35. Chapter 35

Meredith made herself back up to the plastic's wing as fast as she could to see what the decision was going to be. When she made it back up there she saw Cristina with Izzy standing off to the side alone, from the disgruntled look on Cristina's face it was evident that Izzy had mentioned the Mark Sloan, brother in-law thing to her. The Chief huddled with a displeased looking Dr. Burke, a freaked out looking Dr. Martin.

As she approached, the Chief stopped his heated discussion with Dr. Burke and they both turned to see Meredith approach and stand alone over near Cristina and Izzy's side of the area, but not that close to them. Dr. Burke just glanced towards her ignoring her and turned back to the Chief.

"I'd like to go on record that I did not approve of this. We'll be known as just some celebrity doctor nightclub that has them swoop in and out just to do some hot shots surgeries."

"Duly noted, however it is not up to you Dr. Burke. This is up to me and the board and the board is salivating at the thought alone of another world renowned doctor of this caliber coming to Seattle Grace, if even just for one procedure."

"You mean they're salivating at the thought of Shepherd and Sloan, the tag team of the East coast reuniting again only here?"

"You said it Dr. Burke, not me."

Meredith's face lit up as she put the facts together herself and realized that Mark was coming, he had agreed to come, he was coming to do the surgery and he was going to need Derek. They were going to reunite not just as friends hanging out, but they were going to be in the OR together too. Derek was going to be so happy, she thought. It would help his home sickness just a bit to have a bit of his past New York actions, here in Seattle.

She was broken out of her thoughts when the Chief had turned to speak to a nurse, "page Dr. Shepherd." He asked of her.

The nurse looked at her, and then the Chief rolled his eyes and repeated his request. "page Dr. Derek Shepherd." Which caused a giggle from Meredith, she and Derek had always joked of that happening, of getting mistaken for each other.

"Chief..." Dr. Burke started in again as Derek came up upon the group but not fully joining them. Hanging back closer to Meredith and facing her with a blank look on his face.

"Dr. Burke, as much as I respect your opinion. This decision is not yours. Your objection has been noted and that is all." The chief responded in a means business tone. Dr. Burke looked taken back and Meredith figured his stance on not wanting Mark here was because it was going to steal more thunder from him, especially reuniting with Derek and the patient didn't factor in at all.

"Ass" she muttered to herself not realizing Derek was that close to her. Derek looked at her eyes wide open, "Not you." She mouthed, while his eyebrows rose up in confusion, which meant 'then who?' She nodded towards Chief and Burke and then he waved his head to tell her not to do it when people could here, then smiled at her to inform her he agreed.

They could have conversations with each other without speaking but now was not the time for this one. Not when they had an audience.

"Dr. Shepherd." The Chief bellowed out to where Meredith and Derek were doing their silent talk, which caused both of them to whip around to face him.

"Dr. Derek Shepherd." The Chief corrected himself for the second time in a span of minutes. Derek stepped up to the Chief, Dr. Martin, and Dr. Burke who was refusing to leave the circle while Meredith hung back.

"Derek, we're bringing in Dr. Mark Sloan for a consult from New York to handle this reconstructive case." Meredith could see Derek let out of breath of air that he hadn't even known he was holding and he tried really hard not to smile, but she could see that too. So she smiled brightly for him. He gave her a quick look and she saw the happiness in his eyes.

The Chief had continued on talking to him while Meredith had been gazing happily for and at her husband. "After extending the offer to him, he said he would come but he will only do the case with you as the Neurosurgeon on the case. I know you had delegated this one to Dr. Chow, however considering the circumstances you are going to have to relieve him and handle this one yourself." Derek's face fell a little of having to relieve one of his neurosurgeon's he had placed on this case.

" Okay, Dr. Webber. I will speak to Dr. Chow immediately. As well as get myself familiar with all the patients' recent scans."

"Go to it then. Dr. Sloan will be taking the red eye tonight and arriving tomorrow. This is an important multi-day case. Work with Dr. Martin and the interns, have everything ready for Dr. Sloan when he arrives. I want him leaving this hospital with the best of opinions." He turned and glared at Dr. Burke during that last bit which Meredith assumed was a warning to be on his best behavior. Then he left to go call back Mark to let him know that his demands had been met. Dr. Burke took off also trailing behind which since Cristina was his intern for the day caused her to chase after him. Leaving Meredith, Izzy standing aside and Derek and a still frazzled Dr. Martin still in discussion.

"I'm going to require all the scans done today for review and analysis." Derek told her warily, realizing that his wife was very right and something was not up and up with Dr. Martin and Mark.

"That would be your wife's department, she handled all those earlier." Dr. Martin told him coolly. Derek turned with a smile to face Meredith and Izzy's direction. His eyes totally trained upon his wife, never wavering from her face.

"Well, it looks like you're the intern stuck with me for this case." He beamed. "Let's get started."