8. Chapter 8

While Meredith and Derek were operating on Katie Bryce. The interns were observing from above with their own color commentary on what was transpiring below them.

"I'm telling you they are brother and sister, George and I heard it for ourselves." Izzy proclaimed quietly.

"Yeah they were talking about their family members" George added while staring at Meredith.

"Good for her then, using her family connections to get herself into this surgery" Alex butted in.

"I worked my ass off to get into this program, I'll be damned if I let someone take the top spot of our class just because she's Derek Shepherd's relative. She probably had to get him to pull strings to get her in this program and now he's favoring her." Cristina angriliy added.

"Doesn't sound like he's favoring her to me, he's asking her questions in front of dozens of doctors that residents or some attendings wouldn't even know." Bailey interrupted them with a thoughtful point, with a look on her face that said she was trying to figure something out in her mind.

"Well anyone could know those answers" Cristina huffed out.

"Do you?" Alex added.

"I would if I had a hot shot neuro attending brother who probably fed me the answers."

"Stop it, she's sweet and she's smart. She knows her stuff." George snapped out.

"Oh geeze Georgie, you're so headed for a fall." Alex laughed.

"I bet she knows all about Dr.Shepherd's personal life then. If he's happy with his wife, if there's a chance for anyone else." Izzy said saying her thoughts out loud.

"You want to use her to get close to the male Shepherd? Just when I had you pegged as a dumb blonde you do something to make me proud Barbie." Cristina said.

They're all interrupted from dissecting Meredith's relationship with Derek when they notice she's actually assisting him in the surgery.

"No way, he's letting her help him to the surgery? On her first day? This is so not fair." Cristina barked out.

"Shut up, all of you. Not another word, shut up, sit, watch, and learn." Bailey interrupted before this discussion could continue any further. Bailey watched the procedure but kept eyes also on the older Head of Neurosurgery and her young intern. The way they worked together was familiar, and trusting. Seeing the way they looked at each other in the OR and hearing Derek's parting words to Meredith before he stepped out of the OR. Bailey's bells went off and she rose from her seat in the gallery and looked at her interns.

"You're all a bunch of damn fools. All of you. She's not his sister." Bailey angrily said before launching herself quickly out of the gallery.

While the interns looked confused at the door and then down to Meredith still in the OR with the happiest look on her face.
