12. Chapter 12

Yaye I did well today with 2, thanks again for all the reviews. They give me all the more incentive to write. :))

"Sorry Chief" Meredith bit back, trying her best not the burst out laughing at his obvious distress. Not noticing that the other 4 had overheard what the Chief had just blurted out.

"Stop laughing Meredith" he blurted out which only caused her to laugh harder.

"I can't handle the forest. I am not Derek and likes these outdoors things, I cannot live out there in the middle of nowhere. You need to call Adele and tell her about the bugs or animals or something to make her change her mind."

"I'll call her Chief and try to help. How about when our house is done, we invite you and Adele to spend the weekend in our guest house?"

"Guest house? You're building a guest house, please don't tell her that Meredith, say you're building a log shack out where bears live." He let out before Meredith started giggling again.

"Well there's my favorite sound." He winked walking up to the pair, wrapping an arm around his wife and kissing her cheek in front of everyone. Himself not caring that the four interns and Bailey stood their gawking at them.

"Don't get me started on you Shep." Chief mumbled. Derek laughed before turning to look into Meredith's bright but tired eyes.

"What's with him?" He asked. Meredith didn't respond she just shook her head from side to side meaning, don't even ask or say anything.

"You and your land and your house building, your guest house, your forest. My wife spoke to your wife and now she wants a forest and house too." Meredith started giggling again and Derek pursed his lips together in a fine line while trying to think of an answer to his old friend's predicament.

"Oh," was all he could come up with before adding. "I could get you our realtor's number."

"I don't want to live in a forest Shep!" He exclaimed before bidding the pair a mumbling goodbye, telling Meredith to fix it and mentioned going to see the OR board.

The second he rounded the corner both Meredith and Derek burst out into laughter. After collecting themselves, Derek saw that Meredith was done the notes. He picked up the chart and handed it to the clerk before squeezing her waist and pulling her close to his chest, whispering in her ear. "Let's go home to our forest Dr. Shepherd." she giggled and replied softly back, "let's go home Dr. Shepherd."

It was at that point when she turned and saw Dr.Bailey and the others standing their watching them. She saw the looks of astonishment, shock, disgust and indifference on their faces and knew instantly they had seen and heard all of that. Looking to Dr.Bailey, Meredith bid her good night and before walking away with her husband looked at the others and said "see you guys tomorrow."

Before she walked down the hall to head home with her husband by her side after rounding the corner, she whispetrf to him "that wasn't a bad first day at all."

"You know what will make it better" he spoke softly back with a gleam of dirty in his eyes.

"No what" she giggled knowing he was up to something.

"It's the end of the working day and that means. I am not banned."

"You are very right Dr. Shepherd. You being un-banned will make it much much better" she whispered seductively before leaning up and kissing his cheek and the pair walked out towards their car.