Chapter 30: On the Rise Again

The following morning after my mother departed, Velador and I walked in one of the city’s public gardens. I felt at ease in the calming ambiance and the threat of another assassination didn’t worry me. I was confident that I’ve proven myself to these people by now.

I held Velador’s arm while we stopped at all of the dormant fauna. No roses to smell there. It was winter afterall and he explained, “I realize this is a bad time of year to walk here.”

“Just a little late,” I laughed.

“Or early. Remember how it looks now and in a few months we’ll come back to see how it’s bloomed,” Velador smiled and picked off a dead leaf from a bush.

“Is that a metaphor?” I asked, swooning at the thought.

He curled his lips and said, “I suppose it could be.”