
Chapter 074 Heart trouble, Snow Moon Sword Fairy [Please order all]

Daqin, Xianyang City.

Zhao Gao Mansion.

Since he was attacked by the mysterious spell seal and the abolition of his arm, Zhao Gao obviously realized that Ying Zheng did not use him as much as before.

Even he is extremely suspicious of his ability to do things.

This made him anxious.

I thought I could chop first and then play, and catch Su Yue, the little princess of Baiyue City.

But with the list, it can appear in the world.

The horror of Baiyue City is beyond imagination.

The Queen of Baiyue turned out to be a mythical land fairy, which surprised him.

There are such a strong guard.

How can he get the net killer he sent?

Ten thousand Yuecheng was furious and rivals Daqin. Yingzheng was absolutely murderous and would chop him into meat sauce.

Similarly, he also had a faint expectation in his heart.

If you are really lucky enough to take Su Yue, wouldn't you say that the piece of Baiyue City would be more useful?

Even the Queen of Baiyue, Princess Dongjun Yan, has to be threatened by him?

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the cover he sent had long been dead.

Now, he is just daydreaming.

Once there is a chance, Zhao Gao's end will definitely be extremely miserable.


Daqin Palace.

"What's going on in Baiyue City? Why is it so strong?"

"Isn't there only one land fairy?"

"Why do three people appear at once, and one of them is not weaker than you at all?"

Yingzheng was very dissatisfied with the information of the leader of the Black Ice Platform.

He even questioned his ability to do things.

If there is only one land immortal, he will only regard Baiyue City as another yin and yang family.

But now, Baiyue City is so strong that it is beyond his imagination.

On the side of the couch, how can it let others sleep soundly?

"Your Majesty, I made an agreement with the Queen of Baiyue three years ago. As long as she does not go to Baiyue, Daqin will not embarrass Baiyue City!"

"You mean that three years ago, Queen Baiyue was a mythical rank?"

"Why did she suddenly become so strong?"

"It doesn't seem to be old?"

"Is it more genius than Dongjun?"

Yingzheng is a little incredible.

He found that those land immortals in this world are more difficult than imperial dynasties.

Even if he destroys the countries and unifies Kyushu in the future, it is not up to him.

Those land immortals are the top 313 meat eaters in Kyushu.

"The flame of the Queen of Baiyue can easily destroy a mountain range."

"Especially, there is a cyan flame in her hand. Even if she sticks to it, she will be seriously injured if she doesn't die."

"If you have to have to, I won't fight against her in person?"

"That's what the other two people in Daqin mean."

"The people in Baiyue City are all women who are in power. They have no ambitions, which will not affect Your Majesty's great career."

"In the future, after Your Majesty subdus enough land immortals, he may besiege her."

"Bayue City may not be able to become the power in your majesty's hands!"

In short, the leader of Black Ice Terrace means the same thing.

Kill, I definitely can't kill now.

It can only be dragged temporarily.

After Her Majesty unifies Kyushu in the future, he may be able to subdue the Queen of Baiyue and even the whole Baiyue City.

Everything depends on Your Majesty's ability.

Yingzheng couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

He unifies Kyushu, and there are more difficulties ahead than expected!

"Nevertheless, you must closely monitor Baiyue City!"

"I don't want them to sneak behind their backs at the critical moment!"

"Even if Your Majesty doesn't say it, I will always pay attention to it, and I have never given up my wary of Baiyue City."

"However, Your Majesty, it's better not to provoke the bottom line of Queen Baiyue."

"The little princess Su Yue has a noble status. If Zhao Gao continues to pester him again, Queen Baiyue may really ignore it and never die with Daqin!"

"What's more, the little princess Su Yue and the one of Daming..."

The introduction of the golden list is very clear.

Su Yue is the daughter of Dongjun Yanfei and Daming.

The relationship is complicated. Before there is enough strength, stupid things should be done less.

Now Daqin and Daming have no conflict of interest.

It hasn't reached the point of immortality.

Even if he doubts the relationship between Baiyue City and Daming, he has to pretend not to know.

Ying Zheng had a headache. In the end, he still gritted his teeth:

"Zhao Gao is a piece of my chess, which is still useful. Before I give up for the time being, I will knock him!"

"As for Baiyue City, hum, Baiyue City..."

"This is definitely a big trouble!"

"When I solve the remnants of the six kingdoms, I will find a way to erase them!"

"It's better to be fully prepared for the Black Ice Terrace!"

"Before I conquer the countries and unify Kyushu, I must not leave them in Daqin!"

Ying Zheng's tone is firm.

There is no compromise.

Whether Baiyue City has something to do with Daming or not.

He is not ready to forgive.

This is a matter of principle.

"I will follow the order, and I will inform those two so that they can also be prepared!"


Daming Capital.

The backyard of Taibai Restaurant.

Honglian smiled and smiled.

Sure enough, Baiyue City is on the list.

Although it was only the ninth, they were also very satisfied.

Knowing how deep the world is, they have never looked forward to the top three, or even the top five.

The ninth place is neither high nor low.

What a pity.

If they hadn't been older than 25 years old.

The top ten of the previous Qianlong list will definitely be taken over by them.

Where can I do anything about Empress Wu?

"What are you laughing at? Are you so happy?"

"After so many years, Honglian, you still haven't changed!"

"However, that's good. I like you like this!"

Zhu Houzhao ate a bite of the melons and fruits handed over by the jade, and couldn't help laughing at Honglian.

Thinking of the red practice after the central transformation of animation, and then look at the red lotus in front of you, the red lotus is more eye-catching.

His help changed their future lives.

Although it also has a calculation component.

But to the purple girl, the jade, the red lotus and the flame spiritual ji also freed them from the tragic fate.

A new life has begun.

"Well, you scumbag, I'm embarrassed to say that it's so hard to hide it from our sister!"

"Do you know how we got here these years?"


"Sister Nongyu, you are so spoiled to him, and you have a good temper, aren't you?"

Teng Yu smiled slightly and did not respond.

She feels that this kind of life is very good.

At the beginning, she was happy and gave her the strength to protect herself.

Since then, her heart has never changed.

Over the years in Baiyue City, she has also been self-cultivating, her heart is like running water, and she has already thought about countless things.

Don't compete, don't grab.

As long as you think about him in your heart and have a chance to see him, you will be satisfied.

"Cough! In fact, I have been paying attention to you all these years.

"However, because of my identity, I still can't appear frequently, otherwise it will be harmless to Baiyue City."

"Although Baiyue City is not weak, it is not strong. In the eyes of some old monsters, it is very fragile."

"Once they follow, it will be troublesome."

"Sespecially with jade and Honglian, you are still masters of martial arts, and you are a little weak."

"Promeloped as soon as possible, and the land immortals are the real martial arts road."

Zhu Houzhao coughed softly to cover up.

Although what is said makes sense, most of it is full of excuses and cover-ups.

Over the years.

He has been hiding in the palace and lying flat, receiving system rewards every day.

He almost forgot about Baiyue City.

The women said that he was a scumbag and didn't wrong him at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have known that he still had a daughter in exile!

I didn't know until recently.

"What's your spirit!"

"We are just taking the foundation. The deeper the foundation, the farther we will go to the land fairyland in the future!"

"I also want to be a land fairyland and a demon!"

Honglian's tone was resentful and dissatisfied.

"God and Demon Level? Hahaha, you'd better not think about it without a hundred years!"

"For so many years, girl, you still love daydreaming so much!"

They don't have plug-ins like Zhu Houzhao!

There are few gods and demons in the whole Kyushu!

These are the real top martial arts in Kyushu.

The purple girl looked at the scene of Zhu Houzhao and Honglian fighting and gently serving with jade in front of her, and her eyes were moist.

That feels great.

I feel very relieved.

Over the years, although they have become stronger and stronger, they are the most secure only by Zhu Houzhao.

It's a kind of completely relaxing from the inside out.

A feeling of complete trust.

"By the way, I'll send you something!"

As if he had thought about something, Zhu Hou brushed his hand slightly.

Three items appeared in front of them.

A piano!

A whip!

A sword!

It exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

It's extraordinary at first glance.

Honglian fell in love with the red sword at a glance and looked happy.

Nong Yu fell in love with the piano, while the purple girl fell in love with the whip.

"The grade of these three treasures is similar to the world-level treasure rewarded by Tiandao."

"Even in the land fairyland, it is enough."

"Unleving the mysterious atmosphere on the treasure can help you improve your cultivation."

The three women didn't be polite to Zhu Hou.

The human person and the heart belong to him completely.

What else is your kindness?

Watching the three women accept the gift, Zhu Houzhao was very satisfied.

This is also a compensation for their losses over the years!

Next, Zhu Houzhao stayed with the three daughters and talked about the anecdotes of these years.

The scene is also harmonious.

Whether it was Zhu Houzhao or the third daughter, it seemed that they deliberately did not mention the identity of Emperor Daming.

And the matter of Queen Wu.

Cultivate feelings first.


Daming Wulin.

Snow Moon City.

It is also the first city in Daming.

Compared with one of them, Baiyun City in Yegu City is completely uncomparable.

Snow Moon Sword Fairy Li Hanyi's residence.

"Nine days of mysterious temple turned into divine thunder. Brilliant heavenly power, lead it with a sword!"

"This swordsmanship pays attention to sharing heaven and earth, being with nature, and resisting nature and turning it into great power."

Xueyue sword fairy Li Hanyi is teaching Sikong Qianluo with a serious face.

The two women stood together. Although they were one round old, they looked very much like sisters.

A cold temperament and a peerless appearance.

The other is lively and touching.

Although the two women's faces are charming, their personalities are completely different.

"Uncle, it's too difficult for you to teach me the sword secret!"

"It's countless times harder than my father taught me how to shoot!"

Sikong Qianluo felt that he understood every word, but together, he didn't know what to say in the clouds.

"You, you'd better continue to learn your father's shooting skills!"

"Your temper is not suitable for practicing swords!"

Li Hanyi gently lit the teacher's daughter's forehead.

"How can your father be a generation of gun fairies. The shooting skills are also one of the best in Kyushu. Do you still dislike it?"

"However, Dad is in the hands of his uncle, and he still can't take the next move!"

"Of course I have to learn the strongest."

"Well, my swordsmanship was passed on to my uncle by a master. I can't have enough understanding and perseverance."

"I don't doubt your talent, but what about your perseverance?"

"Which master taught you? Why do you blush every time you mention him?

"It must be your sweetheart, right?"

Sikong Qianluo was also a clever ghost and immediately saw the flaw.

"This..." Li Hanyi was stunned when asked like this.

I don't know how to answer.

Is that guy her sweetheart?

The most precious thing about himself was obtained by that guy.

Moreover, she was also taught such a precious swordsmanship, which made her the strongest existence in Snow Moon City.

It should be right.

But if so.

Why didn't that guy appear in front of her again after he left?

Did you forget her?

I couldn't help touching the "Nirvana Sword" in my hand, and his face changed again and again.

I don't know how to answer.

"Hee hee, uncle, I must have been guessed! So it's really your sweetheart!"

Sikong Qianluo looked at Li Hanyi with a dramatic changeable face and couldn't help laughing.

"But why have I never seen him?"

"You didn't come out of Snow Moon City to look for him?"

"Are you uncomfortable?"

The little girl chattered and kept asking curiously.

It made Li Hanyi have a headache.

She really doesn't know how to answer.

"You girl, no matter how dare you talk nonsense, don't blame Uncle for being rude."

Li Hanyi was ashamed and angry, pretending to be ashamed and pinch Sikong's little tender face.

Sikong Qianluo was not afraid at all, but made a grimace.

From childhood to adult, in her heart, her uncle is better than her father and uncle.

Almost an omnipotent person.

Xueyue City is known as the first city in the world in the world, which was called by his uncle.

In front of outsiders, the uncle is superior and inviolable.

He even deliberately appeared as a man.

But only she knows that Uncle has many unknown weaknesses.

This is a little secret between her and her uncle.

Even her father didn't know.

At the same time, she is also very curious about the sweetheart Li Hanyi has always missed.

Who on earth can make a fairy-like uncle fall in love?

Chapter 075 Eighth, Kendo Treasure [Please Order]

[Martial Arts Power List · Eighth place!]

[Snow Moon City!]

[Lord of Power: Snow Moon Sword Fairy Li Hanyi (Two City Master/Default)!]

[Picture: Land Wonderland · Mythical Steps!]

[Number of strong forces: two half-step land immortals, three masters, more than ten masters, congenital warriors are not included!]

[Number of people: more than 100 people!]

[Reward: Heavenly lower-class treasures: tens of thousands of swords, containing infinite kendo mythms, and understanding can improve the cultivation speed of kendo warriors!]

Just as Li Hanyi and Sikong Qianluo talked about "heart-to-heart".

The high-air list was refreshed again.

Snow Moon City.

When he saw that Xueyue City actually ranked eighth in the martial arts list, Li Hanyi was shocked.

She knows the background of Snow Moon City.

It can't be compared with the tenth and ninth.

Therefore, she didn't expect to be on the list.

After all, except for her two city owners, the other two city owners are only half a land fairyland.

The number of masters and masters is far from enough.

Naturally, there is no hope of being on the list.

But now, it is on the list inexplicably.

How can she not be surprised?

"Uncle, you, you, you are a mythical land fairy?"

Sikong Qianluo also looked at her with a surprised face and covered his little mouth.

Beautiful big eyes, full of incredible colors.

Since the appearance of the golden list, she has learned about the gap between the land immortals, the heaven-to-human rank and the mythical rank.

No wonder Dad almost killed him in seconds in the hands of his uncle.

This is too bad!

Sikong Qianluo couldn't help despised his father secretly.

It is estimated that in the future, the famous gun fairy will no longer be angry in front of his daughter.

Suddenly, a picture made of unknown material appeared in my hand!

Expand slightly.

All kinds of swords are now in the picture.

Even if Li Hanyi saw it, he couldn't help feeling all kinds of kendo meanings from the painting.

In a short time, there has been some progress.

"Uncle, what is this?"

Seeing that Li Hanyi was addicted to painting, Sikong Qianluo quickly came forward and wanted to see it.

Li Hanyi immediately woke up.

"Don't come here!"

Hutly stop it.

"With your current strength, forcibly watching is not only not good, but will hurt your spirit!"

Li Hanyi said in awe:

"Qianlu, when you reach the master, you can watch it!"

"All right!" Qianluo curled his lips, which was a little unpleasant.

Now even looking at a picture needs to be cultivated.

She is too miserable!



Just then, two figures rushed from a distance.

It is the other two major city owners of Snow Moon City.

The owner of the big city is Baili Dongjun, and the owner of the three cities is the air and the wind!

"Sister, it's so hard for us to hide it!"

Baili Dongjun looked at Li Hanyi with a bitter smile.

He didn't doubt that Li Hanyi was malicious.

She must have her own reason for concealing it.

He still knows this sister's temper.

"Brother, I have been looking for a way for you to advance to the Land Wonderland, and now I finally have it."

Li Hanyi shook the ten thousand swords in his hand.

"Unable the kendo athical power and touch bypass. With your talent, you should be promoted soon!"

"Once you advance, Snow Moon City will be regarded as a real transformation."

Snow Moon City can't rely on her alone.

In case something happens to her one day, Snow Moon City will inevitably escape the disaster of destruction.

Therefore, it is imperative that the two people also achieve the land fairyland.

Baili Dongjun did not refuse, and his family did not need politeness.

"Sister, why can we in Snow Moon City be ranked eighth on the list?"

"With our background, it should not be as good as Tianji Pavilion and Baiyue City!"

"The number of strong people is even worse!"

Baili Dongjun is a little puzzled.

On the contrary, Sikong Qianluo whispered:

"What's so strange about this? It must be that Uncle Shi's strength far exceeds that of Bai Xiaosheng and Queen Baiyue!"

"In the eyes of Kyushu Golden List, the role of the uncle alone is greater than that of all the land immortals in the ninth and tenth places, including the mythical rank and the heavenly scale!"

Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng's bodies were shocked.

This statement is reasonable.

In this way, Li Hanyi's strength, even in the mythical level, is the top level.

Suddenly, the two laughed bitterly.

Now they can't see how strong Li Hanyi is.

Let's advance to the land immortals as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the gap between them and Li Hanyi will be wider and wider.

Don't even talk together, it's embarrassing.

I always thought I was protecting Li Hanyi.

But I didn't expect that it was Li Hanyi who had been secretly protecting them all the time.

While I was moved, I became more and more eager for the land immortals.

At the same time, the three owners of Snow Moon City were struggling.

Kyushu countries, whether it is the imperial court or martial arts, have caused a sensation.

Especially the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty.

And all the swordsmen in Kyushu.


Daming Wulin.

The grove where the third young master Xie Xiaofeng and Yan Shisan often compete in martial arts.

At this moment, the two gathered together again.

Since the reason of Murong Qiudi, the two have changed from their original enemies and rivals to the current relationship of enemies and friends.

As swordsmen, the two can never be friends.

They have a feeling in their hearts.

There must be a life-and-death sword between them in the future.

This is their fate.

It was confirmed from the first sight.

However, despite this, the two are still friends of gentlemen.

They can still learn from each other before reaching the peak of Kendo.

Originally, the two didn't care much about these so-called martial arts list.

But when Snow Moon City ranked 8th on the list.

I couldn't help shaking in my heart at the same time.

Especially when I saw that the Snow Moon Sword Fairy was a land fairyland and mythical steps, I couldn't help but be stunned.

He is also a top sword fairy hidden in the depth.

Snow Moon City, they naturally heard it.

The number of forces in the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty.

It's the first city tomorrow.

Baiyun City, which is far beyond Ye Gucheng.

However, they always thought that the three city owners were masters of martial arts.

Although it is admirable, it is not shocking.

But now that the information is exposed, the shock in my heart can be imagined.

It is also a high-profile and low-key force.

Compared with such forces.

Shenjian Villa and Murong Villa are incomparable.

However, what they pay most attention to is the heavenly reward and ten thousand swords.

If they can take a look at it, they will understand it.

Kendo will definitely make great progress.

This ten thousand swordsman map is definitely a treasure for Kyushu swordsmen!

"Yan Shisan, do you want to visit Xueyue City with you?"

"Go together!"

"Snow Moon City has a great reputation in the world, and the three city owners are also chivalrous people."

"They are worth visiting!"

In the eyes of Xie Xiaofeng and Yan Shisan, if they hadn't respected, no matter how strong they were, they would not have seen it.

This is the arrogance of the swordsman.

I have a heart to look down on the world.

Look at Kyushu as nothing.

Of course, it would be more perfect if it was invincible.

It's just that they all have this self-confidence. Sooner or later, there will be such a day!

"It would be better if you could ask three city owners and take a look at the picture of ten thousand swords!"

"Hahaha, that's good. That's what I mean!"

Both of them are not self-defeating.

Together, I stood up directly and flew away in the direction of Snow Moon City.


Daming Jiangnan.

Yuelai Restaurant.

Simon Blowed Snow and looked at the name of the Snow Moon Sword Fairy on the list and the picture of Wan Jian, and couldn't help shaking.

Obviously, my heart is not as calm as it seems.

"Tut, this snow moon sword fairy, with his own strength, pulled Xueyue City to the eighth place in the martial arts power list. It's awesome!"

"Yes, in the eyes of Kyushu Tiandao, the strength and potential of Xueyue Sword Fairy must be worth ranking."

"If Xueyue Sword Fairy is younger, maybe the ranking of the Qianlong list will change again."

"I didn't expect Snow Moon City to be so powerful."

Neither Lu Xiaofeng nor Chu Liuxiang has an exclamation.

They have naturally heard of Snow Moon City's reputation.

Although he is a martial arts force, he never bullies people with the power.

Moreover, within the sphere of influence of Xueyue City, the people are often defended, and there are few cases of treacherous crimes.

I don't know how many times it is stronger than some martial arts forces.

Just then, Simon stood up and walked outside the restaurant.

"Westgate blows snow, what are you doing?"

"Go to Snow Moon City and understand the map of ten thousand swords!"

Simon blows the light snow.

Lu Xiaofeng and others looked at each other:

"Let's go together!"

"I also want to see how elegant the first city of Daming Martial Arts is!"


Qin Emperor.

In the Mohist government city.

Jiansheng Gainie looked at the list in the sky, and his heart was shocked and difficult to attach.

With the emergence of Kyushu Gold List, he felt it more and more.

His Kendo talent is not as good as he thought.

Kyushu still has many talented people than him.

Even many people younger than him have advanced to the Land Wonderland.

And now, he has been wasted for many years and is still in the master.

This made him a little unwilling.

When I saw the ten thousand swords of heaven rewards on the list, my heart couldn't help trembling.

He has a feeling.

If you can see it, it will definitely be of great help to his Kendo.

He can even find the way forward for him to advance to the Land Wonderland.

Thinking about it here, he couldn't help but be very excited.

Compared with Kendo, the struggle between the Qin Dynasty and the nobles of the Six Kingdoms has disappeared from his eyes.

What else attracts him more than the land fairyland!

As soon as the Moh family was done, he immediately went to the Snow Moon City of Daming.

Visit me.

Even if it hadn't been for the siege of Daqin troops outside at this moment, he would have left long ago.


It's not just Gainie who thinks so.

Outside the office city, quicksand station.

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie think the same.

Compared with Kendo, even his career was forgotten by him.

In his eyes, both the Qin Dynasty, the aristocratic forces of the six countries, or even hundreds of schools of thought, fought for their own interests.

What either side did could not fall into his eyes.

Perhaps there is only one Gainie that can make him pay some attention.

But now, he wants to leave immediately and go to Daming Snow Moon City.

Understand the way forward of the land fairyland.

To put up with the excitement in my heart, wait for the Moh family to end and set out immediately.

As for Gainie.


After being promoted to the land immortal, he should mock Gue.

What a pity.

But he doesn't know.

Gniek has the same idea as him.

It is estimated that the battle between the two will be transferred from Daqin to Daming.


Daming Capital.

The backyard of Taibai Restaurant.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the name on the list in a daze.

Snow Moon Sword Fairy.

Li Hanyi.

A bright and touching figure came to my mind.

Stare at him with a resentful face.

"Well, I don't know if she still blames me now?"

"She should know my identity, right?"

"If she ignores it and runs to the Daming Palace to draw a sword at me, I will become the laughingstock of Kyushu."

"Well, we must find an opportunity to explain it!"

Zhu Houzhao can't help but regretting that he jumped too much and was too wild when he was young.

I don't care.

It's getting into trouble one by one!

Now that I think about it, my scalp is numb.

There will be no shortage of Shura fields in the future!

Chapter 076 Wolf's Ambition, Zhu Houzhao's Plan [Ask for Full Order]

A village hundreds of miles away from Snow Moon City.

At this time, all the men, women and children in the village were brutally killed by mysterious organizations.

Subsequently, these doves occupied the magpie nest.

Dressed up as a villager, he began to "patrol" around the village.

Inside the largest house in the village.

It turned out to be the residence of the village head.

"March Ito, have you figured it out? Wan Jiantu is really not in the hands of Xueyue Jianxian, but with Baili Dongjun, the owner of the big city?

"Yes, my ency, my subordinates deliberately sneaked into the Snow Moon City to inquire about it."

"Xueyue Sword Fairy hopes to use Wanjiantu to help Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng advance to the land immortal!"

"Baga, they must not succeed. We must grab the ten thousand swords and hand it over to His Majesty the emperor."

"With the ten thousand swords, my big-foot chicken empire will definitely become extremely powerful, and all soldiers will be trained to be powerful swordsmen."

"Then he formed a swordsman army. He invaded Kyushu every day, and these garbage Kyushu people will no longer be stopped!"

"Your Majesty will become the real lord of Kyushu!"

Two short, ugly guys asked and answered, and their tone was extremely arrogant.

I didn't pay attention to the Kyushu countries at all.

One of them is extremely strong.

Unexpectedly, there is a realm of land immortals and heaven and man.

The other one is not weak, half a step of the land fairyland.

In the words, the two belong to a subordinate relationship.

The powerful one seems to be the bodyguard leader beside Emperor Jiji Island outside Kyushu.

His duties are somewhat similar to Zhu Houzhao's secret commander, or Li Shimin's bad commander.

I don't know when these guys lurked into the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, the Ming and Dark Guards did not notice their existence.

There are still some skills.

These guys actually tried to grab the heavenly reward of Snow Moon City, ten thousand swords.

And I plan to take it out of Kyushu.

Handed over to the emperor.

His wolf's ambition is obvious.

"Your stor, when shall we do it?"

"Wait for my order. I'll let you know when I send someone to arrange it properly in Snow Moon City!"

"Yes, my ency, my subordinates retreat!"


Tang Dynasty Palace, Taiji Hall.

"Master Yuan, is there any way to grab this ten thousand swords?"

"With ten thousand swords, it will definitely cultivate countless powerful masters for my Tang Dynasty!"

Li Shimin showed his desire.

For emperors like Li Shimin, the value of ten thousand swords is much better than that of the sky mirror and fire beads.

Ten thousand swords can fully become the foundation of a powerful force.

With the map of ten thousand swords, you will never have to worry about faults in future disciples.

I guess Tiandao Gold List also found the defects of Snow Moon City, so I deliberately rewarded it!

It is used to make up for the shortcomings of Snow Moon City.

If there are similar Tiandao rewards when bad people are on the list later.

Hearing this, Yuan Tiangang rarely showed embarrassment.

For a treasure in the district, it provokes a mythical strong man.

The most important thing is that the other party is still a woman.

If she remembers her hatred, it is estimated that the whole Tang Dynasty will be restless in the future.

No, absolutely can't do this.

The effort and harvest are completely in contrast.

With ten thousand swords, you can indeed cultivate a lot of good hands.

But that's all.

Compared with the land immortals, no matter how many masters there are, it is not cost-effective.

What's more, if the snow moon sword fairy Li Hanyi opens a big kill.

If you hurt or kill a land immortal of the Tang Dynasty, you will lose a lot.

Even if Yuan Tiangang took action himself, he might not be able to stop her.

You know, Xueyue Sword Fairy pulls a force to the eighth place on his own.

It is conceivable that she is by no means an ordinary mythological order.

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's appropriate to be the enemy of Snow Moon City."

"At least, the Snow Moon Sword Fairy can't know that we are malicious to Snow Moon City."

"Is it just like this to give up Wan Jiantu?" Li Shimin is a little unwilling.

He knows the truth, but the value of ten thousand swords is really too great.

"There is no need to give up."

"I think that we are not the only ones who covet tens of thousands of swords."

"Daqin, Da Sui, Da Yuan, and even Daming himself will pay attention secretly."

"I want to find opportunities to seize it. I, Datang, will never be this first bird."

"If someone succeeds in escaping, we may be the last yellow finch."

"Master Yuan, do you think who will be that mantis?"

Li Shimin questioned.

"Who knows? Whoever gets the first one is the mantis!"

"I am in my understanding that Daqin and Daming will never."

"The other imperial dynasties have wise staff, and they should not do such stupid things."

"I guess it's a superficial swordsman in Kyushu, or an unknown garbage force."

Yuan Tiangang said quietly.

"Ha ha, it's interesting, so let's wait and see!"


Sui Palace.

"Your Majesty, I think that I can compete for this ten thousand swords!"

Yu Wentuo suggested to Yang Guang.

"Oh, why? Are we going to be the enemy of Snow Moon City?

"Although my Sui is not afraid, there is no need to provoke Xueyue Sword Fairy, a mythical strongman, just for a picture!"

For Wan Jiantu, Yang Guangxing is in short supply.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand swords are not simple. If you take it in hand, you will definitely train countless cronies."

"In the face of the door valve family and the martial arts sect, His Majesty also has his own confrontational power."

"Within less than ten years, the whole Sui territory will only be the first of His Majesty."

"Those rebellions and families will also be swept away one by one."

"If the internal worries are lifted, Your Majesty will also have the opportunity to dominate Kyushu. It may not be necessary to unify Kyushu in the future!"

"How can we give up such a good opportunity?"

Yu Wentuo quickly persuaded.

Although it's a little exaggerated, the help is not small.

"Isn't it too exaggerated? It's just a treasure. How can you train so many masters?"

Yang Guang doesn't believe it.

However, in the end, he shook his hand:

"Master Yuwen, you are personally responsible for this matter. Just grasp how you can do it yourself!"

Yu Wentuo frowned slightly.

He is a little dissatisfied with Yang Guang's attitude.

No aspiring emperor should be so negative.

As an emperor, Yang Guang does have many advantages.

But personality defects are also particularly serious.

The biggest problem is his staunch will.

Think about it, it's it.

This made Yu Wentuo a little disappointed.

If it had been in the long run, even with his help, Sui could not have been an opponent of the Tang Dynasty.

Especially if the bad coach Yuan Tiangang is a little careless, he may also fall into calculation.

If one day Yang Guang pulls his back behind his back, he will fall into trouble.

In a turn of mind, he looked at a person who had been paid attention to for for a long time.

Empress Sui, Xiao Meiniang.

Maybe there is a chance to cooperate with her.

Xiao Meiniang practiced the secret of immortality, and there would be a chance to become a land immortal in the future.

She is qualified to cooperate with him.


Relative to Yang Guang's negativity.

Daqin Yingzheng and Dayuan's iron wood are very urgent.

The deterrent power of Xueyue Sword Fairy is really strong. Even they don't want to be enemies.

It can be calculated secretly, and no one will know.

As long as the plan is properly planned, whoever kills tens the swords and deer depends on their own means.

Li Hanyi of Xueyue City didn't know at all. The ten thousand swords of heaven rewards actually provoked so many wolves to look around.

One by one.

Even, even the land immortals have been sent out.

Perhaps in Li Hanyi's eyes, Wan Jiantu is nothing.

But in the eyes of the emperors of various countries, the value of ten thousand swords is stronger than that of any divine object.

For a while, countless people and forces came to the Ming Dynasty.

The direction is straight to Snow Moon City.


Daming Capital.

The backyard of Taibai Restaurant.

Zhu Houzhao, who was talking and laughing with the purple girl, suddenly changed.

Then it returned to normal.

"Purple Girl, Nongyu, Honglian, it's not early today. It's time for me to go back to the palace."

"I'll see you tomorrow!"

After separing from the three daughters, Zhu Houzhao returned directly to the palace.

Then his face sank:

"What the hell is going on?"

"Why do you still keep them?"

"Kill my Daming people, no matter who it is, there is no forgiveness!"

"What's more, these animals have destroyed the whole village? Do you really think I have no one in my Daming?"

"These ants are hitting me in the face!"

The slaughter of villages by the people of the Chicken Kingdom was finally known by the dark guards.

Zhu Houzhao is extremely angry now.

"Your Majesty, the cause of this matter has to start with the reward of ten thousand swords in the heavenly way of Snow Moon City."

The leader of the dark guard quickly explained.

"Then if they kill people, damn it!"

"That's not the reason why you let them go."

"To put it bluntly, I don't have time to listen to your story."

Zhu Houzhao interrupted directly and was a little impatient.

"Your Majesty, I think it's too cheap to kill these animals so simply."

"They have greater utilization value."

The leader of the dark guard said so that Zhu Houzhao became interested.

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Your Majesty, because of the matter of ten thousand swords, things are getting bigger and bigger."

"The emperors of all countries are even more bound to win the ten thousand swords. Now many detectives have sneaked into the vicinity of Xueyue City."

Zhu Houzhao was so smart that his mind turned quickly.

The meaning of the leader of the dark guard has already understood the general idea.

His fingers gently tapped the imperial case, and Zhu Houzhao began to measure the gains and losses of 3.9 of them.

It took a long time to take a deep breath.

"Well, this matter is in my opinion!"

"The Dark Guards First Team, the Second Team and the Third Team are all dispatched to be responsible for this plan. You are responsible for the overall situation."

"My goal is to sneak into all the evil spirits of Daming this time."

"By the way, none of the garbage in those foot basin chicken countries will be left."

"No, leave a few live words first and torture the domestic information of the chicken."

"One day later, I will destroy this island."

"Well, is my Daming the place where you come and go as you want?"

"What can I do without paying a price?"

Next, Zhu Houzhao began to arrange detailed plans one by one.

It involves almost all aspects.

Even if the leader of the dark guard listened, he couldn't help but be shocked.

If Your Majesty's plan succeeds, he will make a lot of money this time.

The meat will definitely hurt for a long time.

"Remember, you know this, I don't know, no third person knows, okay?"

"In the future, even if all countries lose a lot of money, they will not doubt me and Daming."

After saying that, Zhu Houzhao warned seriously.

"I abide by Your Majesty's will!"

Sure enough, Your Majesty deserves to be a born emperor, born with the supreme and nobleness.

Even if it is a plan, it is unparalleled in the world.

Chapter 077 No. 7 on the list, is Wu Wu's daughter of fate? [ Please order all]

Daming Palace.

Queen's bedroom.

Author: Pan Sheng 001

"Qinger, do you really see it clearly? Taibai Restaurant?"

The queen's face changed and asked suspiciously.

"Naturally, I can see it clearly. Don't you understand my pupil, miss?"

"After that, I sent someone to investigate. Three women, one land immortal, heaven and man's level, and two martial arts masters were perfect."

"Bayue City from Daqin!"

"As for more specific information, it's too late, but it will soon come to fruit."

The maid of honor responded confidently.

"Baiyue City? I almost forgot!"

"Su Yue, Princess Baiyue, is the daughter of Qinglian Jianxian and the Dongjun of the Yinyang family."

"Qinglian Sword Fairy is one of the incarnations of Your Majesty."

"Well, Baiyue City must have nothing to do with Your Majesty!"

"Chat, check immediately, use the intelligence system of the Underworld to figure this out."

Empress Wu felt a huge threat.

The face finally changed.

"Remember, don't let Your Majesty know about this."

"I understand, miss. Don't worry when I do business!"

Just as the queen was worried about Baiyue City.

The high-air list moved again.

New words slowly emerged.

[Wulin Power List · Seventh place!]

[Unworld City!]

[The Lord of Power: Wu?]

[Dimm: Land Fairyland · Heavenly and Man!]

[Number of powerful people: two people in the land fairyland · mythical level, two people in the land fairyland and the heavenly scale, more than ten masters, more than 100 masters, and the congenital warriors are not included!]

[Number of forces: more than 1,000!]

[Reward: The world's lower treasure: Phoenix essence blood, the most original essence blood left behind the fall of the fairy beast Phoenix, contains infinite power, and there is a chance to get the inheritance of Phoenix's lifetime!]

The queen Wu saw this and couldn't help but be stunned.

How fast did it turn to the Underworld City?

Just seventh place?

The queen frowned and was a little dissatisfied.

In the Underworld City, there are two mythical elders who didn't even enter the top five?

How is it possible?

It seems that it is her lord of power who dragged the thighs of the Underworld.

If she also achieves the mythical level, she will definitely enter the top five.

Previously, Xueyue Sword Fairy Li Hanyi, but on his own strength, he pulled Xueyue City to the list.

It is conceivable.

29 The strength of a leader of power plays a great role in the ranking of the list of martial arts forces.

"Miss, has your cultivation returned to heaven and man?"

The maid of honor said excitedly.

"God rewards me, my physique has been transformed."

"I thought it would take at least three months to re-step, but I didn't expect that the effect of the immortal phoenix was stronger than expected."

"In less than a month, I recovered."

"Even if it's a mythical scale, I can easily reach it in a short time."

"However, the level of gods and demons is a little difficult, and it takes a long time to accumulate."

"The Underworld wants revenge, but I don't know when it will wait."

"Now the Kyushu Gold List is on the world. Tianmen Organization and the old monster Di Shitian can't watch it."

The queen was not very happy to become a celestial rank again.

Instead, I'm worried.

If the emperor Shitian attacks strongly, not only will her underworld be unlucky, but I'm afraid it will also affect Daming and the emperor.

After all, the old monster emperor Shitian is so powerful.

Even the last city owner died in his hands.

"Miss, isn't there Phoenix Blood?"

"Even the Kyushu gold list is helping you. Phoenix essence blood and the immortal body of the phoenix must be very suitable!"

"If you can get the inheritance in your blood, you will definitely make great progress!"

The maid of honor reminded her quickly.

The queen moved in her heart.

That's right!

Phoenix Blood!

The list suggests that this is the blood left by the fall of a real fairy beast!

"Qinger, help me protect the law outside the hall. No one can enter!"

"If Your Majesty comes down, tell the truth."

"Yes, miss!"

At present, the queen returned to the phoenix couch and sat cross-legged.

Take out the Phoenix blood of Tiandao reward without any hesitation.

Swallow it in the stomach immediately.

Just swallowed it, the next moment.

A sharp pain came.

The whole body seems to be completely burned.

The will of terror hit the queen's mind.

Fortunately, her physique has changed, otherwise, she may not be able to stand it.

It seems that only she can take the Phoenix essence blood rewarded by Tiandao.

If others are probably swallowed, they will be burned to the scum by the magic flame.

However, even like this, the queen suffers unimaginable pain.

Every second, I suffer terriblely.

Time passes by minute and second.

A supreme golden flame suddenly burned all over her body.

The golden light wrapped her tightly.

One expansion, one contraction.

In the end, they all retracted back into Wu's body.

She also returned to normal.

"It's so dangerous!"

"I almost didn't hold on!"

"Phoenix essence blood is indeed worthy of the blood of the fairy beast!"

Even the queen Wu, she couldn't help flashing through her eyes.

However, then, it turned into a surprise.

The harvest of this time is not great.

She feels stronger and stronger than herself.

Talent has also been greatly improved.

Most importantly, she has received part of the inheritance of the fairy beast Phoenix.

Although it is not suitable for human beings, it also has a great reference for her.

She knows more about the road of martial arts in the future than anyone else.

In her heart, the phoenix blood rewarded by Tiandao is much more precious than any artifact.

Unexpectedly, it was classified as the lower grade by Kyushu Tiandao.


"Qinger, this palace is ready. Come in!"

The voice has just fallen.

Zhu Houzhao went straight in.

"Your Majesty!"

"Queen, are you all right? You are too reckless!"

"At least you have to tell me!"

Zhu Houzhao stared at the queen with "complaining".

The queen did not refute it and immediately bowed a courtesy.

"How's it going? Phoenix blood didn't hurt you, did it?

Zhu Houzhao asked curiously.

Even in the system, it has never rewarded him with fairy beast blood or anything.

This makes him curious.

"It's okay. My concubine feels very good."

"It fits the immortal body of the phoenix rewarded by Tiandao before."

"If others force it, they may be swallowed up by the Phoenix Flame."

Empress Wu Yu explained the message of Phoenix's blood one by one to Zhu Houzhao.

Even Zhu Houzhao couldn't help sighing.

He always feels that Empress Wu is the daughter of the fate of Kyushu world.

It's so loving.

Whether it's the immortal body of the phoenix or the blood of the phoenix.

It seems that heaven has laid the foundation for her.

It seems that she is being specially trained.

Empress Wu may not feel this way.

However, with Zhu Houzhao's vision and eyesight, you can still feel it.

Pay more attention to the queen in the future.

Perhaps in the future, it is really possible to become second only to him.

Empress Wu is the daughter of fate.

But he is not bad and afraid of anyone.


Zhu Houzhao and Empress Wu were at ease.

However, the Kyushu world, whether it is the lords of the countries and the martial arts people, are stunned.

Underworld City.

They are very familiar with it.

The power of Empress Wu.

Nowadays, it is on the list of martial arts forces.

Moreover, Wu actually broke through.

Previously, it was still half a land fairyland.

It's just over a month.

In a quiet silence, he returned to the land fairy and the heavenly man's level.

Most importantly, the power of the Underworld is too horrible.

Except for Wu.

Unexpectedly, there are two mythical strongmen, two heavenly and manly strongmen.

In particular, the emperors of various countries have also become restless.

If it is connected between the Ming Dynasty and the Underworld City.

For the Kyushu countries, it is definitely a huge disaster.

Of course, there is another possibility.

Moreover, this possibility is not small.

That is, there is a huge conspiracy in the Underworld.

Wu, the leader of such a terrible force, sneaked into the harem of the Ming Dynasty.

After willingly becoming a country.

It's definitely not that simple.

Wu Yu is definitely a sgenerous and ambitious person.

I will never be willing to be a district queen.

She must have been focusing on the whole Ming Dynasty.

Attempt to usurp the imperial power of Daming.

Try to replace it.

If so, the countries may be able to watch a good play.

Empress Wu Yu, the Empress of the Ming Dynasty, and the Underworld City are indeed not weak or even very strong.

However, Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Who knows how deep he hides?

If the two forces are pinched, it suits their hearts.

It's better to lose both sides.

The Ming Dynasty completely declined, which was also their opportunity.

You can share it and eat it.

Completely divide the Ming Dynasty.

Even if they can't, they can see what Daming's cards are.

They can also take precautions in the future.

Next, they are ready to wait and see what happens.

Look at the extent to which the Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao and the Empress Wu Yu of the Ming Dynasty will develop.

Are they united with each other or opposite each other?


The Great Emperor.

"National teacher, do you think this mysterious Wuqi and the underworld city really targeted the Ming Dynasty?"

"When will they fight with each other?"

Tie Muzhen asked Ba Siba with a happy face.

"Great sweat, don't be careless."

"Whether it is Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, or Wu Yu, Empress Wu Yu of the Ming Dynasty, he is not an easy person."

"The deep mind and hiding of the two people is simply appalling. How can we benefit our fisherman?"

"Even if the Underworld City has this purpose, it will worry about the sneak attack on the backs of our countries before starting."

Ba Siba is very wise.

Obviously, it won't be too optimistic.

"What the national master said is reasonable. It's Ben Khan's negligence."

"However, in any case, it will be a lot of trouble in the future."

"The Underworld City and Wu Yu are nails nailed to the most critical part of the Ming Dynasty."

"Even if Zhu Houzhao wants to pull out, I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

"With the hidden ability of Wuqi, it is estimated that her chess pieces have been buried in all parts of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Even how many people are queens in the hall of the Ming Dynasty are unknown."

"Originally, Han was still worried whether the two terrible guys would unite and threaten our imperial dynasty."

"Now, we have to worry about themselves."

"If this civil war breaks out, even if it is immortal, it will be greatly damaged."

"It can't be my opponent of the Yuan Dynasty at all."

When Tie Muzhen said this, he immediately laughed.

It is full of ridicule of Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty.

Marrying a powerful queen is not only not a good thing, but will be a big hidden danger.

It will even threaten the whole Ming imperial power.

"Great sweat, we can't relax our vigilance."

"We need to expedition to the south as soon as possible, destroy the Southern Song Dynasty, and be ready to swallow the Ming Dynasty!"

The essence flashed in Ba Siba's eyes.

"Yes, conspiracy and tricks are just a gosss. Fighting the world depends on national strength and the army!"

"I'm a big horse, and the world is invincible."

"What if Daming's martial arts force is stronger?"

"Under the iron rider of Ben Khan, it will be destroyed!"

Ironwood is so arrogant.

"Great sweat, the Kyushu countries should not be underestimated, but Kyushu martial arts can't be relaxed."

"Maybe ordinary congenitals, masters, and even masters are useless to me, but the land immortals are completely different."

"We need to subdue as many land immortals as possible."

"Fake the chess pieces and cannon fodder under my Dayuan."

Ba Siba quickly persuaded.

"This matter will be handled by the national teacher!"

200 "By the way, can I be on the list of martial arts forces?"

Now it's seventh place.

Even there is a mythical rank.

Tie Mu really faintly felt a little bad.

"Dahan, maybe our Great Yuan Dynasty failed to list the martial arts forces this time."

"Now the list is full of mythical steps, especially the Underworld, which already has two mythological levels."

Ba Siba said here with a bitter smile.

Backed by the whole Yuan Dynasty, he failed to be on the list of martial arts forces.

It is conceivable how terrible these forces in Kyushu Martial Arts are.

In the future, after Genghis Khan unifies Kyushu, he must wash Kyushu martial arts with blood.

Real world without force.

No one can threaten the rule of Dayuan.

Even if there is martial arts, it can't be very strong.

You can only become a chess piece in Dayuan's hand and play a puppet.

Basiba has made a series of crazy plans in his mind.

It is waiting for Genghis Khan to implement it after unifying Kyushu.

Compared with Tie Muzhen's tyranny and narrrow of his people.

Ba Siba's vicious thoughts about Kyushu Martial Arts are no less.

Tie Mu really waved his hand. Although he was concerned about the list of martial arts forces, he did not pay much attention to it.

In his heart, the iron horse under his command is his greatest guarantee for his foothold in Kyushu.

No matter how strong the land immortal is, it is also annihilated by the Dayuan Iron Ride.


Tang Dynasty Palace, Taiji Hall.

"Your Majesty, it seems that I have failed this time."

"The list of martial arts forces is stronger than I thought!"

"In the current situation of bad people, it can no longer be included in the list."

The bad commander Yuan Tiangang sued him for guilt.

"Master Yuan is exempted from courtesy. That's why I take it for granted."

"I didn't expect that the seventh place would be so horrible, so the next list would be beyond our imagination."

"Is the martial arts forces really so terrible?"

"A force has the power comparable to that of the imperial dynasty?"

Li Shimin also hesitated a little.

The forces on the list are really horrible.

Today's Tang Dynasty is only a beginner, and Li Shimin has not reached the level of ignoring everything and is known as Tian Khan.

The Tang Dynasty was not really prosperous.

Natural confidence will not be so full.

"Your Majesty, the martial arts force is just a martial arts force after all."

"Under the power of the imperial dynasty, it is not worth mentioning at all."

"As long as Your Majesty has confidence and I am willing to assist you, there will definitely be more and more land immortals who will submit to our Tang Dynasty in the future."

"What about the martial arts forces?"

"As long as your majesty orders, all of them must be obeyed, otherwise they will be eliminated!"

Yuan Tiangang immediately cheered.

The Tang Dynasty is not only the foundation of Li Shimin, but also his efforts for many years.

Nature wants it to grow stronger and stronger.

"Yuan Shi is right. As long as I continue to strengthen the Tang Dynasty, sooner or later, the Tang Dynasty will definitely unify Kyushu."

"The martial arts forces in the district, as many as there are in front of me, as much as they will be destroyed."

Li Shimin is so arrogant.

Relaunch hope for the future.

Chapter 078 The sixth place, the goddess in my heart [Please order all]

In Dahan.

Tianmen Organization is located.

When he saw that the "residual evil" of the underworld city was actually on the list, Emperor Shitian was furious and furious.

"Luo Xian, why hasn't the remnants of the underworld city not died yet?"

"What are you doing these days?"

"I didn't expect that the Empress Wu Yu of the Ming Dynasty turned out to be the descendant of the Underworld City and must not let her live!"

"The Underworld must be completely uprooted!"

Looking at Luo Xian's eyes, he was full of coldness.

If it had passed, Luo Xian would have trembled in horror and begged for forgiveness.

But now, she is no longer the real her.

If you eat the master and servant Dan of Zhu Houzhao, you will not do anything harmful to Zhu Houzhao from the depths of your soul.

Naturally, Empress Wu is also under her protection.

It won't tell the real detailed information.

Think quickly in my mind.

Soon, I came up with an idea.

"I told my master that the biggest threat in the Underworld City was not Wu Yu, but the two elders."

"They have mythical cultivation. If they are not removed as soon as possible, their threat will become greater and greater."

"The subordinates are just heaven and man, not their opponents."

"Before that, the Ice Emperor was also dying in their hands."

"The owner needs to send stronger people to solve them."

"Why don't you send those people who betrayed the Underworld at the beginning? Presumably they don't want to destroy the Underworld all the time!"

Luo Xian immediately threw Zhu Houzhao's murderous pot on the two mythical steps of the Underworld City.

He even tried to let the traitors of the Underworld take action in person.

If the traitor dies outside, whether it is against Zhu Houzhao or herself, it will be harmless.

Di Shitian will also have a few loyal lackeys.

"Interesting, interesting, let the Underworld fight to the death, let's watch on the wall."

"That's a good idea."

Emperor Shitian originally claimed to be a supreme god.

Enjoy playing with human nature.

Let the loyal ministers and rebellions in the Underworld kill each other, which is definitely an interesting drama.

After the play, he will appear in person and make the final "summary".

Isn't it beautiful?

Suddenly, Emperor Shitian turned angry to joy.

"Arrange someone to go now!"

"You should know where the Underworld is!"

Luo Xian lowered his head and said respectfully, "Master, don't worry, it's arranged here!"

However, even Emperor Shitian didn't know anything, and the corners of Luo Xian's mouth raised a curvature.

She wants to reduce the wings of Di Shitian step by step.

If it is planned properly, Emperor Shitian may not be able to get rid of it.

If she had been in the same place, she would naturally not have the courage.

But now, loyalty to Zhu Houzhao has long replaced the fear of Emperor Shitian in his heart.

What can't she do?


Daming, martial arts.

There is such a superpower.

It has a great reputation and strength in the world.

But I don't like to interfere in the world.

I just manage my own three-acre of land.

Don't provoke other forces, but other forces can't provoke them.

If it is provoked, it will be mysteriously destroyed the next day.

Over time, no one in this force dares to underestimate and bully at will.

It is the superpower located in the martial arts forest in the west of the Ming Dynasty.

Royal Sword Villa!

"I told the owner that all the people who invaded the villa last night have been solved."

"However, these people seem to be all dead."

"At the moment they were caught, they automatically took poison and committed suicide."

"It's too late for us to inquire about intelligence from them."

The commander of the guard of the villa walked into the hall and reported respectfully to the owner of Yujian Villa.

"Iron Feng, you know a lot about the world. Do you know which force they are?"

Yin Tianxue looked at the escort commander with a puzzled face and asked.

"Master, let you down. There is no special imprint on these people and can't find out at all."

"Obviously, I was well prepared before diving into the villa."

The iron wind shook its head.

"In that case, go down and continue to explore!"

"If the purpose of these people is not clear, it will also be a hidden danger sooner or later."

"Yes, owner!"

Looking at the escort commander who left, Yin Tianxue looked complicated.

"Second uncle, is this you tempting me secretly?"

"With your strength, you can ask directly and strongly. Why do you bend around the bush?"

Yin Tianxue immediately suspected the mysterious "second uncle" Yin Zhong.

Even, she seriously suspected that her father Yin Hao and eldest brother Yin Tianqi were suddenly seriously injured and coma because of the second uncle.

If she hadn't had some strength, I'm afraid she would have encountered something bad.

What the hell does he want to do?

With his strength, it is easy to kill his father, eldest brother and herself.

Now this makes her father and eldest brother half dead, and she herself is also worried every day, which makes her more and more angry.

"Do I need to ask that man for help?"

Yin Tianxue took out a palm-sized jade pendant from her neck and stared at it thoughtfully.

My face is very entangled.

"No, you must not trouble the second uncle until he is really strong."

"Otherwise, not only will he be hurt, but even involve countless innocent people."

In the end, Yin Tianxue shook her head and rejected this seductive idea.

Carefully put the jade pendant back into the collar.

"Cooperate with Tongbo?"

"It's not okay. The identities of these people are mysterious. In case they don't have a good mind, hundreds of people will inevitably lose their lives from the top and down of the Royal Sword Villa!"

Just as Yin Tianxue was very entangled.

In the sky, the sixth place in the list of martial arts forces began to emerge.

Yin Tianxue looked at it silently.

However, she didn't care too much.

Although she cured her wounds because of that man, she even had a strong cultivation.

It has also gained the ability to protect itself.

However, it is still a shortcoming to get Yujian Villa on the list of martial arts forces.

Compared with the major forces such as Snow Moon City and Tianji Pavilion, it is still far away.

Lines of fonts emerge one by one.

[Martial Arts Power List · Sixth place!]

[Yujian Villa!]

[The Lord of Power: Yin Tianxue!]

[Dimm: Land Fairyland · Heavenly and Man!]

[Number of strong forces: one person in the land fairyland · one god and demon level, one master, more than ten masters, congenital warriors are not included!]

[Number of people: more than 100 people!]

[Reward: Heavenly lower treasure: blood return to ancient elixir, after taking it, the blood power in the body can return to ancient times, and the qualification talent can be greatly improved!]

[A month later, it was announced that the first place to fifth place in the list of martial arts forces!]

After the sixth place on the list was announced.

Before long, the gold list in the sky closed and disappeared.

See the name on the list.

Yin Tianxue was suddenly shocked.

Yujian Villa is actually the sixth place in the list of influence?!!

How could this happen?

She is indeed a natural and human cultivation.

But on this alone, it is impossible to be selected.

That's right.

Land Wonderland · Demon Level!

There are such horrible people in Yujian Villa?

Why doesn't she know?

Absolutely because of him!

Soon, a figure appeared in my mind.

Second uncle Yin Zhong!

Naturally, she is familiar with the mysterious second uncle.

I know that the second uncle is strong.

Even in the realm of heaven and man, she is extremely afraid of her second uncle.

But I can't imagine that he is a god and demon!

This is terrible!

This is a more powerful existence than the mythological scale!

Maybe the rank of heaven and man like her is no different from ant in the eyes of her second uncle!


Yin Tianxue couldn't solve it.

Now, there are more and more doubts in my heart.

Unfortunately, their father Yin Hao and eldest brother Yin Tianqi have been unconscious.

She doesn't even have a person to discuss.

That's right.

Blood returns to Gudan.

Looking at the treasures that suddenly appeared in her hand, Yin Tianxue ate it in one bite.

The entrance melts.

But after a breath.

Yin Tianxue only felt that the blood of her whole body was boiling.

It seems to burn completely.

She doesn't feel much pain.

It just feels like soaking in a hot spring.

The head is very clear.

At the same time, there is a strange force awakening from the body.

Whether it's five senses or physique, it seems to be extremely powerful.

Even the speed of real elements in the body is more than ten times faster.

The bottleneck of cultivation in the underworld seems to have completely disappeared.

The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

A special temperament exudes.

The whole person seems to have undergone a qualitative transformation.

Even if she was promoted to the Land Wonderland, it did not bring her such a magical change.


Right now.