Chapter 27: Everblood

“You shouldn’t be here!”

I screamed and scampered back into the cyclone beyond the cave. The streams of dust instantly clogged my lungs, nose, ears, everywhere. My vision began to blacken and opening my eyes grew more difficult with each labored blink.

“Who was that?” I yelled and turned around to see if the demon pursued me.

An ominous silhouette approached calmly. The creature remained shrouded and I had no options but diplomacy or retreat and neither sounded safe. I couldn’t see and there would be no chance for me in combat.

I knelt as my eyes bled and I regretted the hubris that brought me to this surrender. “I mean no harm!” I yelled.

The aberration pressed forward at a slow, menacing pace.

“Is the world in peril?” I shouted and spat out volcanic ash. It felt as though my tongue turned to pulp from inhaling fire.

“Why have you come back?” the voice asked, enshrouded by a deep breathing.

“I’ve never been here!” I struggled to say clearly. “Just tell me!”