Chapter 55: Strange Lightening

...... Back to present......

"I didn't forget, he will survive it. This will just make him be out of commission for a day or two, don't forget about their regenerative trait" Bright said.

He walked up to Lucin and also sat down to recover little energy before they deal with the soldiers which had drawn their weapons and ready to take out those who took their leaders out. Suddenly a pink light shot out with extreme speed at them.


Am explosion rock their position but they weren't there, they jumped away the instant they saw it coming, unfortunately they weren't quick enough to escape totally.

"Damn, that went through my body, all my internals feels numb, even with my ATP protection". Lucin shouted while wincing in pain.

He stared at Bright who had it worse, Bright was on his knee clenching his fists and gritting his teeth unlike Lucin. The pink light had a partial contact with him due to him about to sit down, he couldn't jump quickly due to the odd position he was.

"My insides, they hurt badly, what was that?" Bright muttered.

"Are you okay??" Lucin asked.

They were interrupted by a giggling sound.

"I think your pal there has it worse than you do, he was too slow...chuckle" A feminine voice resounded in the area.

"I expected nothing less from people who could take the general out".

"Who are you??" Lucin asked not knowing where the voice is coming from.

The soldiers above the crater paved way for a figure to walk through, she walked graciously to the edge of the crater. What was surprising was the fact that everyone around were on their knees bowing to her.

Bright and Lucin decided to scrutinize the figure, she is also a Gohu, but has more features of a female human, slender legs and sexy thighs that has a reaction to the little guys of all the men around.

She wore a crop top that hugs tightly to her volunptous assets which jiggles as she walks, her lower belle was open with the rightful proportion of fat, she posses a flat tummy, giving her a sexy appearance.

she is wearing a very short skirt that exposes her sexy thighs, she has a full grown hair that rivals Lucin's, touching her waist, it changes colour to match her outfits, she could very much be compared to the beautiful succubus queen, her back side weren't odd it is a perfect match that complement her whole figure.

Her skin glitters under the rays of the sun light, the gracious and magnificent auras excluding out of her could make any man die to do her every wish. There was a black whip hanging at her side.

"Who are you??" Lucin asking averting his eyes from her figure.

"I bet you unwillingly did that" she giggled.

"Just state who you are" Lucin said while looking away, his face turning a shade red after being caught.

"Okay, i am Mizzy, the leader of the Rose clan, i am the lightening lady as I am called" Mizzy said with a seductive smile.

The Rose clan are known to be filled with females and less men, the soldiers are mostly females, they are the third clan of the three Gohu clans.

The Mongols clan, Hyper clan, Rose clan. Mongols led by the dark lord, Hyper led by the light lord, Rose led by the lightening lady.

- Aren't you being mischievous with your stares, I bet she noticed it but choose to ignore it- the blade said to Bright who couldn't avert his gaze off her.

*Scoff, here I thought you are just a dumbo, its so unfortunate that I'm stuck with a pervert my awful luck, why add dumbness with pervertion .* The system said.

Bright got embarrassed and averted his gaze off her.

"Oh oh dear, you don't need to go against your mind you know" Mizzy said with a cute smile.

Lucin looked around wondering who she was talking to, little did he know that is partner is being captivated by the ravaging beauty up front.

" I bet you will do anything to get under my pants" she said while starring seductively and lifted the hem of her short skirt. Bright knowing he was the one the voice is being directed to felt embarrassed, his face went bright red.

"What!, you really are captivated by her too?" Lucin asked with shock evident in his eyes.

"I thought it is only affecting them due to their weakness, but you too?" He exclaimed.

*Snap out of it perv, don't be a disgrace to me.* the system said angrily. Colour came back to his face as he stood on his feet and stared intensely at the lady.

"Oh oh now that's not good, you know I would have given an handsome guy like you a chance to get under me, don't give in to the words of that guy beside you" Mizzy said while giving him a seductive wink.

Numerous death glances shot towards him because of the attention on him.

"I see, someone has gotten enemies on his back" she laughed wholeheartedly.

*You see that, she is making mockery of you"* the system shouted.

* I am so unfortunate to be stuck with someone like you*.

"You have always said that, but there is nothing you can do about that" Bright replied.

"Wow your eyes has softened. Come to me, I'll make you experience things you can never think of." Mizzy said while sending flirting gaze towards him.

"Cut the crap lady, I don't deal with sl*ts, state what you are here for" Bright interrupted her

"Now you piss me off, I was actually considering the option of giving you a chance to be the first man to bed me, but now you have ruined my mood" Mizzy said as her face darkened.

" You dared call me a sl*t." The air around her froze and sparks of pink lights emitted from the air itself, she lept from her position and landed few distance from the duo.

"Wanna know why I am here right??

"I am here to take your heads, even though it would be a waste since you are the first guy to get my attention, I will lovingly get rid of you" she said while pointing to Bright.

"Wow I can't believe someone so handsome like you have a bad luck for women, it's really detrimental" Lucin said and gave space not to get caught up in the upcoming beaten designed for Bright.