Chapter 44: Vampire Wedding

We arrived in Mirewood about a full day before the night of the wedding and everybody knew we traveled with a human well before we even made it into the town. Many people looked on with suspicion, assuming Corinth to be the human duke I married. Akisma rode close to her prize and Corinth mumbled, “Maybe I should have remained home.”

“You're under the Blood Duchess’ protection, you’ll be fine,” Akisma replied.

“Is he?” I asked and smirked to show my teeth.

Many of my friends, Hendron included, soon greeted us before my parents arrived too. We exchanged pleasantries, handshakes and many kissed my hand. I couldn’t be sure if the added respect arised from my title or my ascension to everblood. The crowd toyed with the human but kept it civil enough. By knowing he suggested becoming a vampire, I didn’t feel as bad for him.

“My daughter,” my father said and we embraced. “You glow with exuberance!”

“It is good to see you again,” I smiled and allowed my mother a turn.