During the drive back home, we conversed a bit about how our day had gone.
As we got out of the car when we reached the mansion, I walked behind Pearl up to the front door and stood beside her.
Mrs. Gray opened the door and greeted us in.
Walking inside, I went straight towards the bedroom as Pearl followed Mrs. Gray into the kitchen.
Stepping into the room, I layed down on the bed in a robotic motion.
Just then my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see that it was a call from Mum. Accepting the call, I greeted her.
"Hey, Mom." I said, looking up at the ceiling.
{Hello, dear, how are you feeling?} She asked, her tone casual, but I could sense the worry present in her voice even over the phone.
"I'm better than ever." I answered energetically.
{That's good to hear.} She said, her voice relieved. "How was work today?"
"It was good, I didn't do much." I said closing my eyes and feeling bored now, "It was quite boring to be honest."
{Well, that's good as well, you need to rest.} She said with a chuckle.
"Mom.." I whined, annoyed. "Did you ask them to give me less to do?" I questioned her, already guessing the answer.
{Yes, I did. So what? You need to rest. The doctors advised that you take off work for a few days.} She said in a matter-of-fact tone.
*sigh*"Not fair.." I whined, an annoyed frown forming on my lips.
{Nothing is ever fair, my dear.} She said, {Now, how is my daughter-in-law?} She asked her tone cheery.
*sigh* "She's fine and well." I answered.
{Well, I'll see for myself tomorrow.} She said, and I could sense her smile. {Your father and I are coming to visit tomorrow, don't tell her.}
"Why shouldn't I?" I asked a mischievous smirk blooming on my face.
{Because we have to make it a surprise for her special day.} She said, in a hushed tone.
"What's so special about tomorrow? Our anniversary is three months away." I said, not getting the point.
{Oh, how much did you forget? It's Pearl's twenty-fourth birthday tomorrow.} she scolded.
"Oh, I get it." I said, slapping my face at my stupidity.
{Good, and you better not tell her or I'll have your father hand over the company to Daniel.} She threatened.
"Okay, Okay, but how is this fair?" I questioned.
{How is what fair?} She asked innocently.
"You didn't even call me on my twenty-fourth birthday and just sent me an ugly sweater." I said, narrowing my eyes as I realized my mother was playing favorites.
{Well, what did I say, nothing is ever fair. Now you better not tell her. Toodles!} She said and hung up on me.