Chapter 45 : Wounded

The dome opened and revealed the teens in it.

" Wow, moment ago I feel energized but now my body crave rest " Noah said

" I'm feeling drowsy " Sam stated. They all turned to look at Bright so as to thank him before they rest, but what they saw made their eyes widened.

Bright look like he hasn't slept for a couple of days, with large bags in his eyes, his appearance looks extremely stressed out and ready to collapse.

" Are you okay??" a voice came from behind them which shocked them.

" Miss Abbie?? When did you..." Sam was saying when she interrupted him.

" Are you okay?? " Miss Abbie asked again, directing the question to Bright.

" Hmmm, you're back...I think I need to take a nap " he replied and collapse, falling asleep immediately.

" What were you guys doing??" Lori asked

" About that, " James paused and examined the faces of his comrades before continuing. " We were just trying something we came across, it's for the better, so don't worry about it, if you're worried about Bright, then don't be, he is surely okay. "

" He looks as if he is drained of all energy in him " Stelio said.

Miss Abbie walked toward the sleeping Bright and felt his pulse, she could feel his body trying to regain energy, so she transferred a bit if her own into him to aid the speed of the recovery.

" He's okay, when he's awake tell him to see me" Miss Abbie said before walking away. Stelio and Lori followed behind, the boys watched them closely till their figure disappeared, they all fell asleep too.


" What do you think they are doing miss??" Lori asked

" I guess you don't have to be reminded that whatever you see here, shouldn't be heard outside and moreover, did you by any means understand the meaning of that stuff that looks like writings?? " Miss Abbie asked

" Hmm, writing?? I don't think I remember seeing anything like that " Lori responded

Miss Abbie stopped and looked back to stare at Lori . " You mean you don't remember what you saw on that dome formation?? " she asked with a surprised look.

" It's rare to see you surprised, which means you really know what you're saying, but i also can't seem to remember what you are referring to " Stelio said, making Lori nod

" You both can't remember what you saw earlier?? " Miss Abbie asked again but this time her face was devoid of expression.

They both nodded in agreement.

' I see, even I can't seem to remember it clearly, it's blurry and the more I try to remember, the more my mental energy gets drained, sigh I guess I've to forget it then ' she thought.

" Miss??"

" Miss??" Stelio and Lori called out since she seems to be in a daze.

" What?? " she asked

" You were in a daze" Lori answered

" Not really, I was thinking about something" she said and continued walking.

Getting to her office, she sat on her chair and sighed.

" How was your trip, hope you dealt with whatever the issue is as usual?? " Stelio asked.

" She is injured. " Lori answered

" What, injured, how?? " Stelio asked surprised.

" Miss Abbie got attacked by a true demon. " Lori said

" How come, it's been long we have heard of them, why now of all time and on planet kanad, what do they want there.....?? " Stelio asked series of questions

This time Miss Abbie choose to answer. " We don't have an answer to your questions, but all I know is they should be after the Nard crystal. "

" Nard crystal?? " the duo asked surprised.

" Yes, we found two Nard crystals." she responded.

" Even though the crystal is precious and important to every factions, but why would they send a true demon and that too, one who could hurt you?? " Stelio inquired.

" Well as you said earlier, the crystals are important, I mean very important, mind you he is truly injured too, it's been long I've had to use my second ability, it has really become powerful. " Miss Abbie said

" Are you telling me, he made you use that, and you still got injured, how strong his he?? " Stelio said with his mouth left open.

" I guess he should be on par or close to Alexei. " Miss Abbie stated.

" Alexei the deadly vamp, he's the second strongest after Arthur the tribrid, even you can't defeat Alexei..... unless you let loose your powers and use both the combined form and and your soul power without holding back, still you will both be on par and end up taking out each other. " stelio stated

" Hmm, are you forgetting that she has something selected few has??" Lori said

" Which is?? " Stelio questioned back.

" Her Noble Phantasm of course. " Lori said

" I wouldn't want to use that in any fight, except I am left with no choice and I want to get rid of the planet, due to the potential of my soul power, the backlash is draining enough, me using that will make me handicapped for some time. I don't want that, at least not now. " Miss Abbie said.

" No one knows exactly what your soul power is aside the two of us, the patriarch and the progenitor, the others just know you have a soul power, if they knew you've a noble Phantasm, we will really have our hands full. I guess you know what I mean. " Stelio said

" So what are we going to do now, about your Injury and what about the crystal?? " Lori questioned.

" Here is the crystal. " Miss Abbie said and waved her hand, two large sized light pink coloured crystals appeared on the table, they have a dark pink mini glow that keeps moving about inside the crystal, the transparency of the crystal. made the glow visible.

" Wow, this is my first time seeing a Nard crystal, I've only known about it from records, it's beautiful. " Lori muttered.

" Is that all you can say about it??" Stelio asked

" Hmm, it has a weird energy radiating from it and this constant sme... " Lori trailed off.

" Don't inhale it too much, it's dangerous in it's raw form. " Miss Abbie said. " Take it to her patriarch, he'll know what to do with it and tell him that I'm out of commission till further notice. "

" Yes miss, anything else?? " Lori asked

" You're free to go, if there is anything I'll let you know. " miss Abbie said.

Lori decided to leave with the crystals and some other pieces of informations, on her way she came across the boys who were still fast asleep, she continued walking after averting her gaze from them.


' Why was she staring at us? ' Bright thought while standing up to stretch. He looked down at the others and decided to go and train.

" Miss Abbie seeks your attention." Noah said while also lifting his body.

" Alright then, I'll go see her now. " Bright stated


" I can see you have become stronger, but you ain't strong enough to join us in the upcoming battle. " Miss Abbie said while working on some piece of papers.

" What battle??" Bright asked.

" Don't bother yourself about it, I just have a feeling that something big will happen, well you are safe for now, so focus on getting stronger. " Miss Abbie said.

" Am I that really weak??" Bright asked while leaning on the side of he wall.

" You're strong, strong enough to take on a peak stage expert rank or two, but that's all. " Miss Abbie said.

" Hmm, why will you say that without seeing me in action. " Bright complained

" You skipped ranks and jumped into the advance rank, but the aura coming off you is on par with a peak stage expert rank, I'm surprised you're even able to suppress it this much. Do you remember that the all academy competition is three months from now, how far have you and your friends gone in the preparation?? " Miss Abbie said while staring at him.

" Well I don't know, we haven't really started training, but I guess they have all advanced, they should be able to take on some of those special students on their own. " Bright answered.

" I see, but they still need to improve, even you can't get close to winning like this, maybe.....I think I've a way, but it's risky and my family will be against my idea. " Miss Abbie.

" What could that be and why will your family go against it?? " Bright asked while squinting his eyes.

" I'm taking you to a place that will decide your fate for you, you'll either come out strong or die trying, well that's if it accepts you. " Miss Abbie stated with a serious face.

" What kind of a place is that??" Bright questioned with a confused expression.

' With the sound of it, it should be an ancestral ground. ' the blade said.

" That's my family's ancestral ground, it's a very complicated one, I don't know if I should take you there, but my instinct tells me to give it a try, I'll take you there just so you can absorb higher energy. Trust you know about the energy. " Miss Abbie said.

" I will love to..... " Bright trailed off, seeing what popped up in his line of sight.

(Win the upcoming all academy competition)

' A means to win the competition has being presented to you.....'

(Accept the offer into the ancestral ground)

' why would I do something that might kill me ' Bright thought.

(Absorb the higher energy into your body, so as to increase the power and flow in you)

" Okay I'll go have a taste of the energy." Bright said.

" Alright. " Miss Abbie said and stand up. " Come with me." she added and immediately they both disappeared.


Space could be seen distorting and small ripples happened here and there in the sky. Miss Abbie was running on air with light speed causing the clouds to split and rejoin, Bright was being held firmly by her side, his sight was blurry, she had to use her aura to form a barrier around him so he won't puke his guts out.

Getting to a place which looks like a waste land, she entered the vicinity and disappeared from sight.

" Here we are." Miss Abbie voiced out.

Bright looked up to behold the sight in front of him, the place was full of dense higher energy in it physical form, it swirl around.

"This place is......" Bright was saying when he got interrupted.

" Don't move." Miss abbie said and released her aura into the environment, in response multiple aura's filled the area and vanished immediately.

" There are people guarding this place. " Bright said.

" Yeah, now you're free to take in everything you see, I'll look for a suitable place for you to train. " Miss Abbie said and tried to search for where Bright could train when her senses picked something, she turned back and went to looked for Bright, that's when she could see him in the distance, walking straight at a giant gates.

" What do you think you're doing, you'll get yourself killed if you go further!!!." she shouted

Bright didn't seem to hear her at all, all that filled his head was the voice that keeps resounding in his head.

' Come, come, hurry up, come, keep moving, hasten your feet, this is your destiny, hurry!!! ' the voice started slow and became loud in his head that he had no choice but to hasten his step.

Miss Abbie decided to charge in with immense speed and aimed to get hold of Bright, but alas, her hand held nothing. She widened her eyes in shock and could see Bright vanish right in front of her.

Looking forward an huge door with bright light surrounding it, dense higher energy rushed into the vicinity and filled the air, the door could be seen closing up and Bright could be seen being shrouded and dragged into it.

" No I won't let you go!!!" Miss Abbie panicked and charged forward with immense speed, she noticed that she wasn't getting close to the door but instead she was using immense speed to keep running forward and still appearing at her starting point. The door shut close and the rush of dense higher energy in the vicinity disappeared.

" Geez.... what have I done, the last person that successfully entered the ancestral door didn't make it out till today. " Miss Abbie muttered in frustration.

Multiple presence descended in the area.

" Why are you here??" Miss Abbie asked, anger evident in her voice.

" Sorry miss, we felt the dense rush of higher energy and we tried locating the source which led us to this place. " One of the experts which appeared said.

" I am working on a technique, and besides I tried opening that door but lost interest immediately. " Miss Abbie said

" Miss.....why would you lose interest after successfully opening the ancestral door!" another expert exclaimed.

" It's none of your business, now be gone. " Miss Abbie ordered.

They all stared at her before vanishing into thin air.

" I need to get to the others, I hope he comes back successful and early, if not.....sigh." Miss Abbie muttered.