Chapter 38: Family is All

*A week later…*

I sprinted out of the castle as Velador rode in on horseback with a host of his men. I was happy and elated to see him after my taste at leadership. While rewarding, I enjoyed it much better at his side.

“Welcome back, my lord!” a guard yelled.

“It is good to be home but there is much yet to be done in the north!” Velador yelled as more guards and castle workers looked on. He dismounted and an aide took the reins of his horse.

“My wife,” he smiled and stormed towards me.

I jumped into his arms for an overdue embrace and I whispered, “I missed you so much,” into his ear.

“I’ve heard how well you handled the influx of people,” he said and finally put me down, to my dismay.

“How do the people fair? In the north?” I asked.

“A vast chasm opened up for miles and miles from one of the mountains. It devastated the homes and farmlands of several villages and towns,” he replied. “I don’t think they’ll be returning to settle anytime soon.”