Chapter 37: Even the Sun Shines in Winter

*A few days later…*

Sleep came easy that night for Velador but I was not satiated. I gave him a few hours of rest before awakening both his mind and body so we could enjoy midnight intimacy. The mind filled in what the eyes could not see in the darkness and the body felt the rest.

Velador awoke in bed to find me staring at him and playing with his hair. He yawned and smiled, “Good morning.”

“My lord,” I smiled and kissed his chest. “Your skin is as cold as mine.”

He laughed and nestled closer to me for warmth although the benefit was negligible. Our bodies pressed into each other and our legs vied for supremacy. I listened to his heart beat as his hands wrapped me tightly.

We repositioned and I noticed my wine glass had spilled during the midnight romp. “Did we make that much commotion?”

“What do you mean?”

“The wine glass fell and broke. Unless you knocked it because you sleep like a barbarian sometimes,” I smirked.