible."

"In the future, even the minister may not be his opponent."

The old man in black sighed.

Ying Zheng was a little disappointed and waved his hand.

"Anyway, it is the top priority to find out the true details of Wu Yu and the underworld city!"

"Yes, I quit!"

Yingzheng fell back into calm.

The Ming Dynasty, which was not valued by him, re-entered his focus.

If Daqin hadn't been too far away from Daming, he would have sent troops to attack and test.


Tang Dynasty Palace, Taiji Hall.

Li Shimin was also shocked.

Even Yuan Tiangang was surprised in his eyes.

Wu Wu!

Good name!

The sun and the moon are in the sky!

This Daming queen is not ambitious!

The most important thing is that the hiding is so deep.

If it hadn't been for the gold list to be exposed, he wouldn't even have any doubts.

This is a little terrible.

If you can avoid the eyes of Yuan Tiangang, you are not a simple person.

"Yuan Shi, have you heard of the Underworld?"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth and asked.

Somehow, he inexplicably felt an unprecedented threat to the Empress of Daming called Wuyi.

Incomparable fear.

Even Emperor Yingzheng of the Qin Dynasty did not feel this way.

It can be said that Wu Wu was listed as one of the most wanted enemies to get rid of.

It even surpassed Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

"What's more than I've heard about it, there are not a few dealings."

"It's just why it still exists. I have already destroyed the Underworld City, right?"

Yuan Tiangang was a little confused.

However, it soon became clear.

"What a martial arts. She deliberately let my bad people destroy a dark city on the surface."

"The real underworld city hides in the dark again."

"I may have been fooled."

"It's careless!"

Hearing Yuan Tiangang's words, Li Shimin was more afraid.

Yuan Tiangang has a deep understanding of his ability.

It can make him realize it later, and I don't realize how terrible the ability of Wu?

"Yuan Shi, is there any way to get rid of her? No matter what cost!"


Yuan Tiangang shook his head decisively and refused without hesitation:

"Nowadays, Wu Yao is only one step away from rebuilt back to the land immortals."

"In addition to the reward of heaven, the physical transformation may be advanced at any time."

"What's more, she is now in the Daming Palace."

"Before you understand the real relationship between Zhu Houzhao and Wu Yu, it is absolutely not appropriate to act rashly."

Li Shimin was very disappointed.

"Yuan Shi, it is obviously her conspiracy for Wu Yu to become Empress Daming. Will she want to usurp the power of the Ming Dynasty?"

"If 187 is the case, the relationship between Zhu Houzhao and Wu Yu is irreconcilable!"

"The immortal relationship."

"Can I benefit from fishermen in Datang?"

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