What the hell just happened? Why is everything so dark? What happened to me, where am i? What the heck is going on here?, how did I end up in this dark place? Huh...where is my body, why can't I feel it?

Damn it!...who the hell brought me here, how did I end here? Is this it... am I dead? Wow so I died or is it someone playing with me, anybody here? What the fuck am I doing here and where the fuck am i? DAMN IT!!!

He stayed in the dark void for what seems to be eternity with not even a flash of light or a blink. After so many days which he lost count of.....a light shone, a very bright light, it shone to a level that there wasn't an hint or trace of darkness. The young man shot his eyes tight so has not to go blind... then the scenario changed to another plain a place full of whiteness and clouds no single being.

A voice then spoke "young man what seeketh thou"

"who are you and where are you speaking from"the young man questioned the voice back with a weary tone

"I asked you a question " answered the voice

"Answer mine first" the young man retorted

"Sigh.... OK go on and ask whatever you want"the voice said. "You humans are so despicable and arrogant" it added

"Are you done....if you're done can I go ahead with my question? The young man said arrogantly

"okay I'm all ears" said the voice

"who are you, where am i, from where are you speaking from, why was i in that horror darkness and why is there no human here, why did you refer to me as human since you sound like one"asked the young man

"first you can't know who I'm, as for your second question..... you're in a place called heaven, you can guess where I'm speaking from....i don't need to answer that. As for your fourth question, you were in a place called the void...a place of no living, a place full of darkness, a place that has no end and limit,.....why you were there is because you're dead.... that's why you can't feel your body, you're're just a mere consciousness that I've kept alive because it's not yet time for you to die, well there is no human here cos I'm not human" the voice answered

"so what you're trying to tell me is that I'm dead, what actually killed did I die? " the young man wondered with a questioning gaze

"Let me show you the video of your death so you'll understand " the voice replied

"Wow this is how i just ended my life, those mother fuckers and their gang war" the young man said soberly

"Huh...i thought you wanted to start a gang so why curse them? " the voice said mockingly

"Snort, i just thought about it.... Wait how did you know I was thinking about forming a gang against those influencial monsters, I haven't told anyone about it cos those licompoop killed me" the young man said

"Haha...i'm omniscient and potent, I'm not what humans can comprehend, I know every single thoughts going through every single humans... so you don't need to be surprised " the voice said while laughing

"You.... well I've nothing to say, so tell me why did you keep my consciousness alife when it's not necessary ? The young man asked

"I'm sending you into a world, a world you might have heard of, a world human thinks its just fantasy, a world where the strong and powerful rules. I've watched you all through your life, I created you and i'm going to give you a second chance... so use this new life well, tribulations and persecution will come your way, it's up to you to choose either to give in to depression or stand tall with your head lifted high and your shoulder up" the voice said with a serious tone

"So farewell and go live a new life... Haha" The voice added with a loud laugh

Before the young man could pick up the pieces and join them together so he could understand what the voice said and also ask questions he was again thrown into the void.