Chapter 23: How We Counter

It was a well known reality that armies return with fewer soldiers than they embarked with. However, that’s untrue for vampires.

Following our deadly hunt through the woods, we nearly doubled our numbers as we found more and more enemy soldiers arising as vampires. Unless these new vampires ascend during their first meal, which is unlikely off of a dead food source, they’ll need to be brought back to Mirewood for a ritual.

Hendron walked up to me and said, “I don’t think we can move these shamblers just yet with that battle raging outside these woods.”

“Velador,” I whispered and looked in the direction of the battlefield. Through the forest, seeing anything proved impossible. “Melyiana, with me. Hendron, see our new friends safely back to Shurchester. Move only at night,” I commanded and motioned for Melyiana to follow.