The warm water soothed my body that has endured so much. I dipped under as Jissabel poured another bucket of water heated by flame into the bath. Muffled talking above caused me to surface and Jissabel said, “Yes my lord,” to Velador standing in the doorframe.
She placed the bucket down and scampered by him. “As promised,” I smiled, delighted he graced me with his presence.
“A sight for sore eyes, arms, legs and shoulders,” he listed and laughed.
Velador barred the door behind him and walked over to the next cold bucket of water to pour into the cauldron over the fireplace in my chambers. I’ve never used the fireplace before but even a hot bath can warm a vampire’s icy skin.
While the next dose of water warmed, he stood over the bath and rubbed my shoulders. I leaned my head back against the bath and stared into his eyes above mine.