Chapter 24: No Capture, No Surrender

Their camp extended past the village’s grounds in an unordered menagerie of tents and lean-tos surrounding the buildings that never burned down. It sounded boisterous from our vantage. Akisma and I lurked in the shadows while Melyiana scouted the perimeter.

“No capture, no surrender,” I said to Akisma, looking towards the collection of fires.

“Does Velador know that’s your doctrine for the evening?” Akisma asked without turning my way.

“Velador doesn’t need to know,” I said because I was not going to tell my husband that I would stake myself before allowing capture

“He’d pay your ransom.”

“There wouldn’t be any part of me left to ransom to him,” I countered, arguably a little on edge ahead of this operation.

Finally, Melyiana returned and said, “The bastards brought in ale and women to celebrate their victory.”

“From where?” Akisma asked, confused where they found enough of either in this desolate place.