28. Chapter 28

"Are you sure?" She asked again while Derek drove them home towards their land and Meredith sat antsy in the passenger seat. She had been going over what the Chief had said all through the ferry boat ride. Thinking that Derek had to have pushed him some how to give her the special treatment, but Derek denied ever begging the Chief for her as his own personal intern. Which he know can't wait to have.

"Yes, Mer. I didn't beg." He sighed.

"I just don't get it then, if you didn't beg for me why after only after a couple days did he already say I could have more Neuro time than everyone else?"

"I told him you were the best, and through out the day he saw that for himself. He came up to me and asked me what you were thinking of specializing in, I told him and then you were there for the rest. I was shocked as you were, especially considering he was adamant on no special treatment from me to you when I took this job."

"He saw for himself?" she asked in wonder of how he did that with just 2 days of work.

"You saved your first patient on your first day outsmarting me, you read they x-ray this morning like it was nothing. That question I asked you over the intercom. I originally asked it to Dr. Stevens and Dr. Yang prior in the OR and they both came out clueless."

"What?" she exclaimed. "Why would you ask them that? That's a hard question they couldn't know that. The only reason I know that is because for days I helped you study for that final Neuro exam."

"Dr. Stevens didn't seem interested in the surgery, she was more interested in gossiping about us. So I figured she was bored and wanted something more challenging." He said with a sly smile.

"Derek Shepherd, you are bad. You knew she'd have no clue." She laughed.

"No I didn't, she could have surprised me."

"Yeah right." She scoffed.

"So she gets it wrong, then I guess you asked Cristina who did also, then I come in."

"Then you my amazing wife, come in and wow everyone's socks off with your diagnosis of your first solo patient, your knowledge of the drugs and then answering that question knowing something a 5th year Neuro resident would know."

"And the Chief decided after hearing I wanted to specialize in Neuro that he'd give me the extra time." She said with realization.

"Why waste your smarts and talent on someone like Dr. Burke who has you doing grunt work when you could applying yourself so much. You deserve the best teaching Mer." He told her with a harden edge to his voice, trying to mask his anger over his colleague using her as he personal assistant as opposed to the smart intern she was.

"I have the best, I have you. I have a future following in your footsteps, that the Chief is even now backing and I am going to have my very own house. I'm good." She smiled at him before continuing, "he's not worth it Der, he's mad because you've come in and peed all over his turf and he's just not worth it. He'll get his, he already is." She said with a giggle.

"You called me bad you're just as bad Meredith Shepherd."

"I am not!"

"Really?" he smirked.

"At least I didn't yell at anyone, I just nicely informed your not as good as you competition who he was dealing with."

"Not as good as me competition? You really are responsible for my ego."

"Shut up. " She laughed as they pulled up to their make shift dirt driveway that took them to wear their new house was being built.