36. Chapter 36

"We're three for three." Derek said to her as they walked side by side down the corridor to an exam room to go over all the scans and x-rays the patient had taken this morning. Meredith glanced at him with a confused look.

"Three for three?"

"Well, you've been an intern for three days and every single day you've ended up working with me. Without the Chief's new orders even in place yet. I think that's a sign." He smirked at her.

"A sign?" she asked now smiling at her goofy husband.

"A sign that you're meant to be in Neuro and my personal intern." Meredith laughed at his antics and how he deduced that.

"If you say so honey."

"Now, you're humoring me. I'm being serious."

"So am I, I believe you."

"No you don't, you're just saying that" he pouted.

"No pouting at work, you know what it does to me." she whispered while another doctor walked passed them overhearing and giving them a look. Derek saw and laughed, causing Meredith to slap his arm.

"Mer, I don't think you're allowed to beat your attendings." He said while choking back his laughter.

"Oh, and you're the exception to that rule. I have to keep you in line anyway I can. "

Derek just shook his head with a smile as they reached the exam room they had been heading too. He opened the door for her and letting her enter first.

He sat in the empty chair while they put on their intern and attending hats. Meredith showed and went over all the scans and x-rays she had taken earlier that day. Indicating all the bone fragments Mark would be repairing and he quizzed her on the neurological aspects of doing such an extensive head region surgery. She got him up to date on the case in a matter of an hour.

When they were close to finishing Derek received a message to his blackberry he had been hoping would come.

"Coming in the AM. Finally, I know. Will see you and Mrs. tomorrow. You both better be working with me on this case and not leaving me alone with any of the quacks you've been complaining about or I'm coming right back home!Mark. MD."

Meredith saw the smile grace his face and went to stand over his shoulder so she could read his message on his blackberry.

"Shouldn't you warn him about a certain quack, Dr. Martin."

"You are right, something happened there. But what ever it is, is not our business and let's just hope it's something blown out of proportion because as much as I love Mark, we don't have room in the trailer for him if Addi kicks him out." He chuckled.

"Speaking of which, we have to do something with the trailer when the house is done." He realized in thought.

"No we don't, it'll stay right where it is."

"You want to leave the trailer? Why?"

"Because I like it and if you're bad I can send you there." She laughed.

"You're going to send me to the trailer?" He asked in shock."If you're bad." She added again slyly.

"If I'm bad huh, well then I will send you there if you're bad." He whispered with a laugh as he pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist as her arms went around his neck. Losing the intern attending hats they had for the hour and going back to being just them.

"You'd make me sleep there all alone?" she pouted looking up at him with those puppy dog eyes.

"Never." Was all he said before his lips came crashing down on hers.