44. Chapter 44

"We should get up to the Plastics wing, Dr. Martin and the Chief are probably waiting on us." Derek said to Mark and Meredith while standing. At the mention of Dr. Martin, Meredith remembered about Mark and Dr. Martin. She had completely forgotten while catching up with Mark. She turned her head to see the reaction of the mention of her name, but got none. So she decided to probe a bit.

"You okay with that Mark?" She asked while standing. Derek looked at Mer and gave her a knowing, 'not now' glance. Which she glared back with an 'I'm not doing anything' one.

"Fine, it's what I'm here to do."

"You and Dr. Martin working together…"

"It's fine, I don't like the woman, but I can work around her. You both will be in the OR as well as a packed house. I'll barely know she's there." He said stiffly as he walked out of Derek's office, not waiting for either of them and not knowing where he was going.

"Mer..." Derek warned.

"I know, I know, I just wanted to see his reaction."

"Well we've seen it and it's not a good one."

"Tell me about it."

"I think it's best if we keep them apart and not leave them alone. Mark needs to have his game face on and not all moody over some old flame."

"We can intercept and do damage control!" Meredith said all excited. Derek chuckled at her enthusiasm over sleuthing around being private eyes.

"Yes, honey." He replied patronizingly as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "Now, let's go find him before he ends up in the nurses' lounge or something." He laughed but serious as Meredith giggled along knowing that would be something Mark would do.

Meredith and Derek collected the necessary paper work, their lab coats and locked Derek's office door while proceeding down the hall to look for the MIA attending from New York. After looking around the area, they found Mark waiting patiently for them at the elevator bay.

"About time you two showed up. You too not get you morning sex yet?" Mark smiled as he rolled his eyes at them while they stepped onto the elevator. Both Meredith and Derek knew Mark to well to even answer that question or prolong that topic of discussion since they were getting on an elevator full of Meredith and Derek's peers.

When they arrived on the Plastics floor, the doors opened to see Dr. Martin, Dr. Burke, Izzy, a few board members and the Chief all patiently waiting by the nurses' desk.

"Look a welcoming party." Mark snickered as the 3 departed the elevator.

Meredith and Derek quickly abandoned him with the welcoming party. Meredith left to do pre-op and intern work for the patient, Derek ran off saying he needed to check the OR board and Mark was left to his welcoming committee.

He smirked a very nice hello to Izzy, whom he remembered was part of the scary intern bunch from earlier. He nodded and muttered a tense hello to Dr. Martin who tried to avoid his stare and how amazing he looked in leather.

He nodded another tense hello to Dr. Burke who was looking at him like he was enemy number one or actually number two in this case, Mark thought since Derek is probably number one being the new top dog on the west coast and top of the list to be Chief of Surgery. With relief Mark was ushered away from the goof troop by the Chief's assistant to do some paperwork. Getting credentials and sign some forms, and finally schmooze and shake hands with the board members.