14. Chapter 14

When Derek awoke the next morning he felt a sense of déjà vu. Bring married to Meredith, he never had a dull moment and knew she was going to be freaked to go face the entire hospital now. He knew she was going to try something to get out of going to work today, he just didn't know what.

Meredith had wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight lock while resting her head on his chest. He had spent the night making her pay in ways she really liked for the "sir" comment and for banning him, while he was also exhausted he knew it was time to rise and shine. He also knew that if he woke her up now, they'd have time to repeat some of last night in the shower.

"Mer, Mer" he nudged. He knew she heard him, because her grip lock around his waist got tighter and she pushed her head further into his body to muffle his voice.

"Come on, Mer. We have to get up for work." He tried again"noiamnotgoing." She mumbled against his chest in one run on word.

"What was that" he asked trying gently to turn her head so he could see her.

"iamnotgoingiamsick." She said faster than before.

"Sick? Are you? Really, because you didn't seem sick all last night? In the bed, in the lawn chair, in the shower." He reminisced to her with a smirk.

"Well I'm sick now, I'm tired and sore and that makes me sick. I am sick, I am not going." She huffed rolling off him and hiding her head under her side of the bed pillow she rarely used.

"I know you're worried about what people will say, but it'll be okay Mer" he said soothingly while rubbing her back. She lifted her head up staring into his eyes.

"I don't wanna" she pouted.

"You don't wanna?" he repeated with a laugh of her childlike vocabulary.

"Remember when I would get the flu in winter during College and med School? How about we do what you did for me then?" She asked with a sparkle in her eye. Derek chuckled at her suggestion.

Meredith being so tiny used to get colds quite often during the winter months on the East Coast, when ever she got sick she'd be weak and unable to move for a couple days. Derek always took care of her and went to all her classes to take her notes for her, get her assignments, homework basically being her in her classes.

"Ah, Mer as much as I love you. I cannot go pretend to be you at the hospital." He laughed.

"Whhhhy?" she whined.

"Well because I think they know I'm not intern, Dr. Meredith Shepherd. I can't pretend be Bailey's intern." He added still laughing at her suggestion.

"You suck." She pouted while sticking her tongue out at him.

"Actually I think that was you" he let out and before he knew it she had yanked the pillow from under her head throwing it at him. He grabbed her arms and she squealed at him lifting her up into his arms and off the bed.

"Come on, you're going to the shower and I'm coming with you to make sure you don't miss any spots." he added in a seductive tone. She giggled trying to wiggle out of his arms, but he held on and the shower was only two strides away from the bedroom.

Before she knew it they were showering and he was making her forget any and everything about the hospital as he made sure he got every spot.

After getting ready and making some coffee, Meredith was still hesitant to go, Derek was getting his laptop and papers together in his briefcase while she poured 2 travel cups of coffee. She knew she had to go in, but she just had a feeling she was going to be tarred and feathered like in those western movies Derek's mother loves to watch. She just wanted to do her job in peace and not be apart of this high school mentality the other interns seemed to have going with a cliquey lunch eating gossipy group they others had going for them. That was her like 7 years ago, she's matured, and grown and become this grounded married woman since then and she loved it. She'd never want to go back to the mentality of having to talk badly about others just for the sake of conversation or to be cool or uncool. I guess she'll have no choice on that one, cause she's going to be the outcast for sure.

"Ready?" He asked breaking her from her thoughts. Looking at him, she knew she could do it. She could always do anything as long as he was by her side or as long as she could run and vent to him.

"Ready." She said and meant it.