Don't You Remember Me?

I walked behind Pearl as she walked downstairs the stopped at the last step as I saw who was sitting there.

Pearl went off, likely to the dining room.

I took a calming breath and went to stand in front of Cordelia. She looked the same as she did before but seemed a bit more arrogant.

"Hello, Pearl said you were here to see me?" I said looking at her with a calm expression.

"Ah, David! I haven't seen you for so long! Where were you?" she said, her tone bright as she jumped up to hug me.

I dodged and she fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked giving her a suspicious look.

I did not plan on my act getting found out, and definitely not because of the person I was acting like this for.

"Hah, what do you mean? Don't you remember me?" she asked, her expression of happiness detiorizing rapidly.

"No, sorry. I'd recently gotten into a car accident and can't remember much that happened last year. Are you perhaps the daughter of one of my business partners or something?" I said.

"No. Don't you remember me? I'm Cordelia, your girlfriend..." she said looking crazed, and absolutely refusing to believe what I had said.

"Girlfriend? I think you're mistaken... I'm already married." I said, "I think it's best you leave now. Mrs. Gray, could you please escort her out?" I said and turned away toward the dining room.

Mrs. Gray proceeded to take Cordelia outside as she started rambling again. Mrs. Gray returned inside a few minutes later.

Pearl was working on her laptop, so I brought mine from the study and sat opposite her as I worked.

Note, plz read authors thought.