7. Chapter 7

Meredith looked around taking in her surroundings of the OR.

There was a full OR and gallery that afternoon, attendings, the other interns, residents. All waiting to see world renowned neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd in action. His first procedure here at Seattle Grace, the Chief himself had snuck into the OR and was looking on from the corner. Everything Derek did ended up in a journal somewhere, it's part of why he was offered this job in Seattle by his old resident from New York, Richard Webber. It was also why he got paid 5 million a year.

Meredith being an intern should be looking at him in awe like the rest, this famous surgeon doing this procedure. When really she was just looking at him in awe of him being her husband and actually being in here with him this time.

She's been watching him do surgeries from the gallery for the past 8 years, since she first met him. She'd sneak in and watch him in amazement work while waiting for him. So this is nothing new to her, but being by his side on the level floor with him this was a new feeling. A feeling that she couldn't even describe into words.

Glancing over at Derek who was standing over by Katie's head, she couldn't help but think how hot and sexy he looked in his scrubs and ferryboat scrub hat. She smiled thinking of his ferry boat scrub hat, she had bought him it when he graduated from being an intern to a resident.

A man of so much wealth and that was his prized possession, she could buy him electronics, jewelry, cars but no gift meant more to him than that and it made her love him so much more.

"Dr. Shepherd." She hears and is startled out of her ogling of her husband by his voice, his eyes crinkled up in a smile and she knows she's been caught by him. Except this time the entire OR is now staring at her.

"Yes, sir?" she replies back, mentally berating herself over the term "sir" he's so going to make her pay for that one later.

"Please step up to the table, we're ready to begin." He responds with a knowing glance. With a nod in his direction, Meredith moves forward so she's standing right next to Derek. He begins his pre-surgery rituals and starts the procedure.

Once he's more relaxed as to how its proceeding, he started asking her questions. Giving the show of the attending needing to teach his intern. He purposely starts asking her the toughest of questions, knowing she knew the answers since he was the one that helped her study all through college, all through med school, for all her mid-terms, final exams, all her boards.

It was his text books she used and his flashcards and notes. He knows what she knows and what she doesn't and he's doing his best to out her as knowing far more than the average intern. She smiles at the thought that he's trying to show off his wife. She's pretty sure none of the other interns can say they had a "World Renowned Neurosurgeon" as their personal study buddy and tutor. Another reason they'd all hate her when they find out the truth.

He starts talking to Dr. Webber about something or other and she glances up towards the gallery. Seeing Izzy, George, Alex, Cristina and Dr. Bailey all in a row. George is creepily smiling at her, Izzy's staring down her husband with googilly eyes. Alex and Cristina are focused on the surgery and Bailey. Well she's staring Meredith down, looking at Meredith like she's put all the facts together.

About time someone did, she made a mental note to tell Derek that if she ever needed medical attention none of those other interns should allowed near her since they seem quite slow on the uptake.

She's startled out of her thoughts again, as Derek asks her to take the protractor and hold it for him. She's shocked, as is everyone else he's letting a first year intern assist him like this. But she knows he trusts her and she steps up ignoring all the looks and holds it as he directs. They work as the team they've always been and once they were done, he orders a resident to close and turns towards Meredith with a smile.

"Good work, Dr. Shepherd. You saved your first patients life on your first day of an intern and assisted in her surgery." He says so proudly before stepping out of the OR and into the scrub room while she's left in a daze of euphoria to watch the resident close.