Chapter 43: Smitten Is Better Than Bitten

With the Arvenswal capital city slowly fading in the background, Velador rode out front at first for the fresh air. I replayed the summit over in my head and how wonderful the night before on the balcony felt. But it didn’t take long for me to worry that the continent won’t heed my warning.

Truthbetold, I probably sounded crazy to them but they needed to be scared.

We enjoyed the refreshing trip through the countryside as much as we could and returned back to Avenadyn to find my good friend Akisma conversing in the courtyard with several of the men. One of them I believe was the knight that paid Akisma attention after our raid on the Crasmor camp many months ago.

“Akisma!” I yelled and ran towards her after I hopped out of the wagon. She wore leather armor and had her hood down since she stood in the shade.

“My duchess!” she yelled and bowed in jest before embracing me.