43. Chapter 43

Weee finally. I've been trying to log on for hours to no avail. Just a note, Carly is one of Derek's sisters. Don't know all their names so just making them up. Sam was also one used in a previous chapter and Kathleen.

"So, what's this about a house in the woods and living in a trailer park?" Mark asked them laughing.

"We do not live in a trailer park!" Meredith exclaimed loudly and in horror. Derek laughing and shaking his head.

"That's not what I hear, Carly talked about some trailer and not a house or condo." Mark said while still laughing.

"We bought 40 acres of land, on our second, second day right?" Derek started off looking to Meredith for confirmation.

"Yes, our second day here. We were staying at the Westin and decided to take the ferry, see the sights. We were driving around and saw this land, fell in love with it and lucky for us it had a big for sale sign and we bought it." Meredith smiled at the memory.

"Derek where are we? Less than 2 days here and we already got lost." She whined.

"We're not lost, we're exploring. There's a difference." He reasoned.

"Exploring?" She laughed. "That's a good way of avoiding the fact we're lost."

"Let's stop and we can look at the map." She asked.

"We'll find our way back."

"Come on Derek, look up there by all those trees, that land with the for sale sign. We can stop there since we'll know nobody will come out and shoot us for trespassing."

"Fine. I just need to stretch my legs anyway."

"Right" she giggled.

"I do!"

"Uh huh, of course you do honey."

They got out of the car and while Meredith grabbed the map that came with their rental car. Derek looked out over the vasp land and starting hiking his way west.

"Derek? Derek?" Meredith couldn't see where he had gone off to so fast and now she here alone, lost in the scary woods.

"Mere, I'm up here, climb up the hill." Meredith rolled her eyes but standing around here alone waiting for a bear to appear and eat her didn't sound all that appealing so she ran off up the steep climb up a trail to where she had heard Derek's voice coming from.

When she was out of breath, huffing and puffing and finally reached the top. She saw Derek just standing there, staring ahead with such a calm and peaceful look on his face.

"Look Mer." He whispered to her, while still staring ahead. Meredith came over to him and her eyes widen and she gasped at the gorgeous land rolling out in front of her, with the water's edge down below and water as far as they could see. Derek had turned to look at her reaction to seeing the land.

"It's so beautiful."

"It is." He said never taking his eyes off her.

"Der, it's your lake." She whispered with realization on her face turning to look at him with a blush in her cheeks.

"It's my lake." He whispered back. The land, the lake, the dream house dreams. This was it come true.

"Meredith even has a fishing lake for us." Derek told Mark, shaking Meredith from her memory but her smile lingered on and grew wider when she looked at her husband.

"Really? Well there's on incentive. I guess I'll have to take a peak of this special land while I'm here."

"You have to, we'll have you over for dinner at our trailer park." Derek laughed at him while Meredith's eyes narrowed before she squealed out again.

"It's not a trailer park!" While the 2 brothers shared a knowing glance before laughing with her.