Chapter 29: You Have No Idea

It felt good to lie down and I admittedly fell asleep right away. I heard Velador come and go several times and Madam Holsienne even mumbled good tidings to my drowsy attention.

Finally I felt rested enough closer to midnight and ventured towards Velador’s bedchamber. If what they said was true, and I was gone for so long, it’s been the better part of a year since he’s felt a woman’s touch and I missed him in every way.

I held my knuckles just an inch from the door in hesitation. Why was I nervous and trembling? I had to get it together.

“He’s not in there.”

“Velador,” I gasped as he appeared down the hallway by the stairs.

“I was coming to bring you fresh wine, imported from down south. Thought you could use a glass or, hm, a dozen,” he smiled.

I withdrew my hand and said, “Definitely could use wine.”

He flicked his head towards my room and I sat on the bed with a glass of wine. He drank some too and we didn’t say much at first. Where would I begin?