"I'm sorry Pearl, I asked his parents if they wanted him to undergo the process but they refused it before I even finished speaking." Arthur said with a sigh.
"It's okay as long as he's not hurt." I said putting a head on my aching head. I had been very worried about David, and now I was having a headache from all the talk.
"Pearl, does your head hurt? do you want me to massage it for you?" David said from my side, taking my hands and leading them down to my lap as he gently pressed his palm to my forehead. I must admit, it felt quite good.
"Boohoo. Stop being lovey-dovey in front of me. I don't like it!" Arthur whined, looking away from us with his nose high.
"Go and cry about it to your girlfriend! Oh, wait, I forgot that your so ugly, even the ugliest girl in the world would steer clear of you!" David taunted him.
"Hey, Arthur can I ask you a question?" I asked him, my face serious.
Arthur's expression turned from sour to sweet in milliseconds. "What is it?"
"David, can you go to the other room for a little while?" I asked looking up at David, my expression immediately becoming soft.
"Okay.." he said looking like a betrayed puppy as he slumped out of the room to show how upset he felt but I still didn't ask him to come back in.
"So, what is this question for which you sent away the poor puppy?" Arthur asked with a mocking smile on his face as he leaned back in his chair.
"Arthur, why is he acting like that?" I asked the question that had been bugging me since the moment David ran through that door.
"Acting like what?" Arthur asked back, leaning his head back and looking towards the ceiling, trying to hide his guilty smile.
"Like he's in love with me?" I said, looking down at my feet.
There was silence for several minutes. I peeked up at him a few times, only to see that he was still looking up at the ceiling.
"Haha, what do you mean Pearl? I thought I'd explained everything to you?" he chuckled awkwardly, ending the silence, but still not looking my way.
"You know what I mean, Arthur, even before a year he used to be cold to me." I said, my tone no longer patient, throwing him glares.
"Well.. I don't know why but his parents did say something to him, I guess they took this as an opportunity to mend you two's marriage securely." he said, looking at me with a sheepish grin.
*sigh* "Okay, I guess. It does make sense." I sighed, by now my head was throbbing with a huge headache from all the information I was given.
"Well, anyway, I have to get going." Arthur said, standing up and stretching his arms. Walking over to the door, he turned and faced me with a bright smile. "David might act a bit weird, and I bet you probably aren't used to it, so before going to bed, distract him and go sleep in a guest room. You can keep doing that till you get a bit more comfortable with his personality change." Arthur said and walked out the door.
I stood up and went to the other room and saw that David was sitting there on a chair, silently waiting. When he heard my footsteps getting closer he got up and quickly hugged me. I almost lost my balance but managed to steady myself in time.
"What's wrong?" I asked, patting his head, as he hid his face in my hair.
"I'm tired, can you come sleep with me?" he said, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes, "Please?.."
"Of course, come on, let's get you to bed." I said, holding him up by his arm.
Leading him up to the room I made him sit on the bed.
"Pearl, come sleep.." he said, laying down and patting the spot next to him.
"Okay.." I said yawning, and was about to lie down when I remembered what Arthur had said, "Why don't you take a shower first?" I asked, he had been in the hospital for a few days.
"Okay!" he said, jumping up and running into the bathroom.
I waited until I heard the sound of splashing water and left the room, ran to the farthest guest room in the house, locked the door, layed down on the bed, and went to sleep.