11. Chapter 11

Meredith's earlier high and happiness has now turned into slouching and exhausted. She was still hard at work doing the never ending post-op notes, she knows she should sit and do them but in her crazy mind she thinks if she stands here and does them, they'll magically finish faster.

Bailey's other interns had all finished their assignments and with nothing to do had sauntered towards the nurses station looking for their resident while Meredith was still standing there. Slowly filtering one-by-one in was Alex, Cristina, Izzy, and George. They all stood together on the opposite side of the wall watching her hunched over doing the notes.

"You go George." Izzy pushed.

"No, I won't ask her. She's his sister, we heard them. Leave it alone."

"You heard Bailey, she said he wasn't." Cristina butted in.

"Fine Alex, you go." Izzy insisted.

"Hell no, no matter what she is to Shepherd I don't want to piss him off. If all of you self destruct around him and makes him hate you, that would leave me as his favorite. Well next to the fem-Shepherd of course."

"Kiss-ass" Cristina muttered.

"Rich coming from miss jealous over the surgery." He attacked back.

Before their fight could linger on, Bailey walked up to the group and stood in-between the hallway glancing from side to side. With Meredith still oblivious to her surroundings leaning over the station still, doing actual work to her right and the other interns standing their bickering to each other her left. "Fools" Bailey once again thought to herself.

"What they hell do y'all think you're doing" she barked facing the group of 4 interns but yelling loud enough to cause Meredith to jerk up and spin around. "This isn't happy hour, this is a hospital, and you are interns. Any of the four of you want to explain why you're standing her acting like a comedy goof troop and not doing your jobs? I have one intern working and 4 not. That does not make me happy." She continued to bark out to them.

Before any excuses could be made, the Chief with an obvious sign of distress on his face joined the group, coming to stand next to Meredith before addressing her

"Do you know what my wife just told me Dr. Shepherd?" He asked her in a tone that made Meredith suspect that it wasn't something he liked at all.

All the interns and Bailey suddenly stopped and turned into attention to watch and listen to the pair.

"Umm no Chief." She warily answered back.

"She told me that she spoke to you on the phone, and that you mentioned that you and your husband had bought 40 acres of land in the country and were going to build a dream house."

"Yes sir, we are." Meredith answered back still wary of where he was going.

"Do you know why I'm not happy about this Meredith?"

"No, sir"

"Because now my wife, my wife who insisted on living in the suburbs in some gated community in a house that cost me an entire years salary. That wife now wants me to buy land in the forest and build a brand new house from scratch because Meredith and Derek are doing it." He let out while trying to mimmick Adele's voice.

The interns all gasped back with Izzy whispering "Husband Derek?" to George, while George looked bug eyed still at the Chief and Meredith processing this piece of information. Cristina rolled her eyes and muttered "figures married to head of neuro is why she got that surgery and she's chummy with the Chief of Surgery's wife too." While Alex just looked on, while Bailey continued to look around from her interns to the Chief and Meredith.