23. Chapter 23

"Umm Dr. Shepherd what did you do with your other intern, I haven't seen her since the surgery. You didn't lock her in a closet or something do you" Meredith joked and asked as she and Derek walked side by side down the hall towards the elevator.

"Oh, I have her doing monitoring"

Meredith started laughing at that, Derek had her checking on patients on the constant move so she'd be not trying to move on him.

"And what did you do to her to make her scared of you? I noticed her scared of you in the OR" She asked with her smile on her face which said she knew Derek better than anyone so don't even attempt to deny that he did something to make Izzy frightened..

"I may have yelled and gotten a bit short with her earlier." He said honestly.

"Yelled? You yelled at the poor girl?" she choked out while laughing.

"Raised my voice a tad, I gave her something to do and she instead thought she knew better and wanted to hang around me. I had reached my rope."

Meredith continued to laugh at Derek yelling at Izzy because she was fawning all over him. Meredith was used to girls throwing themselves at Derek. He always got a lot of attention from the females when ever they went somewhere, even when they went to Disney World he had soccer moms with kids in strollers panting after him while standing in lines for rides. Derek though never gave them a second glance, if anything it made him uncomfortable since he was so very taken and happily too. She could so picture him snapping the interns head off for wanting to hang around following him instead of doing the work related task he assigned to her.

"It's not funny." He barked out trying not to laugh either. Her giggles were just infectious to him.

"Oh yes it is." She laughed still, slowly gasping for breath. "I can't wait to tell Mark."

"You wouldn't." he gasped. "Then again, may be you should. He'd take her off my hands."

"And Addi would kill you."

"Then I'd have to avenge your death."

Derek laughed and shook his head. "Avenge my death? You watch too much mob movies."

"You're the one who used to make me watch them." She replied while waving her finger at him.

Before they could continue their conversation Derek's pager once again went off 9-11 sending them off running to the ER to see two head trauma patients being brought in. It was a 25 year old male and a 25 week pregnant woman who suffered a fall to the head. Izzy reached down to the ER as well. Derek went over to the female, signaling Izzy over to follow him before addressing Meredith.

"I need you to treat and asses the other patient. I'll take the female with the baby complications in ER 3. You handle the male in ER 4. Call me when you have a diagnosis."

At the orders of Derek giving Mer a case for her to handle solo, Izzy's eyes got wide and interjected.

"Dr. Shepherd, I'm your intern for today shouldn't I be the one working on that patient solo?"

"No, you should be doing what I ask you to do." He quickly stated as turning towards ER 3. Meredith knew her husband well enough that she should take his orders and go, she figured he'd give her the play by play on Izzy later. So she quickly departed to her patient.

"But…." Was all Izzy got out of her 2nd attempt of trying to get the solo patient, before Derek once again reached his rope with her.

"Dr. Shepherd is also now on my service for the day and she is more advanced and trained. She can handle this case solo. I'm sorry Dr. Stevens but the truth is you can not as of yet. When you can handle a patient solo you will, until then you are here to learn and take orders, so follow. NOW. " He spoke angrily before moving past her to towards the patient behind the curtain.