13. Chapter 13


"So.." Derek started off, while the two of them were standing on the deck to the ferry boat taking them home. Meredith's back bracing against him with his arms wrapped around her while they both looked out towards the horizon.


"So, do you want to talk about it or freak out?"

"You mean the entire hospital all knowing I'm the intern married to her boss?" She said flatly.

"Actually, I'm your boss's boss." He corrected with glee.

"You're so cocky."

"Hey, I am your teacher, I was just correcting you." He smirked at her, "which reminds me…" he trailed off before turning her around so she faced him. Raising her arms up her shoulder and linking her hands behind his head staring into his deep blue eyes. "Reminds you about what?"

"Reminds me that as much as I was turned on by you side by side with me in the OR today, don't ever call me sir again please Mer." He let out, she started giggling leaning up to capture his bottom lip in-between hers seductively before she whispered "I promise, I won't ever do it again. I was freaked and startled and it came out." She felt his lips on her neck and was turning into mush in his arms. It never ceased to amaze her that after all these years together; they never lost any passion for each other. It only got stronger.

"You were undressing me with your eyes, weren't you Doctor?"

"I was not" she exclaimed stepping back and swatting his chest while her face blushed."You so were, Dr.Shepherd. You had the hots for your attending" he winked at her.

Meredith laughed at his ego and with sparkling eyes looked up at him, bringing a hand to rest against his stubbled cheek. "You bet I do." She whispered as she leaned into him on her tippy toes gently pressing a kiss to his mouth, moaning into his mouth as his arms pulled her up against his body lifting her up slightly.

"Public Der" she mumbled pulling back slowly looking at the dark hue of blue his eyes had changed into.

"I like public, remember the Bahamas last fall?" he whispered placing light kisses on her neck.

"Derek Michael Shepherd! We promised never to speak of that again and besides we were in the ocean, nobody could see." She protested all but while letting his lips and hands have free reign to roam all over her.

"Kids over there, Der kids."

"Ugh fine." He gave in pulling back and turning her back around so they both faced the open sea again resting his head on her shoulders." They held each other for awhile in silence, just enjoying the view and the ride to the island. Meredith's mind had drifted back to the look the other interns had given her before she left the hospital and she was now able to express her fears to Derek.

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think it'll be tomorrow when I face the rest of them?" She asked him honestly with a flat emotionless tone.


"Really Derek, the truth."

"It'll be fine, they'll be jealous and mean probably but they'll get over it when they get to know you."

"You think so?"

"I know so, you are an unbelievable woman and they will see that and like you for you."

"Derrrrek" she whined, "you're so bias."

"I am not." He fought back.

"Are too, you're blinded by your unwavering love and devotion to moi." She giggled forgetting again all about work and the mess she'd walk into tomorrow.

"Now who's the cocky one?" he asked lifting his eyebrow posing her the question.

"Well, I get it from you dear." She responded before patting his cheek with her palm laughing at him.

The ferry reached the dock and they returned to their SUV setting out for a relaxing night at home. When they got there, Meredith jumped in the shower while Derek took out some steaks and potatoes to grill. Emerging 20 minutes from the trailer with 2 beers in her hands coming outside in yoga pants and Derek's oversized NYU sweatshirt. Meredith found Derek slouched in a lawn chair facing the lake. Handing him a beer she scooted him up and curled herself up in his lap. While both settled in together watching the sun fall behind the lake while the stars started shining brighter above them over their land.