Chapter 39: The Summit Isn’t the Top

*A few weeks later…*

As spring finally started creeping its way back into the world, all leaders of the human realm received an invite to the Vymenian Summit hosted by the Arvenswal Empire.

That included me.

For the first time, a vampire would attend this summit in its thirty plus years of existence and I had days on the road with Velador to contemplate how my pride would deal with their prejudice.

Velador and I have remained close since our talk about having children but I’ve noticed him being more careful when making love to me. It made me ponder about our chambers at the summit and if we’ll be able to find privacy or time for each other.

I started wondering what he was thinking about while he stared out the window of our coach but he’s a man so he was probably looking for funny shapes in the clouds. I smiled at the thought and the journey continued on.