27. Chapter 27

I just realized the email updates/reviews aren't working, so sorry if you don't know the new chapter is here. Hope it's fixed soon. :)

Derek was shocked at the change in the Chief's stance on giving Meredith to him from just this morning and Meredith was confused as to who this 'she' was that was going to be spending more time with her husband than anyone else. It better not be Dr. Steven's she thought.

"Who's she? That is getting more Neuro time." Meredith asked with narrowed eyes.

"You." He smiled as he tapped her nose with his finger.


"Yes, you. Seems your extensive Neurology knowledge paid off and since you are going to specialize in it, the Chief is upping your intern hours with me."

"What did you do? Is this what that question was about in the OR?"

"I did nothing, and no, that question was about the other interns being stupid and not knowing the answer."

"Derek!" she gasped. "You can't call the other interns stupid." She chastised.

"Why not? I'm the attending and they really are Mer, especially compared to you and now the Chief sees it as well." He winked, as he put his arm around her waist to guide her towards the elevator.

"You just can't, it's not fair. I had you and they didn't. It's not that they're stupid, they just didn't have a top notch neurosurgeon husband pushing them with the latest Neuro books and his study notes."

"Top notch huh?" he smirked.

"I'm the reason your ego is so big isn't it? I need to stop feeding it." she sighed with a smirk.

"No, no, never stop. I love you the way you are with the feeding the ego among other things" he seductively said in her ear as they entered the crowded elevator.

"Derek" she whispered as she pushed him a bit away with wide warning eyes about them being in public. Some nurses stood at the back, a lab tech or two and Dr's O'Malley and Karev. Meredith nodded a hello to her fellow interns before looking up to see the illuminated floor numbers dwindle down.

"So you spoke to Marcus?" he asked, figuring this was public appropriate elevator talk.

"Who?" she asked turning to look at him with questioning eyes. He laughed at her, pulling her closer to his side.

"The contractor, Mer."

"Oh yes him, he paged me. He said he couldn't get a hold of either of us."

"I bet he didn't try me." Derek muttered in unnecessary jealousy. The contractor was married with a family, he was just being friendly, but Derek still had a huge jealous streak when it came to men being too friendly with his gorgeous wife.

"What?" she asked not hearing his muttering.

"Nothing, so what did he say?"

"Just that it's ready for an inspection before they put up the drywall. Can you believe it Der? We're going to have walls."

Derek laughed at her just being in childlike awe of their new house having walls. "I'm glad we'll have walls too. It feels different than New York right?" he said as he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Exactly, we had walls in New York but they weren't our walls. We lived in the condo but we were just tenants, it belonged to the building owner. These walls are just ours she gushed. They'll be our walls, Der." She exclaimed happily. Forgetting all about the other occupants of the crowded elevator and just basking in her happiness of her dream of getting her own house being one step closer.

As they reached ground level and stepped out of the elevator first leaving all the rest in their wake, his hand around her waist still and she leaned into him. She looked up to him with just a glow of happiness in her face and eyes before she spoke. "Life is good. I get more Neuro work with you, we are going to have walls. Life is good."

"Life is good." He agreed as he kissed her on the nose and they continued their walk to their SUV to begin their trek to the ferry boat once again for their 2nd day of work's trek home.