
"One or two land immortals can't hurt the foundation of Baiyue City at all."

Yan Lingji's face is pale.

I am very confident in the means of self-protection in Baiyue City.

"Well, get ready, Sister Zi, Nongyu and Honglian, you three go together."

"If Sister Purple has the opportunity, it is best to set up an intelligence agency in the Ming Dynasty."

"I don't think that Daming queen is very simple. There will definitely be no less interactions between us and her in the future."


Daming Emperor.

Tianzun Organization is located.

Murong Qiudi and Lin Shiyin looked at each other with an incredible face.

"He also taught your knife trick?"

"Sister Qiu Di, isn't that the same?"

"I didn't expect that the person we have been looking for was Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

"Su Yi, the Qinglian sword fairy, is just his incarnation!"

"What on earth are we in his heart?"

Murong Qiudi was so excited that his mood was extremely complicated.

She didn't believe that the scumbag would not know what she had done in the world?

Will that scumbag not know that she is looking for him everywhere?

But that guy actually ignored it.

It doesn't mean to appear at all.

"No, I must go to Daming Palace and ask him well."

Murong Qiudi quickly stood up.

"Sister Qiu Di, don't get excited. Don't do anything stupid."

Lin Shiyin immediately stopped:

"If you really do this, you will be fooled."

"Did you see the second queen Wu Yi on the Qianlong list?"

"She is definitely not an easy person. If she seizes the opportunity, you will definitely fall behind."

"Since that guy taught us such precious skills, it is conceivable that he must have us in his heart."

"Our biggest opponent is not the scumbag, but the queen."

"If the scumbag doesn't come to us, he must be afraid that we will be persecuted by the queen."

"In terms of status, she is innately in an advantage. If we continue to be reckless, we will lose completely."

Murong Qiudi hasn't reacted yet.

Lin Shiyin next to her completely lit up the talent of Gongdou.

The head of the word was Tao, and Murong Qiudi was stunned when he heard it.

She was still paying attention to the scumbag. Unexpectedly, Lin Shiyin targeted the key queen Wu Yu.

Murong Qiudi is not a fool.

It soon reacted.

Sister Shiyin is right. Scumbags are not the most fundamental reason.

With her understanding of the scumbag, he couldn't refuse her charm after the transformation.

Empress Wu is the biggest threat.

In terms of strength, she is still a little short of her opponent.

In terms of the forces under his command, Tianzun Organization is obviously not as good as the Underworld City.

You have to find a helper.

Then, Murong Qiudi's eyes lit up.

There is a goal.

Previously, the spy came to report that Song Yuhua and Youruo on the Qianlong list seemed to be in Daming.

If they are successfully allowed to join, the power of God will inevitably increase significantly.

Even in the subsequent martial arts power list, she may be on the list again.

That's it!

Empress Wu, right?!

We will never admit defeat!


Daming Palace.

Inside the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, people have been brought to your majesty!"

The leader of the dark guard said respectfully.

"Let him in!" Zhu Houzhao nodded.

"I am a hundred Xiaosheng, knock on your majesty. Long live!"

A middle-aged man dressed as a scholar said respectfully.

"Palth body, I call you this time. With your intelligence, you should know what's going on?"

"I guessed yes. It's about the Qinglong Club!"

Bai Xiaosheng smiled confidently.

"Yes, I don't want to interfere with the internal affairs of the Qinglong Club. It's up to you to pay more attention to it. Don't let him cause trouble for me."

"The golden list is on the world, and the Kyushu world will be completely chaotic."

"The Qinglong Association should not only develop and strengthen itself, but also ensure the stability of the Ming Martial Arts, fully demonstrating the value of the Qinglong Association."

Hearing Zhu Houzhao say this, Bai Xiaosheng was suddenly excited.

Although the Qinglong Club in the past was powerful, it always felt that something was missing.

As one of the dragon leaders of the Qinglong Club, he is very dissatisfied with the status quo.

Now, your majesty will personally assign him a task, and he must transform a green dragon party.

Even, he wanted to develop the power of the Qinglong Association into other imperial dynasties.

Such a sense of achievement is far from making a fuss in the Ming Dynasty, but much stronger.

Next, Zhu Houzhao listened to Bai Xiaosheng's development package.

Of course, he just listened silently and did not express his opinion.

He only focuses on the results.

If Bai Xiaosheng fails in the end, no matter how beautiful he said, it would be useless.

It took a long time for Zhu Houzhao to send him away.

Bai Xiaosheng is also a piece arranged by him in the Ming Dynasty.

Not only is strength strong, but the most important thing is that wisdom is not low.

Some things that are not suitable for Zhu Houzhao and Daming and Dark Guard are all done by him.

There are many pieces like Bai Xiaosheng in Kyushu.

"You are spying on him secretly. As long as you don't endanger Daming, you don't have to pay attention to him!"

"I'd like to see what he can do!"

Zhu Hou told the leader of the dark guard.

"Your Majesty, one more thing is very important. Your Majesty should be prepared!"

At this time, the leader of the dark guard looked solemn.

"Oh? What's the matter? Can you take it so seriously?" Zhu Houzhao was surprised.

"The emperor Shitian of Tianmen Organization has sent the godmother Luo Xian and the Ice Emperor to the Ming Dynasty!"

"Attempt to arrest the queen and the imperial concubine and destroy the whole Ming royal family by the way, Your Majesty is also their target!"

The commander of the dark guard immediately reported.

In the tone, there was a trace of disdain.

"Interesting, what's wrong with the old guy Di Shitian?"

"Destroy me, Daming? It seems that the so-called 'God' is used to it and has become a psycho!"

"If you don't continue to live in his old nest, you will definitely give him a profound lesson."

"God Mother Luo Xian, Ice Emperor? Ha ha, it's good to kill one of them, and the other one is also good.

"Di Shitian has a lot of things I need. Now he puts a chess piece inside."

"Let's go. We'll meet them!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Houzhao and the leader of the dark guard moved and disappeared in place.

Chapter 070 Strongly accepted as a chess piece, and the gold list is about to open again [Please book all]

Ten miles away from the Ming border.

Two figures flew quickly from a distance.

"Ice Emperor, when you enter Daming later, you must obey my orders and don't act privately!"

"If you miss the big event, in front of Emperor Shitian, you will be more miserable than before!"

Luo Xian, the godmother, looked at the Ice Emperor sharply and her tone was not good.

The Ice Emperor can be regarded as a disciple of Emperor Shitian, and his strength is very strong.

Unfortunately, in the past, because of his greed for love in the world, Emperor Shitian was extremely dissatisfied and finally frozen it as a punishment.

After waking up again, the ice emperor's mind changed greatly.

Bloodthirsty and ruthless, and even killed the woman he once loved most with his own hands.

He made Di Shitian very satisfied and became Di Shitian's right-hand man.

As for Luo Xian, he was raised by Emperor Shitian since he was a child. In addition, he was given as a disciple of the room and was awarded martial arts skills. He was extremely strong.

The whole Tianmen organization is divided into human, earth and heaven.

She became the manager of the human world, dealing with all matters of all sizes.

It is also one of the most important pieces of Di Shitian.

Whether it is the Ice Emperor or Luo Xian, there is the cultivation of landing immortals.

Therefore, they don't care about this task at all.

Even if he knew that Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was a fairyland on land, he was confident to kill him.

"Well, I see. I know what to do!"

The voice has just fallen.

It's within sight of the two people.


Two powerful figures appeared out of thin air.


"Who are you? Why did you stop our way?"

Seeing Zhu Houzhao and the leader of the dark guard, Luo Xian immediately asked on alert.

Zhu Houzhao showed a playful smile.

In terms of appearance, Luo Xian in front of her is no less than the queen Wu and the princess's little dragon girl.

It's just that the temperament is completely different.

When it came to force, she was much better than the queen and the princess.

After all, no matter how strong the queen is, she is only half a step of the land fairy.

Luo Xian is a solid land fairyland.

No wonder such a talent will be valued by Emperor Shitian.

How high the vision of an old monster who has lived for 2,000 years is that ordinary women can't get into his eyes.

"Isn't the goal of your trip me?"

"Now people stand in front of you and don't recognize them?"

Zhu Houzhao disdained a smile.

"I?"!" Luo Xian was slightly stunned.

Then I reacted and was shocked:

"Are you Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty? How do you know that our goal is you?

"District Tianmen! The emperor of the district just lets go!"

"You said right?"

Zhu Houzhao was inexplicable.

Whether it's Luo Xian or the Ice Emperor, I finally feel something is wrong.

Few people know the names of Tianmen and Di Shitian in Kyushu.

Even if you know, you will soon be killed one by one.

How can a mortal secular imperial dynasty know all this?

Thinking about it here, the murderous spirit in Luo Xian and the eyes of the Ice Emperor almost condenses into substance.

Di Shitian must not be let to know, otherwise the two of them will inevitably be implicated.

"No matter how you know it, it doesn't matter."

"You all have to die here anyway."

"Not only you, but also the people you are interested in leaving!"

The Ice Emperor shouted coldly and ruthlessly.

"You also need to have this ability! However, let's first consider whether you can live!"

Zhu Houzhao put away the smile on his face.

I have long had a heart for the Ice Emperor.

Then he told the leader of the dark guard next to him:

"You restrain Luo Xian next to you and don't let her escape."

"She is still useful to me!"

The voice has just fallen.

Zhu Houzhao has disappeared.

When he appeared again, he came to the Ice Emperor.

Gently push your right hand.

The horrible palms instantly hit him on the chest.



In an instant, the Ice Emperor spewed out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Luo Xian was shocked and was about to help.

The leader of the dark guard has bullied her and stopped her way.

The black shadow of Taoism was dense, covered all over her.

It's impossible to tell which one he is!

"Ah! Damn, you hurt me!"

The Ice Emperor roared, and unprecedented grumpy broke out.

"Land Wonderland?"

"Unfortunfortunally, it's useless to me. It's just the first rank of heaven and man in the district!"

"It's boring. Among the land immortals, you think you are the weakest one!"

The land fairyland is also divided into strength and weakness.

They are very different from each other.

Powerful, even easy to kill the weak in seconds.

Don't feel that you can be at peace and invincible in the world in Kyushu because you have been promoted to the land immortal.


Moreover, it's a big mistake!

On the real road of martial arts, the land immortals are just the beginning.

"Frozen the world!"

The Ice Emperor suddenly burst out of his strongest blow.

Terror surged out.

A chill spread in all directions.

The target is Zhu Houzhao.

Everything around me was frozen in an instant, as if it had entered the cold world.


"I can't stand it!"

"District heaven and man's rank, close your eyes and wait to die obediently, isn't it good?"

"The last move!"

"Thesewer me, this green lotus, if you don't die, I will give you a chance to live!"

Zhu Houzhao snorted coldly.

The palm of the right hand opened, and a colorful green lotus bloomed.


And it's dangerous!

Gently wave.

Qinglian soared in an instant.

The next moment.

It turned directly into a light and instantly moved to the Ice Emperor at an unimaginable speed.

Qinglian immediately hit him.

The Ice Emperor was shocked.

Then stand still.

There was a thick shock and despair flashing in my eyes.

"How come?"

"What kind of realm are you? Heaven and man's scale? Mythical level? Or is it the god and demon level?"


"You can't be so strong!"

After a sad scream.

Qinglian's vitality ravages the internal organs of the Ice Emperor.

With his fragile body, he can't resist at all.

Just three breaths.

The Ice Emperor was completely hanged on the spot.

There are no bones.

"Since you dare to kill people, you must have the awareness of being killed!"

Zhu Houzhao's cold words.

The green lotus just now was the most common move in his creation of the Qinglian Fairy Sutra.

He couldn't even catch such a simple move.

Do you dare to be arrogant in front of him?


Watching your partner be killed so easily.

Luo Xian looked incredible.

Although the strength of the Ice Emperor is not comparable to that of her.

But it is also a land fairy anyway.

How do you feel? It's like an ant.

How strong is this Ming emperor?

How deep is the hiding?


Without hesitation, Luo Xian was ready to flee.

Hurry back to Tianmen and report this matter to Di Shitian.

Let him be on guard early.

Only when Emperor Shitian takes action in person can he solve this deep hidden Emperor.

What a pity.

Her every move has long been seen by Zhu Hou.

How can she do well?

As soon as Luo Xian was about to get out, Zhu Houzhao's figure had arrived.

The speed is so fast.

To exceed her reaction speed.

I haven't had time to hide yet.

Zhu Houzhao's fingers quickly connected to several key points around him.

Luo Xian stood there in an instant and motionless.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?"

"You stay to clean the battlefield and erase all the traces here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Hou followed the order, immediately carried Luo Xian and quickly left.


On an unknown peak.

Zhu Houzhao threw Luo Xian to the ground casually, then looked around her for a moment.

Looking at Luo Xian's heart, there was a hairy head.

It feels getting worse and worse.

"Don't be delusional!"

"If you dare to destroy my innocence and be known by my master, he will make you worse than death!"

Luo Xian was so cowardly that she was angry and shouted angrily.

"Di Shitian? Xu Fu? God? Or is it a psychopath?"

Every time Zhu Houzhao said a word, Luo Xian couldn't help but be shocked.

I even felt scared.

He looked at the man in front of him with a frightened face.

Compared with Emperor Shitian, the man in front of him is more like a god, more like a demon, right?!!

"You, you, you..."

Luo Xian was so excited that he couldn't speak and stammered in a stammer.

"Ocient to me, maybe I can spare your life!"

Zhu Houzhao drank fiercely.

Luo Xian's heart trembled in fear.

But then it reacted.

Immediately, he looked at Zhu Houzhao angrily:

"You die. I'm the godmother under the command of Emperor Shitian. I will never betray my master."

"Kill me. Sooner or later, the master will definitely avenge me!"

Zhu Houzhao didn't care either.

Whether she is really obedient or not, he can't really believe it.

To convince her, Zhu Houzhao has his own way.

The question just now was just a test of her heart.

It's okay to be cultivated by Emperor Shitian.

The next moment.

Zhu Houzhao had a milky elixir in his hand.

For more than 20 years, one of the rewards of the lying flat system.

There is no chance to give Luo Xian a reaction.

The elixir was stuffed into her mouth in an instant.

The entrance melts.

"You, what did you eat for me?"

Luo Xian was furious.

At the same time, I was a little flustered.

"Poison!" Zhu Houzhao said indifferently.

Luo Xian listened and had a face.

"What's your name?"

"Luo Xian!"

"How old have you been following Emperor Shitian?"

"Five years old!"

"What's your current situation?"

"The land fairyland is perfect!"

Zhu Houzhao asked questions, and Luo Xian replied.

Strangely, Luo Xian didn't hide it at all.

All the secrets were told to Zhu Houzhao one by one.

Luo Xian's eyes were full of panic.

Obviously, she didn't want to answer, but when she asked the question, she answered all without thinking and reservation.

Such an unpredictable method made her feel extremely panicked.

"You, what are you doing?"

"That elixir?"

Zhu Houzhao seemed to smile, but he still answered her:

"Master, servant Dan!"

"There is the power of the master-servant contract. From now on, you will be my most loyal maid."

"Even if you want to betray me, I'm afraid you can't do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Houzhao immediately untied her acupuncture point.

The reward of the system is so awesome.

It was completely beyond his imagination.

I guess only the fairy world and the fantasy world have such unreasonable things.

Unfortunately, there is only one elixir.

I don't know if it will be wasted if it is used on this woman.

But think about the next plan.

Or have a pain try.

If there is a real gain in the future, it will definitely be much greater than what you just paid.

As soon as Luo Xian recovered, he immediately raised his palm and hit him over.

Zhu Houzhao didn't seem to see it, but he couldn't stop it.


Just as the palm was about to fall on his chest, the power dissipated in an instant.

With a delicate jade hand, gently stroked the body.

The action seems to be coquettish.

"The power of the massage is lighter, increase the strength!"

When the words fell, Luo Xian moved his body, and then massaged Zhu Houzhao uncontrollably.

"How's it going? I'm satisfied now!"


Half a day later.

It's still on the original peak.

At this moment, Luo Xian looked respectful.

There is no previous arrogance.

"Have you remembered everything I told you just now?"


"Well, you can go back to Tianmen and stay dormant for the time being. Without my order, you will still be the same as before."

Naturally, Luo Xian dared not resist.

After a salute.

Immediately turned into a shadow and disappeared in front of you.

"It's another piece!"

"It depends on whether you can play a role in the future!"

Zhu Houzhao smiled.

I am very satisfied with this operation.

"Go back to the palace!"

"Well, it's a pity that with the past, today's flat reward is several grades!"

The next moment, Zhu Houzhao has gone.


Time flies.

Since the latent list has been updated, the whole Kyushu has suddenly fallen into an inexplicable atmosphere.

The friction between them is getting bigger and bigger.

Whether it is between major forces.

Or between countries, they are nervous.

National war breaks out at any time.

In the martial arts, there are also fierce fights.

Especially in a month, the list of martial arts forces will be promulgated.

This made many heroes see the dawn.

If they can expand their influence, will they have a chance to be on the list?

Will you get a heavenly reward?

Many hidden dragons on the list last time received the Tiandao reward, which is very greedy.

It can not only improve strength.

It can even improve physique.

Especially in the top ten of the Qianlong list, their physique has undergoed great transformation.

As long as you don't die halfway, you will have a great chance of being promoted to the land immortal in the future.

This is what countless martial arts heroes dream of.

What a pity.

Who can't put them on the list?

Since the hidden dragon list is no longer available.

Then strive to be on the list of martial arts forces!

For this, the fights in Kyushu are everywhere.

Countless forces have been destroyed.

Similarly, countless forces have risen rapidly.

This is a magnificent era.

It is also an extremely dangerous era.

A month passed quickly.

On this day, Zhu Houzhao continued to start his lying career in the harem.

The sound of the dragon girl came to my ear, which was so unpleasonable.

Government affairs, twists and turns, etc.

He threw it all directly to the queen.

He will only pay attention to major events.

If he hadn't won the first place in the Qianlong list before, it would have been estimated that the whole Ming Dynasty would have scolded him for being stupid and misleading the country.

What a pity.

Who dares to talk more now?!

At this time.


The wind and clouds surge in the sky, and the weather changed greatly.

Zhu Houzhao moved with a look.

Kyushu Gold List is about to open again!

Chapter 071 Martial Arts Power List, 10th [Please Book All]

[Kyushu · Wulin Power List!]

[In Kyushu, there are countless martial arts forces, and heaven has spirits. It is listed on this list of martial arts forces!]

[Every force who reaches the master of martial arts, and the number of people exceeds ten martial arts forces. With strength, luck, potential and achievements, you can be included in the list!]

[This list only lists the top ten, and all forces on the list can get the heavenly reward!]

[The list is updated once a year!]


Zhu Houzhao looked at the list information in the sky and thought about it.

There seems to be a lot of martial arts forces under his command.

I don't know how many can be on the list?

The queen's underworld city does not seem to be as simple as it seems, and it is estimated that it may be on the list.

However, he still has some doubts about his status as the queen.

It's not to doubt her sincerity.

Whether it is true or not, Zhu Houzhao can clearly feel it.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to continue to be her queen after her identity is exposed.

He just suspected that the queen seemed to have a more secret identity.

It's not just the descendants of the Underworld.

However, he is not in a hurry.

Now that the gold list is in the world, there will always be a chance to know it one by one in the future.

Just like his own identities, it will be exposed one day.

He is well prepared.


On the other side.

Queen's bedroom.

"Qing'er, how did the underworld City subdue the martial arts forces during this period?"

"According to the young lady's instructions, the Great Guardian and the Second Guardian will take action in person. As long as they are targeted by us, they will successfully end and be in the top ten of martial arts forces. It should not be difficult."

"Unfortunfortunally, it is impossible to get to the top three again."

"At least, the gap between Underworld and Tianmen is still very large."

"Miss, don't worry, sooner or later, we will completely destroy the old man Di Shitian, destroy the whole Tianmen, kill those traitors, and avenge the old city owner!"

"Well, keep waiting for the power list to refresh!"


Daming, the residence of Tianzun Organization.

"Poetry, thank you for your hard work these days!"

"Sister Qiu Di, I'm fine. Quandang is a kind of experience, but I always feel that the forces on the list this time are very terrible."

"We haven't become a land immortal yet, and I'm afraid we can't get to the top ten!"

Lin Shiyin said worried.

"Let's leave it to fate. By the way, I have reached an agreement with Song Yuhua and You Ruo. They temporarily agreed to join the Tianzun organization."

"I didn't expect that both of them were also victims of the scumbag."

"I don't know how many women he harmed outside?"

"The most important thing is that everyone is such an excellent woman in the world."

"Did he really save Kyushu in his last life?"

"Are you emperor and a martial arts genius in your life? He has occupied all the good things in the world alone.

Murong Qiudi's words couldn't help but be a little sour.

However, since knowing the true identity of that person, Murong Qiudi's mentality seems to have relaxed a lot.

Although there are many complaints about scumbag men in their words, there is no resentment.

On the contrary, there is a kind of expectation and the expectation to meet.

There is nothing next to Lin Shiyin.

I just think it's worthy of the man she likes.

The vision will always be so good.

Murong Qiudi glanced at Lin Shiyin and saw her giggling sillyly.

I couldn't help shaking my head. It was hopeless.

Like the two stupid women I just met, they were completely fascinated by the scumbag.

Of course.

Subconsciously, Murong Qiudi does not seem to be hostile to Song Yuhua and You Ruo.

On the contrary, Empress Wuwu has always been regarded as the biggest opponent.

Inexplicably hostile.

Even Murong Qiudi himself felt a little incredible.

I don't know why.


Wudang Mountain.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng and the descendants of the disciples also looked forward to the list in the sky.

List of martial arts forces.

I don't know if his Wudang faction can be on the list?

"Master, you are now a land fairyland, and I, Wudang, is the top martial arts sect in the world."

"Don't talk about the top ten. Even in the top three, we may be on the list!"

"Perhaps there is still a chance to compete for the top of the list."

Yu Daiyan said proudly.

The eyes are full of self-confidence.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help shaking his head and was not optimistic.

"Dai Yan, don't underestimate the power of the world."

"Kyushu is very big, and the water is deeper than expected. Don't be self-esteem."

"As a teacher, you will know that there are several hermit forces, which are not incomparable to me at all, and even have never done it!"

Yu Daiyan was stunned and didn't believe it:

"Is it Shaolin? Although they are not weak, they seem to be unable to surpass my martial arts!"

"Continue to watch. The list will be announced soon, and you will know soon!"


Tang Dynasty Palace.

"Yuan Shi, how's it going?"

Li Shimin asked Yuan Tiangang eagerly.

"Your Majesty, I have slightly integrated my power this month."

"In the future, all the spy forces in Datang can be divided into two parts."

"The first is the Lijing Gate, which is specially aimed at the interior of the imperial court and the imperial dynasty."

"Second, it's bad people, targeting the outside of the Tang Dynasty, the Kyushu countries, and Kyushu martial arts."

"In this martial arts power list, bad people have a good chance to be on the list!"

"As for the first place, it depends on how strong other forces are?"

Next, Yuan Tiangang explained the structure and functions of the two organizations in detail to Li Shimin.

What kinds of goals are divided into?

Soon, Li Shimin was completely clear.

This time, the Golden List issued the Martial Arts Power List, and bad people are eligible to be included in the list.

Next time, if the imperial list of influence is promulgated, then Li Jingmen is also eligible to be included in the list.

"Hahaha, okay, this time Yuan Shi's things are doing well!"

As soon as I was in my mind, Li Shimin was in a much better mood.

I hope that after this time, Tiandao rewards can reward some of the treasures he is looking forward to.

It's better to strengthen national strength.

It would be more perfect if he could improve his martial arts talent.

He always feels that soon, his cultivation played a very important role in the lord of an imperial dynasty.

Not only Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, but also the lords of several other imperial dynasties also raised their power.

In order to be included in the top ten on the list.



At this time, the list in the air finally refreshed.

A line of text is clearly displayed in front of everyone.

[Wulin Power List · Tenth place!]

[Tianji Pavilion!]

[Lord of Power: Bai Xiaosheng!]

[Picture: Land Wonderland · Mythical Steps!]

[Number of powerful people: Land Wonderland · One person at the level of heaven and man, more than ten masters, more than 100 masters, innate warriors are not included!]

[Number of forces: more than 1,000!]

[Reward: Tianxia Treasure: Sky Machine Mirror. When using it, enter a sufficient amount of martial artist Zhenyuan to calculate the information you want to know!]

Tianji Pavilion?

It turned out to be the Tianji Pavilion?!

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Many people in Kyushu, especially martial arts, know its name.

Before the Kyushu gold list appeared, many lists were issued in Wulin.

And these lists are from Bai Xiaosheng of Tianji Pavilion.

Everyone has always thought that Bai Xiaosheng is just a martial arts master who is good at collecting intelligence.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a land fairy!

Moreover, it is also a mythical level!

This is what everyone never expected.

As for the mythical rank and the celestial rank, ordinary people really don't know what's going on.

Unexpectedly, there is more than one land immortal in Tianji Pavilion.

Such a powerful force is just the tenth place in the list of martial arts forces?!

There are more than ten martial arts masters.

There are more than 100 martial arts masters.

Tianji Pavilion is much more terrible than expected!

Even some of the lords of the imperial dynasty were afraid of the Tianji Pavilion.

Of course, they will not foolishly provoke Tianji Pavilion and Bai Xiaosheng.

Land Wonderland and mythical steps can't be easily provoked.

Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin and Yang family is just a rank of heaven and man.

No one expected that Bai Xiaosheng, who was "ordinary" was also a huge crocodile.

These horribles exist and powerful, and the hidden ones are really deep enough.

The previous emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Houzhao, was like this.

The same is true of Bai Xiaosheng, the owner of Tianji Pavilion.


Sui Palace.

"Yuwen Aiqing, do you know Bai Xiaosheng?"

"Is he really a mythical step and a land fairy?"

Yang Guang also felt incredible.

Mythical level!

Land immortals are also divided into strong and weak.

In front of the mythical scale, the 3.5-day scale can be said to have no power to fight back.

There is no comparison at all.

The gap between the two even goes beyond the gap between ordinary innates and land immortals.

Unexpectedly, such a horrible existence like to issue a list for Kyushu ants.

Before the Kyushu gold list appeared, who could have thought of it?

Hearing this, Yu Wentuo nodded:

"I had a one-sided relationship. I once asked Bai Xiaosheng and made a deal with him!"

"It's a pleasure to cooperate with each other."

"At that time, I felt that he was not weaker than me. Sure enough, my guess was right. He was also a mythical rank."

Speaking of this, Yu Wentuo's tone is a little solemn.

This is definitely a difficult opponent.

His strength is second, and what makes people more afraid is his mysterious methods.

It's not an immortal relationship, but it's better not to be an enemy.

Yang Guang's eyes narrowed.

Yu Wentuo is the last support force of his Sui Dynasty. Is Bai Xiaosheng so powerful?

If he can be persuaded to join the Sui Dynasty, then the Sui will definitely become one of the best imperial dynasties in all countries.

What a pity.

Even Yang Guang himself thinks that this is impossible.

It's just a luxury.

Chapter 072 Ying Zheng's Alert, Zhu Houzhao's Means [Please Order All]

Daqin Palace.

"Aiqing, can I accept Bai Xiaosheng and Tianji Pavilion?"

"I think that if this person is well used, it will definitely bring unimaginable benefits to Daqin!"

Ying Zheng looked at the limited information about Bai Xiaosheng and Tianji Pavilion in his hand, and his eyes flashed.

As an emperor, he is not just about Bai Xiaosheng's force.

There is also the real intelligence ability of Tianji Pavilion.

There are countless martial artists in Kyushu. Bai Xiaosheng can issue so many rankings, and the accuracy is extremely high.

The difficulty is unimaginable.

If it can be subdued and used, it will definitely be the biggest killer in Daqin's hands.

If the whole Kyushu is unified in the future, it will inevitably get twice the result with half the effort.

"Your Majesty, this is completely impossible!"

The leader of the Black Ice Terrace shook his head and replied decisively.

"What if I arrange for you to do it with the other two?"

Ying Zheng's tone is inexplicable.

The "other two" in his mouth should also be the hidden land immortals of Daqin.

It seems that the power of Daqin is more terrible than expected.

"Maybe he can beat Bai Xiaosheng and even completely destroy most of Tianji Pavilion, but there are still shortcomings to kill him and completely destroy Tianji Pavilion."

"It's bad, but it's beyond imagination."

"From now on, Bai Xiaosheng will never die with Da Qin."

"A mythical land fairy with wisdom and terror and mysterious means is almost a devastating disaster."

"Your Majesty, think twice before you act!"

The old man in black couldn't help but say awe.

Ying Zheng took it for granted.

The destructive power of the land immortals is too great.

Especially the mythical rank above the heavenly and man's rank.

It's even more horrible.

Unless killed.

Otherwise, the ordinary imperial dynasty will not easily and completely provoke the land immortals.

"Aiqing, can you guarantee that this Bai Xiaosheng is not from other imperial dynasties?"

"Tianji Pavilion, isn't it a chess piece secretly placed by other imperial dynasty?"

Ying Zheng asked coldly.

That's what he is worried about. If Bai Xiaosheng is from a certain imperial dynasty.

That's troublesome.

In that way, no matter how much the price is paid, it must be destroyed.

Otherwise, the losses caused in the future will be difficult to measure.

When the leader of the Black Ice Terrace heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked.

He really didn't think about this problem, although he thought it was impossible.

But we can't ignore it.

"Your Majesty, the possibility is very low, but it may not happen."

"I will pay close attention to it. As soon as there is news, I will repay it immediately!"

Yingzheng nodded with satisfaction:

"With your words, I will be relieved."

"I didn't expect that the more you know the world, the more horrible it will be."

"Even I have to be very vigilant."


Daming Palace.

"Bai Xiaosheng, I've met Your Majesty!"

"Aiqing, flat!"

"Aiqing, congratulations to you and Tianji Pavilion on successfully reaching the tenth place in the list of martial arts forces!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a smile.

Even he didn't expect that Tianji Pavilion would be on the list.

Naturally, he knows Bai Xiaosheng's strength and the ability of Tianji Pavilion.

Otherwise, the blue dragon will not be secretly handed over to Bai Xiaosheng for secret management.

But I still underestimated the Tianji Pavilion.

"Thank you very much for everything!"

"In the past few years, without the secret support of His Majesty, I would not have reached the current level of mythology."

"Tianji Pavilion will also be half dead!"

"I am willing to be your majesty's hegemony!"

Bai Xiaosheng said respectfully.

Even if he is now in a mythical realm, he dares not underestimate the Ming emperor in front of him at all.

His depth is unfathomable, and even his Bai Xiaosheng can't touch it at all.

He has a feeling that if he fights against His Majesty, he may not even accept a move.

I don't know if it's an illusion or indeed.

However, the more so, Bai Xiaosheng became happier and happier.

It's absolutely a great blessing to follow such a great emperor.

"Well, I know your heart very well!"

"You have not let down my trust. You have done a good job over the years!"

This is also a very good tool.

Those messy things in martial arts can be handled very well when they are handed over to him.

"Your Majesty, this heavenly reward, heavenly mirror, I would like to dedicate it to Your Majesty!"

With that, as if he had thought of something, he quickly took out a tortoise shell with a palm-sized mirror on it.

It exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

"This thing is of no use to me. You'd better keep it yourself!"

"Just right, you can also use it to raise the power of Tianji Pavilion again."

With that, Zhu Hou shone a lot of light in his eyes.

The system has also rewarded a lot for treasures that are better than this thing.

He doesn't lack it.

"Have you issued a latent dragon list on the Kyushu gold list before!"

"Ten congenitalists, ten masters, and ten masters and above."

"This number is too small."

"You can completely expand the number of people on this basis."

"Release a list of 100 innate people on the latent dragon list, 100 masters, and a list of great masters and above, and also 100 people."

"Wriors under the age of 25 can be on the list!"

"Besides, you still have the assistance of the sky mirror in your hand. It should be difficult for you to defeat you, right?"

Zhu Houzhao's idea completely made Bai Xiaosheng rub the popularity of Kyushu's gold list.

"In the future, if the number of lists issued by Kyushu Gold List is small, you can directly expand it."

"There are only ten places in the current list of martial arts forces, and you will expand to 100 places in the future."

"Every time the Kyushu Gold List is issued, you can expand it."

"In won't be long, the authority of Tianji Pavilion will definitely rise significantly!"

"Maybe you can't compare with Kyushu Gold List, but you don't need to compare with it. You just need to go deep into people's hearts."

"After all, the Kyushu gold list is so high that not everyone is eligible to be included in the list."

"But your list is different. The threshold is neither high nor low. There will be countless fans in Tianji Pavilion in the future!"

"It's very operable!"

Today, the Tiandao Gold List is the biggest hit in the world in Kyushu.

But only Bai Xiaosheng has the ability to rub it.

The benefits are too great.

"Your Majesty, will this infuriate the underworld?"

Bai Xiaosheng asked worriedly.

"You just need to add it later. It's not against the Kyushu gold list. Don't worry!"

Zhu Houzhao said confidently.

"Your Majesty means, I understand."

"After going back, I will think about it carefully, and then release the three list of people in Kyushu Qianlong World!"

"It's true that, as Your Majesty said, there are countless hidden dragons in Kyushu, far more than the 30 places on the gold list!"

The more Bai Xiaosheng said, the brighter his eyes became.

Just give him an idea, with his intelligence, he will definitely draw inferences.

It's better than Zhu Houzhao thought.

"By the way, Bai Xiaosheng, now some of your information has also been exposed, and it will inevitably attract the secret attention of countless strong people in the future."

"No need. You'd better not go into the palace."

"If you guess your relationship with me, whether it's for you or Tianji Pavilion, it will be a huge disaster."

Zhu Hou looked cautious.

"Yes, I will pay attention to it later."

"After that, I will find a secret safe place and receive instructions from Your Majesty!"

Zhu Houzhao was very satisfied with Bai Xiaosheng's superiority.


The harem, the queen's bedroom.

"Miss, guess who I just saw?"

The maid of honor came to the queen Wuwu with a mysterious face and asked in a low voice.

"You are smart, who are you? Is it so mysterious?"

The queen glanced blankly angrily.

"Bai Xiaosheng!" The maid of honor looked around.

When I saw no one, I whispered.

The queen's hand, who was flipping and folding, trembled in an instant.

He quickly asked, "What's going on?"

"Miss, I saw that Bai Xiaosheng had just entered Your Majesty's Royal Study!"

"Although the speed is extremely fast, my pupil is very powerful, and I saw through him at a glance!"

The maid of honor said at her own.

"Bai Xiaosheng?"

The queen muttered to herself, "Is Bai Xiaosheng your majesty?"

As soon as the idea came out, even the queen was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Tianji Pavilion, which ranked 10th in the Martial Arts Power List, was actually under His Majesty's command.

This completely shocked him.

If this matter spreads out, it will definitely cause Kyushu to fluctuate.

It caused a great uproar.

There is another deep understanding of Your Majesty's hiding and terror.

Not only are they strong, but also the forces under their command are endless.


It's terrible!

Fortunately, she had never done anything stupid before and did anything harmful to Your Majesty and Daming.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Nowadays, she and His Majesty are in harmony, and husband and wife are united, which is the best way out.

"Qinger, you can't tell anyone about this. Even people in the Underworld can't say half a word!"

The queen immediately warned the maid of honor.

"Can't you even say a few elders?"

"No, if you say it, you won't follow me in the future."

"Hey hey, miss, don't worry, Qing'er is the young lady's person, and naturally he won't betray the young lady!"

Qing'er has long known what her young lady thinks.

Naturally, it will not be betrayed easily.

Moreover, she did not want to conflict between the young lady and the mysterious Emperor Daming because of this matter.

Both the young lady and the underworld have peerless enemies.

Now it needs the protection of the Ming emperor.


Bai Xiaosheng is also a vigorous person.

At the prompt of Zhu Houzhao, Bai Xiaosheng immediately thought after returning.

Check the gaps and fill in the gaps.

Now with the help of the heavenly mirror, it is twice the result with half the effort to complete the list.

But one night.

The three lists of people in Kyushu Qianlong Tiandi have been completed.

Subsequently, through the intelligence network of Tianji Pavilion, it quickly spread to all corners of Kyushu.

The speed is so fast that it is stunning.

The tenth place in the list of martial arts forces deserves its name!


In the south of the Yangtze River, Yuelai Restaurant.

Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, Chu Liuxiang and Ximen Chuxue came to drink again.

They stayed nearby all the time.

It's a companion.

Now is the period of Kyushu's change. Only when you get together, you will feel safer.

"Hey, have you heard that Bai Xiaosheng of Tianji Pavilion has just released the three list of Kyushu · Qianlong and Tiandiren!"

Just then.

There are several martial arts heroes talking about next door.

Lu Xiaofeng's face moved.

I hurried over.

"Well, brother, what's wrong with the three lists of heaven and earth and earth people you just mentioned?"

"Huh? It turned out to be Lu Xiaofeng with one finger!"

"My God, Lu Xiaofeng, who ranked 21 on the Qianlong list, appeared!"

I don't know who called, and everyone immediately looked over in an instant.

One by one, they looked extremely eager.

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but be numb.

"The 21st place on the list? What's going on?"

Lu Xiaofeng quickly asked again.

"Hahaha, Lu Xiaofeng, so you also have times when you don't know the news!"

"The three lists of heaven and earth are an auxiliary list made by Tianjige Bai Xiaosheng for the previous Kyushu Qianlong list!"

"There are countless hidden dragons in Kyushu, and there are more than 30 people?"

"Bai Xiaosheng felt that the threshold of Kyushu Qianlong List was too high, so he made 980 a three-person list that meets the public!"

"There are 100 congenitals, masters, great masters and above!"

"And you, Lu Xiaofeng, are the 21st place on the list!"

"It's worthy of Lu Xiaofeng. It's really not bad!"

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng, many people present quickly explained.

Soon, Lu Xiaofeng learned a general idea.

The heart is heavy.

I couldn't help laughing bitterly.

In the future, the whole Kyushu world will be more lively.

Bai Xiaosheng has added another fire to the world!

Moreover, most importantly, the three lists he released are not as deeply rooted as the Kyushu gold list.

But it is also accepted by most people.

I just don't know what Bai Xiaosheng is for.

However, he dared not publicly doubt Bai Xiaosheng's purpose as in the past.

The information of the land fairyland and mythological level has been exposed.

Even Lu Xiaofeng was very afraid.

This is another master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

The world is too dangerous.

If someone told him that the beggar outside the restaurant was a land fairy, he might have believed it.

Lu Xiaofeng walked to the table of several people in the West Gate.

"Chu Liuxiang, 15th on the list!"

"Flowers are all over the building, ranking 37th on the list!"

"Ximen blows snow, ranking 65th in the sky!"

"I, Lu Xiaofeng, the 21st place on the list!"

"Chu Liuxiang, I didn't expect you to be so strong as me?"

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help laughing.

However, in the tone, I couldn't help but be shocked.

He has never shown real strength, and Bai Xiaosheng can clearly understand his combat effectiveness.

Is the mythical level so horrible?

Simon couldn't help muttering to himself:

"The 65th place on the Sky List!"

"That is to say, under the age of 25, 63 warriors in the realm of martial arts masters surpassed him?"

"Anyway the ten evils on the Kyushu gold list, there are still 53 people far surpassing him?"

This made Simon, who has always been a genius, blowing snow and was hit hard, and he couldn't help but feel heavy.

In Kyushu, there are so many geniuses?

"Lu Xiaofeng, is there any mistake in these three lists?"

Hua Manlou asked curiously.


"Someone has tried it."

"As soon as the list appeared, some people were dissatisfied. Later, they kept challenging, and the result was not bad!"

"Obviously, Bai Xiaosheng deserves Bai Xiaosheng!"

"It's simple to be recognized by the Kyushu gold list!"

"At least for the time being, we are not qualified to question him."

"You have to work harder in the future, otherwise you will be eliminated by the strong people in Kyushu sooner or later!"

Even the careless Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but be awe-inspiring.

Chapter 073 Guardian in the Dark, No. 9 [Please Order All]

Daming Capital.

In Dongcheng District, people come and go on the street.

I don't know when a new Taibai Restaurant opened here.

Exclusive sale of Taibai Xian酿, in just a few days, a lot of reputation has emerged.

Many wine drinkers came to hear the news.

I just want to taste this famous Taibai fairy wine.

"Sister Zi, since we have arrived in Daming Capital, why don't we just come to the door?"

"But what restaurant is there?"

"Are you afraid of the so-called queen?"

Honglian has a straight temper, and she is very puzzled why Zinu did this?

"Honglian, don't be impatient if you are a little safe. Sister Zi said so. Naturally, she has her intention!"

Nongyu is very clear about the character of the purple girl, and everything is determined and then moved.

"Honglian, we didn't know his whereabouts before, and we would naturally be a little anxious."

"But now, we can't be too anxious."

"The problem before us now is not the scumbag, but the other person."

"We should not act rashly until we figure out her true attitude."

The purple girl said quietly.

Red lotus has not been in vain these years.

The eyes are spinning.

"Are you worried that the Empress will be bad for us?"

"It may not be possible!"

"This woman hides so deeply that she is not an easy person at first glance."

"If it hadn't been for the scumbag man's tricks, I guess that Daming might have been usurped by her now."

"Shouldn't we be vigilant against such an ambitious and calculating woman?"

"In case she commits a conspiracy and trick to harm us, and if it spreads to Baiyue City, it will be bad."

"Our existence is absolutely a huge threat to her."

"If you were in her current position, wouldn't you have come up with any ideas?"

In a word, several women were suddenly silent.

"Now we have some understanding why the scumbag hasn't seen us for so many years."

"Even if you know Xiao Suyue, you will only secretly send someone to protect him."

"He is secretly protecting us!"

"Before we are not strong enough, one more exposure may be more dangerous."

Red lotus's heart was unwilling, and then her heart moved:

"Where I sneaked into the palace alone and saw the scumbag."

"With my current light kung fu, I will never find that Wu Qi."

"Honglian, don't be impulsive."

"I guess he already knows what's going on now."

"If he really wants to see us, he will meet soon."

"Wait a minute!"

The purple girl immediately stopped the road.

Then, look at Nong Yu:

"Nan Yu, now send the news from our side back to Baiyue City immediately to reassure Yan Lingji and others!"

"By the way, let them pay more attention to the list of martial arts forces that is about to be refreshed!"

"It is likely that our Baiyue City will also be on the list."

Only they know how powerful Baiyue City is now.

Perhaps in terms of the number at the bottom, it is not comparable to those superpowers.

But in terms of high-end combat effectiveness, Baiyue City is not worth it at all.

The top five have no chance, but the last few can still compete.


Daming Palace.

Looking at the news from the dark guard, Zhu Houzhao smiled at the corners of his mouth.

I haven't seen them for a long time.

I didn't expect to come to my door.

If they don't go to see each other, I guess they will complain in their heart.

I haven't seen you for a few years, and their growth rate is not slow at all.

He changed his casual casual clothes and did not inform anyone. As soon as Zhu Hou moved his body, he disappeared into the palace.


The land of Baiyue.

Baiyue City.

"Little girl, be obedient, get caught, and leave with me!"

A middle-aged man with a strong voice approached the playing Princess Su Yue unkindly.

Attempts to tie her away from Baiyue City.

"Who are you? Why did you catch me? You are not from Baiyue City!"

Although Su Yue is young, she is extremely smart.

Instead of giving up resistance, he gathered his true qi and attacked at any time.

"The Qianlong list is the first in the congenital world, which is really excellent."

"There is a great opportunity to become a land fairy in the future."

"It's a very good killer seedling!"

A look of greed flashed in the eyes of middle-aged men.

Grasp her intentions, which is even stronger.

"UnfortunfortunATE, you are still too young!"

Without hesitation, the mysterious man burst out his strongest strength and arrested her immediately when the Queen Baiyue had not yet responded.

Then flee far away.

At that time, Baiyue City didn't have the final say.

As long as there is Su Yue, Baiyue City will always throw rats and obey their orders.

Just at the time of the Su-moon crisis.

But I saw a white and gold necklace worn by the little girl's neck, which gave off a shining light.

An extremely sharp sword spirit manifested.

There was no pause at all.

The sword spirit flashed away.

In an instant, he crossed through the eyebrows of a middle-aged man.

Before he could even figure out what was going on, he fell to the ground and died.

The huge movement here soon attracted the attention of Yan Lingji, Yanfei and others.

It came as soon as possible.

Seeing that Su Yue was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"My mother!"

Seeing Concubine Yan, Su Yue immediately reacted and rushed into her arms.

"Yuer, are you all right?"

"It saved me!"

Su Yue picked up the necklace around her neck and had nothing strange except beauty.

"Who gave you this necklace?"

Yan Lingji asked curiously.

What is this method of killing a martial arts master with a necklace?

Even she doesn't have this ability!

"Huh? Didn't my mother wear it for me?"

"It suddenly appeared around my neck. I thought my mother put it on for me while I was sleeping!"

Xiao Yueer tilted her little head and said doubtfully.

Neither Yan Lingji nor Dongjun Yanfei couldn't help but be shocked.

I was puzzled.

This necklace is not theirs at all, and it has never been seen before!

How did it suddenly appear?

Looking at its power, killing the enemy with one blow is obviously the crisis that protects the moon.

It is definitely a top treasure.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in my mind.

It's him!

It must be him who secretly sent someone to put it on for Yueer.

The purpose is to protect the safety of the month.

Just like this time, they were negligent, and Yueer almost encountered something unexpected.

I want to go here.

Whether it is Yan Lingji or Princess Yan, she can't help showing a comfortable smile at the corners of her mouth.

It seems that he has been secretly protecting and guarding them.

However, they have not known it for a long time.

"Okay, Yueer, this necklace will be worn all the time in the future, okay?"

"Well, I know. Since I wore this necklace, my practice has become much faster."

"Moreover, many questions that I don't understand are now easy to understand."

Su Yue said that they didn't know that this necklace was a very precious treasure.

"Sister Feiyan, do you know who this person is?"

Looking at the body on the ground, Yan Lingji's eyes sharply.

These people have violated her bottom line.

"The net Tianzi killer, cover up the sun!"

"What, it turned out to be him?"

"What a net, a Zhao Gao, a good Yingzheng!"

"Sister Yan Lingji, Yueer is fine now. Let's press this matter for the time being and calculate the general account later. Now it is not appropriate for Baiyue City to fight with Daqin."

"Otherwise, it will only be cheaper for the nobles of the six countries and hundreds of schools of people!"

"Just strengthen your vigilance in the future."

"As for the body, if it is burned, everything is regarded as if you don't know."

Yan Lingji thought for a moment and nodded and said yes.

However, Luo Wang's account will be settled sooner or later.


Just as several women were about to return to the Queen's Palace.

The list in the sky is refreshed.

[Martial Arts Power List · No. 9!]

[Baiyue City!]

[Lord of Power: Flame Lingji, Queen Baiyue!]

[Picture: Land Wonderland · Mythical Steps!]

[Number of strong forces: Land Wonderland · Two people in heaven, more than ten masters, more than 100 masters, innate warriors are not included!]

[Number of forces: more than 10,000 people!]

[Reward: The treasures at the lower level: Fire Balls contain infinite fire power, which improves the attack power and defense of the fire system. For warriors who practice half the effort!]

Seeing the information on the list, even Concubine Dongjun Yan was not shocked.

Is Yan Lingji actually a mythical level?

She always thought that Yan Lingji, like her, was also a heavenly scale!

She is still seriously underestimated by the strength of Baiyue City.

It's much better than she thought.

Even the Yin and Yang family is much weaker than Baiyue City.

Yan Lingji looked at the fire beads in her hand and smiled.

However, it was also confiscated.

Instead, it was handed directly to Princess Dongjun Yan.

"Sister Feiyan, you are also practicing fire attribute skills. This jewel is for you!"

"With it, your Buddha's rage lotus will be more powerful."

"No, it's too expensive. You'd better use it yourself!"

"Your strength is related to the future of Baiyue City."

Princess Yan is proud and how can she accept it?

"Sister Feiyan, this treasure doesn't work much for me."


Yan Lingji's delicate right hand turned over, and a cyan flame appeared in the palm of her hand.

Immediately, the temperature around it soared.

"It's because of this flame that I can advance to the mythical level so quickly!"

"It's enough!"

"Although the fire ball is good, the function is not as big as I thought!"

"If Sister Feiyan can also achieve the mythical level, whether it is against Yueer, Baiyue City, or even in front of scumbag men in the future, we will not be too weak!"

"You won't forget, that queen, but it's a big mountain in front of us."

"Even if there is a month, she is a huge threat."

"We must improve our strength."

Even Zhu Houzhao didn't expect that all the women who had a relationship with him knew his true identity.

At the same time, Empress Wuwu was regarded as an imaginary enemy.

She was regarded as the biggest threat and the biggest block.

Murong Qiudi and Lin Shiyin are like this.

The same is true for purple girls and jade.

Now Yan Lingji and Princess Yan also think so.

In the future, such as Wan Wan, Shifeixuan and Huang Rong will not give up.

Zhu Houzhao thought that the fire would burn on his head sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, all the firepower was attracted by the queen.

As for the imperial concubine Dragon Girl, several women almost subconsciously ignored it.

Weird thinking, I guess he didn't expect it!

Empress Wu was unconsciously used as a tool again.

She didn't even know herself.


Yin and Yang's family.

"Your Majesty, do we still need to take action against Baiyue City?"

The star soul hardened his scalp and asked the Eastern Emperor.

Since Dongjun Yanfei "defected" from the Yinyang family and fled into Baiyue City, Emperor Taiyi has never given up negotiating with Baiyue City.

Even, we are ready for a war.

But now, I see the list in the sky.

He was seriously underestimated by the discovery of the strength of Queen Baiyue.

Don't mention it for the time being.

The Queen of Yue alone is not an opponent.

If a real war breaks out, the Yin and Yang family will definitely lose a lot.

Even he can't escape the crisis.

For a moment, endless malice shrouded his head.

If you continue to complain about Baiyue City, the Yin and Yang family will definitely be defeated;

But if he gives up now, his prestige in the Yin and Yang family will be completely swept away.

This put him in a dilemma.

"Press this matter for the time being. I have to think about it again. We need more allies!"

"I respect the orders of Lord Donghuang!"

The star soul breathed a sigh of relief.

He is now just a master of martial arts, although he is ranked 24th in the Baixiaosheng Hidden Dragon List.

But he dares not easily intervene in the battle between the land gods.

Otherwise, it is likely to die.

He also wants to teach a different demeanor of the land fairyland!

You can't just hang up like this!

Sooner or later, he will also be on the Kyushu Gold List!

It is famous all over Kyushu.

Although Bai Xiaosheng's list is also good.

But it always feels a little bad.


Mojia, organ city.

At this time, everyone in the Moh family was trapped here, and the outside was surrounded by the army of Daqin.

There are also nets, quicksand, and yin and yang families are eyeing at it.

As long as the government city is broken, they will become gluttonous.

Divide the huge resources of Mohist.

Looking at the high-altitude list, the Mohist tycoon Yan Dan's eyes flashed.

If Baiyue City was pulled into the anti-Qin alliance, would it be of great help to his great cause?

Besides, Baiyue and Daqin are enemies and friends.

How can you be willing to give up such a help without a try?

"Xiao Gao, if we invite Baiyue City to join the anti-Qin alliance, what chance do you think is?"

Gao Jianli listened and was shocked.

Unexpectedly, he hit the idea on Baiyue City?

This is not a noble force of the Six Kingdoms!

She is a superpower with several land immortals!

Even in the heyday of the Mohist family, it must be treated with caution.

Now, the giants actually want to calculate them?

Gao Jianli didn't reply. On the contrary, Zhang Liang next to him thoughtful.

It seems to be moving.

Yan Lingji, Purple Girl, Nongyu and Honglian in Baiyue City are very familiar with him.

The relationship is also very good.

When South Korea was still there, they were also allies.

Honglian or Korean princess!

We should do your part!

If you have a chance, you might as well try it!

Even if Baiyue City does not participate in person and secretly gives them some help, it is also a victory.

If Yan Lingji knows what they think, she will definitely disdain them.

Can they calculate the city of Baiyue now?

If it didn't harm Baiyue City, that would be it!

But once something is done to hurt Baiyue City, not everyone can extinguish her anger as the Queen of Baiyue.