Chapter 43: Pissed

Bright walked past those that were arguing near the cafeteria, he went to sit on the chair as if nothing concerns him. Everyone's eyes turned to him.

"Oh you're back, and I see your precious chairs are okay, well....the chairs actually did me something bad and since i couldn't punish it, i guess I can punish the owner instead" Brook said while staring down at Bright who ignored him.

"Didn't he hear me, is he deaf?" Brook asked Dason

"I don't know, and if I'm right, isn't this guy the dude who got the spot light during the expenditure? " Dason questioned back

"He surely his, but that's not what I'm asking you, his he deaf?" Brook asked with anger.

"Hey man, I don't know, why don't we find out" Dason responded.

The duo moved forward to get close to Bright. "Didn't you hear what i said ugh?" Brook asked but received no response from Bright who already closed his eyes.

"Very well then, i can possibly go ahead " Brook raised his hands and pointed it at Bright."I won't hold back if that's what you're thinking, and this time i don't care if that barrier will protect you, I'll just reck this place and i won't go easy on you either. " his hands were encased in blue lightning, he released the encased lightning directly at Bright who didn't move an inch.

Before it could reach Bright, an ice wall erected from the floor and blocked the attack. "Don't forget that we are here to stop you and this madness" Rina said, the ice wall cracked revealing her .

"How did you get there so fast" Brook was shocked

"I've moved before you released that damned power if yours, forget it, I'm bringing you in right now. " she said and raised her hand ready to take him down. A tiny shard of ice, formed in her finger, it disappeared almost immediately it appeared and a bang was heard, with someone grunting.

"Don't count me out " Dason said, he looked at his hand which was hurt due to it holding the shield that blocked Rina's attack. "That small attack was strong, can i really beat her?. "

"Oh really, then let's see if you can take on the both of us. "Andy said and the smile on her face immediately vanished.


In the middle of the commotion a certain someone was busy conversing with his system in his mind.

"Are you sure?" Bright asked

"You doubting me now, you can possibly acquire it, but it will be partial since you don't want to render him powerless with no ability. So you will need to acquire another power with same potential partially and sacrifice it to make this one another ability in your possession. the system said

"Okay then I'll take the two and keep them till i find someone who is not fit to own their ability but are on same level with this two. Let's go acquire new ability.


Rina, Andy, Brook and Dason are staring daggers at each other, ready to pounce.

"They want me right, then I'll take them" a voice said

"What do you mean, do you think you can possibly match the two of us?" Brook asked

"No" Bright said.

"So what are you insinuating?" Brook questioned.

"I'll just kick your asses, nothing special" Bright said

"You..... Rina step aside and let me deal with this fool" Brook said

"As you wish" she moved away and Andy follows suit.

"Hmm, why did you move? I thought you wanted to protect him " Dason questioned

"We weren't trying to protect him, we were just taking up responsibility of stopping you both from hurting the others, if he says he wants to deal with you himself, no prob, we are happy you comply" Andy said.

"So, you mean he can take us on" Dason said

"Like he said, I'm sure he will beat you guys in a fight, i won't want to get on his bad side" Rina replied this time

'That confidence, the way he talked and the way he walked, it seems he can back up his words with his power, should i stay out if this? No let me test him' Dason thought and raised his hand which formed a spear ready to Pierce Bright.

Seeing this, Brook also summoned a large amount of lightning and forced them to stay on his right arm, he pointed it at Bright, they both looked at each other and released their attack.


No barrier popped against their expectations."Let's see if he will be able to come out of that unhurt" Dason muttered.

" Is that all you've got? Well i don't care if you have any other thing up your sleeves, it's my turn" Bright said and opened his eyes, which glowed a gold shade.

(Mental attack activated)

(Mental attack has been used on opponents, opponents mental walls has been breached, opponents metal waves has been drained)

(Mental attack successful)

Brook and Dason fell lifelessly on the floor, Bright stood up after seeing the message, he walked up to Dason and placed a finger on his neck, as he is checking his pulse.

'Do it now, hurry ' Bright thought

(Ability acquisition)

(Checking compatibility.... 1%, 5%, 10%... 100%)

(Acquiring creation ability)

(Ability acquisition successful....partial creation ability added to host collections).

Bright did the same thing to Brook and partially acquired his ability too.

Note: Ability acquisition is used to copy abilities which the host can use in a partial state, it can only become full if host uses, ability siphon or if host acquire another ability that has same potential.


Bright stood up and began walking away, while ignoring the gazes on him.

"Stop tight there boy, you are asked to be brought in for questioning" a male voice came from behind him

Bright stopped in his track and asked "I'm just coming from the higher ups office, what do they need me for again?" he asked

"The higher ups aren't the one who needs you, you are to be brought in for questioning at the guards office" the male voice responded

"What crime have i committed this time?" Bright asked without turning back.

"Fighting in the academy's premises is prohibited, except you go to the ring" the male voice which is a guard said.

"I don't think I committed any crime then since that's the case, I only defended myself." Bright said and decided to walk away.

"I'll advice you to come peacefully else I'll have no choice but to bring you in by force " the guard stated

"Why is this day like this, can't you guys just give me a breather, or is that too much to ask? I said i merely defended myself, i did nothing wrong. " Bright said

"You were caught bending next to the unconscious bodies of two special student, isn't that a give away" the guard said

"I've said my piece, you can find out what really happened from the onlookers" Bright said and took a step.

"Kid, if you take another step, you won't find it funny" the guard stated. Bright ignored him and took another step forward. "You leave me no choice then" The guard dashed forward and tried to grab Bright by his collar, Bright stepped away at the last second..

"He's fast, but not so much" Bright thought.

"He dodged it" the guard thought and immediately charged in, doing the same thing over and over again.

"What is this, even with the slight increase in my speed he is able to dodge my grip" thinking about this, the guard suddenly increased his speed and instead of aiming for his collar, he aimed for his hand.

Bright was able to dodge the grip, but the guard touched his skin with his finger. Immediately Bright could feel a strange sensation in his body.

"What did he do?" Bright thought

(Host oval has being sealed)

"Hmm, how did my oval got sealed?" Bright questioned.

'isn't it obvious, that's his Ability. You won't be able to produce energy to fuel your abilities, it makes its victim a mere human, but as for you, you're just a rare-brid without an ability, he doesn't need to hold you, all he needs is just a little contact... i can break the seal if you want ' the system said

"Don't unseal it" Bright said

"What are you doing standing there, have you decided to change your mind and come with me now? " the guard smirked thinking he has gotten him.

"Nope" Bright answered, making the smirk on the guard's face change into a frown.

"You're just stubborn" the guard said and moved with same speed, thinking he would get a hold of Bright this time.

Unfortunately for him, Bright side stepped while making the guard's hand trail forward, he changed direction and tried to get hold of Bright but the same thing repeated itself. Everyone present were watching closely.

"How is he able to move so fast, even with me sealing his oval" the guard thought. " I don't know what or how you're doing this, but if i can't bring you in while you're awake then i'll just knock you out" the guard said.

"You can keep trying" Bright said

The guard summoned the ATP in him, he direct it to his legs. 'I've trained alot and I won't let myself to be pushed around by a mere kid, who is in his first year, even if i dont have the means to grow stronger than i am presently due to lack of resources, I won't make myself be called a pathetic guard, who couldn't arrest a first year. An one who isn't a special student' the guard thought. He subconsciously moved part of his ATP to his hands.

'I can sense a rise in his energy, his he taking this serious? ' Bright thought.


The guard charged in, albeit this time faster. He closed the distance between him and Bright in seconds and pushed his palm forward, hitting bright on his chest, his ATP flowed into Bright and rushed to his oval, making the seal stronger, the residue energy moved around and tried to seal the source of Bright's ATP.

Sensing what was going on in his body, bright jumped back and tried to know what was wrong, but the gaurds wasn't giving him a breathing space. He keeps increasing his speed to match Bright's speed and continue releasing more ATP into him.

' I don't know what is going on, but I can feel it. The more i use my ATP with my power, the faster I become while his speed decrease. ' the guard thought and decide to add more ATP to his attack. 'i don't have much ATP left, I need to use a palm strike on his chest and take him out now. '

' Get your self together and stop this nonsense else your ATP will be sealed, leaving you with just your body and the strength of your race. ' the system warned.

' I see what he is doing now, he has really done it this time. ' Bright thought

" Enough!!!" Bright shouted, his ATP and aura exploded outward, pushing the guard away, the seal on his ATP broke, the guard puke out blood due to the force generated by the combination of ATP's aura and his natural aura.

" You all are annoying, you shouldn't have pissed me off, now you have to pay the price for getting on my bad side. " Bright said and dashed forward with his fist raised, his movement was light.

The guard crossed his hands, aiming to block the punch, but a voice entered his ear from behind. "Don't leave your back open." Bright said and punched the guard on his back, sending him flying and crashing into the broken walls near the cafeteria.

"Gasp!!! that was heavy, I could feel a bone crack even though i protected my back with my remaining ATP, yuck I'm almost out of em" the guard muttered while standing up from the debris.

" Too slow, never give your enemy the chance to gain an advantage against you, cause you choose to rise fast enough" Bright said from behind, again sending a fist at his back.

The guard reacted faster this time and tried to block the attack. "Dumbo" Bright said and immediately stopped the fist mid air and swung his other hand balled into a fist upward, hitting the guard below his jaw, he then jumped to the side and raised his legs at an immense speed and force, the kick hit the guard squarely on his stomach. It was as if time stopped, the kick hit it's target, the guard widened his eyes, a shockwave came out of his back due to the force of the kick. As everything became normal, the guard was lifted off his feet and sent into the distance, crashing into a near by building and being embedded in it. The guard passed out cold with blood flowing from his mouth.

Everyone: (☉。☉)

Not knowing that his adversary had passed out, Bright bent his leg and prepared to dash again, when he suddenly heard a female voice.


Bright stopped dead on on his track. ' what is this, how is she able to command me to stop and my body refuse to disobey ' Bright thought.

' it's her ability, it should be related to speech's the blade answered

"inspect skill " Bright muttered while staring at the female who stood at the front of the guard, she wasn't dressed like a guard, but as an high class lieutenant.

(Inspect skill)

(Name: ???)

(Title: lieutenant)

(Ability: ???)

(Stage: ???)...

"Why is everything blanked out?" Bright asked the system.

' Inspect skill won't work on entities who are far stronger than you ' the system answered.

" I will release you, but you have to stand still else I'll have no choice but to step in" the female entity said." Be free" she said.

"Who are you, and why are you interfering?" bright asked with a weary look, he noticed he could move again.

"My name is lieutenant Lori Musk, I was just passing by when i witnessed everything that happened from the beginning, you really are a strong for a first year and a regular student, i wonder why you aren't a special student. " she replied.

" You adversary has passed out and any more from you will end up taken his life, and I'm sure you don't want that to happen, I'll take him to the infirmary, you can be on your way, i know it's just a misunderstanding and you're trying to defend yourself, it's obvious from you holding back at the last second before the kick landed. So everyone disperse. " she said and turned to carry the unconscious guard away.

" She knew i held back, thank God she didn't decide to bring me in, else I will be in real trouble, I need to lie low as of now and get stronger. " Bright muttered and turned his back to leave.

" Did you video everything?"

"Yeah i did, not leaving anything"

"Good, post it in the academy's student platform, we should have more followers with this. " a girl and a boy could be seen holding a mini camera in their hand and typing away on it.

Everyone left the area as to the woman had said, they were all talking about what had transpired.


"I guess we now have a chance to bring him under us" a male voice said

"What do you mean? " another asked

" He can't possibly pay for the damages he caused, he would be left with no choice but to bow to us now to be able to clear this debt" the male voice replied

" Haha, you really are amazing" a female voice said with a light laugh.

" Yeah he really is, but I'm taking over, calculate the cost if the damages, all bills on me. " a voice came from behind the doors and walking inside a female with a figure eight, dawned in blue outfit which hug her body and her great assets, her beauty will make most beautiful public figures be put to shame.

Everyone in the room turned to look at the door and their heart started beating fast.