26. Chapter 26

With a now silent OR and a smirking Neurosurgeon, Derek had made his point crystal clear as to why Meredith had gotten the solo patient as opposed to anyone else. Dr. Stevens knew now very clear when Meredith answered that question as did the rest of the interns. Once Meredith had left the observation room, Derek took a glance at Dr. Steven's facial expressions which was a mixture of anger, jealousy, and realization.

Realization, that she was nowhere near ready to have a solo patient. Derek with the help of his unknowing wife, made that point evident. The interns all also know that Meredith is the one they all have to strive to beat because she's raised the bar. He had thrown down the gauntlet for Meredith, showing everyone she is the one to beat.

Derek silently thanked God the interns had no idea who his mother-in-law was yet. That would have made it so much more difficult for Meredith around here. Being his wife is enough for now, she just needs to prove herself and she so has already. Before dropping the 'my mother is the ice queen' bomb.

Derek also took a glance up another shocked person, his fellow attending Dr. Burke who dismissed Meredith today. What better way to show him what a fool he was, who gave up the best intern because of his own selfish pride. Dr. Burke looked like he was trying to sink in his chair since it appeared as if the Chief was beaming with pride on Meredith's smarts.

Derek had nothing really left to say as he completed the surgery and checked the fetal monitor. He wanted to leave this surgery with everyone remembering how Meredith answered that question. He was just happy, smirking with pride and it was a good note to end the day on.

"Great surgery, everyone." He finally spoke when he was done closing. Glancing to his side he gave instructions to the head nurse and resident to continue on up to the recovery room. He walked out leaving his interns standing there still not addressing them, he scrubbed out and headed to his office to shower, change, monitor the other patient, find his wife and get out of here.

He glanced down on his desk and noticed a note in Meredith scrawl on top of his stack of files.


Before you distract me (with good distractions) and I forget. Construction guy called wants a run through when we get home tonight.

Love you,


Derek laughed at her calling Marcus "construction guy" that guy definitely was too laughy flirty with his wife for his taste and Meredith didn't notice it. She didn't see any men but him and that made him luckiest man ever, she couldn't even remember Marcus's name and he's sure that he told her again probably when she spoke to him.

Derek showered and changed into his street clothes and headed to Meredith's patient's room. He checked over the chart and the patient's progress, noticing that he was responding well to his wife's prescribed treatment. Taking the chart back to the station, Derek was met up with the Chief.

"Another good surgery this afternoon, Shep."

"Thank you sir. " Derek signed off on his chart and the Chief made no effort to move, it was obvious something was on his mind.

"Chief? Is there something else?" Derek asked.

"I know it's only the 2nd day of Meredith being an intern, but has she made any comments about what she intends to specialize in?" he asked.

"Well off the record since I'm not supposed to know this since I'm on duty and her boss right now, but she intends to specialize in Neurology." He responded with a smile.

"Of course she does." He replied while rolling his eyes.

"I can't help it if she has had a good role model." Derek laughed in arrogance.

Chief laughed shaking his head while Meredith already in her street clothes ready to go also, saw the pair and came up to them, kissing her husband on the cheek hello.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Your husband's ego." The Chief explained to her, before continuing on addressing Derek. "I'll make sure she gets extra time in Neuro compared to the other departments. Have a good night" He said seriously as he then turned and left them.