24. Chapter 24

Derek's second surgery of the day was just as huge as his first, he was rushing the pregnant woman in to relieve the pressure on the brain. Neonatal was called down to be on call in case the baby went into distress.

He looked to the left to see Dr. Stevens and to her right was Dr. Yang who was here with the neonatal team. Derek wondered if this was turning into the day from hell. At this point he was kind of wishing he hadn't taught his wife so well so she'd be in here being a normal learning intern instead of handling the other case on her own. He could use her right about now.

"Psst guess where his wife is?" Izzy whispered quietly to Cristina.

"Doing charts or something." Cristina responded remembering the altercation from earlier, she was lucky Shepherd was even allowing her in his OR. She wasn't going to piss him off more.

"Nope, she's got a solo Neuro patient."

"What? She's on cardio with Burke, how'd she get a solo Neuro patient."

"Who knows, hubby probably rushed into save her from charts and gave her the patient that belonged to me. He thinks she's so smart and better than everyone else."

Cristina wisely did not respond, if it was one thing she wasn't. It was stupid, she learned this lesson already today. She turned her attention back to the surgery focusing on Dr. Shepherd and ignoring Izzy's jealous gossiping.

"It was so not fair" she continued on...

"Dr. Steven's is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?" Derek asked her in a booming intimidating voice without looking up from his patient.

"Uh no sir." She stuttered off guard of being overheard, wondering how much he heard and just mortified of the entire OR hearing him put her on the spot.

"In that case care to explain the procedure to repair an anterior spinal cord compression at C4 and central canal dilation?" he asked while still not looking up. Izzy looked like a deer caught in a high priced vehicle's headlights. She had no idea.

"Central canal dilation?" she repeated back to him on a shaky voice looking around for help at Cristina. Who just shook her head and gave her a look that said, "no way am I getting in this."

"Yes, anterior spinal cord compression at C4 and central canal dilation" Derek repeated back."

"This is a procedure to repair pressure not…" she stuttered off trying to buy time.Derek chuckled a bit looking around at the OR team.

"I do know what this procedure is Dr. Stevens, I am the head of neurology. However, considering this procedure seems to be of no interest to you as opposed to your gossiping to your friend, who was trying to pay attention. I assumed you could use a harder question."

"Sorry." Izzy replied quietly while noticing all these people eyeing her up in the gallery.

"So I take it you have no answer." Derek asked again.

"No." Izzy admitted in a whisper.

"Okay, Dr. Yang?" He asked in a way that meant he was proposing the same question to her. Cristina looked up with wide eyes and said while pointing to Izzy "I was paying attention, it was her." Derek laughed and shook his head. "So you don't have an answer either."

She just shook her head no, while Derek smirked behind his mask and went back to silence in his OR.