Chapter 26: Battle

They all went home tired both physically and mentally. They even forgot to grab something for dinner.


The next morning they all went for their daily routine, lecture, cafeteria and gathered in Bright's hostel.

"Those robots are really hard to deal with" Daniel started

"They are not hard, we just don't have what it takes to defeat them" Bright continued

"Which is teamwork" James concluded

"How can we achieve that?" Samuel asked

"Did you guys noticed how our last battle before our defeat went?" Noah questioned

They all reviewed their last battle and decided to work on their weak points.

"We have to cover up for each other, more than we did yesterday" Bright stated and they all set to go to the AUTA .

"Why didn't you help me? "Bright asked through his thought

"I can't possibly help you to do everything, else you'll be useless. Moreover you are beginning to draw out my energy on your own without my help. Isn't that suppose to tell you that you can be better without me." the blade answered lengthily.

"I see..." Bright nodded. He was oblivious of the people walking with him while they all think he is thinking about the trial ahead.

They entered the big door as usual and moved in, but this time before they got to the centre of the room. The ground immediately sinked, they all fell downward into the underground.

'Blergh '

As usual they puked their gut except for one person who didn't puke his gut which was Bright , he was able to hold himself. Apart from him, there was someone else who didn't puke much this time.

"When will I get the hang of this thing" James complained before leaving the rest to clean up.

They all followed after James and cleaned themselves up and the floor. By the time they came back they couldn't find Bright, they went into the arena and found him standing opposite their opponents.

"This time...we are winning this" Bright stated firmly and that same sharp and domineering aura seeped out of him. The blade could sense it but it kept quiet.

"Don't get too cocky yet, because i don't think you will be able to defeat a single one of them, not to talk of the five of them" Stelio's voice was heard

"Let's see about that then" Bright responded while not removing his gaze from his opponents.

"Have fun" Stelio said

Immediately the robots entered a battle mode, their weapons glowed red and hot, the heat wave was felt by Bright and his friends.

The sword robot slashed forward and a large red hot line came out and went straight at Bright and his friends, Bright jumped forward and crossed his blades together, blocking the attack. Due to the speed and force of the attack, he was pushed back a few feet before regaining his footing.

Bright threw the attack sideways with his dual blades and returned his gaze to his opponent. He drew energy from the swords unconsciously and he sharp aura covered him.

His friends moved away from him due to the sharpness radiating from him, the robots charged forward. The sword robot charged straight at him and slashed forward, Bright countered back with his own slash and charged forward too.


A fiery spear passed him with speed and went straight at the sword robot, but before it could collide with its target a large hot red shield blocked the spear.


"You're not alone in this " James voice resounded beside Bright. A fiery barrier protected him from the sharp aura.


Wave of water crashed on the shield and pushed it back, a whip swiped forward straight at them, but was again stopped in the air. Bright changed direction and went straight for the robot with sword and engaged it in a close combat.

They clashed and displayed mastery in sword art, but the robot was gaining ground.

"Hey lad...focus within you and draw out more energy from within " the blade said to bright.


They separated from each other and began inspection themselves.

"How am i suppose to do that? " Bright questioned the blade.

"Just concentrate you can do it " the blade answered

Bright concentrated within and could feel the energy of the blade, he focused on it and drew it. The energy seeped into him and he could feel the energy the sharpness radiating around him increase.

He felt in control of the energy, he slashed at the sword robot which also did same thing a milky coloured line and a red line shot forward and clashed creating an environment filled with sharpness.

The sharp raging auras battles for survival while continue spreading, a red glow covered the sword robot while a light milky glow covered Bright the sharpness covering them continued to fuel their attacks.

Which spread continuously, the others had to move away and defend themselves from the sharpness that keeps colliding.

The duo slashes engulfed the fist robot and it roared angrily before bashing it's red fist together.

'Boom' 💥

The Shockwave from the bash cleared the arena from the sharp aura, it immediately charged toward Bright before he could react. A fist was sent straight to his face, but before it could hit, a flaming figure dashed and moved Bright out of the trajectory of the fist.

"Try to consider us in your fight please " Noah said after saving Bright, he immediately dashed back at the first robot and balled his fist in flames.

Powering himself up in more flame he swung his fist straight at the robot's gut, sending it flying.


It crashed on the barrier surrounding the arena.

"My turn " Timmy said before forming his fist in water and bashed it on the first robot.

"This is for punching me last time! " Timmy screamed and slammed his fist that was covered in water which was rotating like a whirlwind into the fist robot gut. Same place where Noah hit it.

The whip robot was been handled by Samuel, who was able to stop thee whip and even change its trajectory, he was winning against the whip robot.

The shield robot is being bashed around by James, he makes the reaction speed of the robot slow and keeps brandishing it with fiery spears, hammer and he created formations that makes the robot lose focus for seconds before beating it up repeatedly.

The sword robot and hammer robot laid their eyes on Bright. The hammer robot rushed at him and brandish it's hammer at Bright.

'Bang' 💥

Bright avoided the hammer and hurled his left forward but suddenly changed trajectory because a slash phased pass his leg with speed.

He dropped his leg and immediately ducked down avoiding a swing of an hammer to his head, he did a back flip and kicked the hammered robot on its jaw which made it staggered.

'Swoosh '

He dashed from his previous position and asked forward avoiding the red line that crashed on his previous position and at the same time was able to cut off one hand of the hammered robot.

Bright immediately rushed at the sword robot and sent to precise slash forward. Before shouting

"Phantom strike!!!"

He swung his blade multiple times and stopped, before charging at the hammered robot. The sword robot was confused about why it's opponent just did some perfect slash and ran away without sending an attack.

But before it could move it's hands suddenly detached from it before it's head followed and it fell lifelessly on the ground.

Noah and Timmy who has successfully destroyed the first robot which was the strongest foe were surprised and confused not knowing what Bright did to defeat the sword robot.

They immediately splited and went to support their friends. Noah went straight to Samuel but stopped to change direction since Samuel already defeated the whip robot.

He then decided to assist Bright but a loud blast stopped his charge and shockwave spread out pushing everyone away.

James created an huge hammer burning ferociously he prepared to bash it on his opponent before a water first hit his opponent away. He ctared at the attacker and frowned.

"You don't interfere " he said to Timmy

Timmy just shrugged

They both prepared to take their opponent out before a shockwave pushed them away. Everyone stared at Bright who was covered in a white and gold aura and was clashing with the heavy hammer🔨 radiating with heat.

James was wearing out while holding up the fiery hammer 🔨 , he immediately launched it at his opponent who was smashed to pieces. He then stood and stared at Bright who was still fighting.

The rest came together to watch, while focusing on protecting themselves from the constant shockwave.

The Shockwave continued raging and something strange happened, the energy surrounding Bright began to increase and his attacks grew stronger.

His attacks began pushing the robot back and at the same time white and Gold slashes keeps crashing on the robot.

"Slash of furry!!! " Bright shouted and multiple slashes came out everywhere cutting everything on its part.

His hands keep moving like a master swordsman but he has no control over his attacks.