Chapter 36: Upsetting Tradition

A few days later, I sat in on a monthly event that was postponed upon my coronation but resumed during my disappearance at the Sydian Maw. The duke would hear the woes, qualms and arguments from his populace, curated by Minister Malina. It was custom for the duchess to observe and provide counsel only if requested. I couldn’t say I was thrilled with that tradition.

While everyone else made small talk, I mulled over how to apologize to sweet Jissabel. I’ve avoided the subject and she deserved to know that I didn’t mean to lash out like that. I suppose a simple sorry was a good way to start.

Finally, Maline asked Velador, “Are you ready to begin? The line is not shortening.”

Velador nodded and asked, “Who is first?”

“Splendid,” she answered and signaled for the guards to let the first guest in. “This is Sir Farl of the Vast Meadow Farmstead to the north. He owns fifty acres of land and much of that is home to fruit trees and berry bushes.”