45. Chapter 45

"Just so you know, as family members. You two suck." Mark told Derek and Meredith as they arrived one after the other into the exam room he was currently using to go over all the scans of bone fragments.

Dr. Martin had given him Izzy in case he needed anything and at the moment he needed a strong cup of coffee which he sent the blonde for.

"What did we do?" Derek asked in fake confusion, knowing very well that they both made a run for it after seeing the mass group of people waiting to see Mark.

"What did you do? What did you do? You only abandoned me to the goof troop of Seattle Grace." Mark exclaimed sarcastically while rolling his eys. Meredith started giggling and knew she had no excuse, so all she could think of saying was the truth noticing Mark's sarcasm and ego filled humor was lacking around these parts.

"Boy, I've missed you." Meredith laughed out at him and his still fake angry face. Just as Izzy came running back into the exam room.

"Dr. Sloan, I got your coffee, just like you asked." Izzy hadn't realized Meredith and Derek were in the room. At the sight of the intern fetching coffee like a waitress. Meredith raised her eyebrow and tried not to smirk.

Izzy was obviously embarrassed since her cheeks turned red when she saw that Mark wasn't alone in the room anymore. Whether she was embarrassed because Meredith saw her or because Derek saw her, was the question on Meredith's mind since she still did not like the fan girl looks Izzy constantly threw her husbands way.

"Thanks, that'll be all." Mark dismissed her with a wave of his hand as he took the coffee from her hands.

"Mark..." Derek knowingly warned.

"Fine, fine. Teaching hospital and all that. She can stay." Mark muttered to the room. Izzy breathed a sigh of relief, of being included with Meredith. Since she got perks like no other and being in a room with the two really hot doctors.

"So, boys and girls." Mark started off. " The bones need to be removed. Here, here, here, and here." He pointed out on the x-ray hanging on the wall. "They need to be cut, here and here and re-attached here. Der, you're going to do the brain insertion of the scope, here and Dr. Chow and Meredith will assist you with that.

Unfortunately for me, Dr. Martin will be assisting me and that's all folks." He finished off with a smirk before adding. "See, I actually did work while you two cowards ran for the hills." Mark smiled while taking a big sip of his coffee while Meredith and Derek still stared at the scans and Izzy stared at him.

"Something on your mind, Dr. Stevens? Did you not follow?" He asked her while still drinking his coffee.

"Just, what about me? I'm an intern on this case also."

"You'll do what ever Dr. Martin tells you. I don't work with interns. I could use a muffin though."