47. Chapter 47

As Mark, Derek, and the plentiful attendings, residents and the two interns in the OR began the six hour procedure. Derek and Mark were doing their old OR buddy banter. The gallery was full, mostly of women. Meredith rolled her eyes at that one. The same thing occurred in New York, when ever Mark and Derek were doing a surgery together. There was a line of women nurses, residents, interns, and even married attendings following behind.

Meredith chose to stand back with Izzy, hoping that Mark treated her like the rest of the interns and not called her up there to talk to him, or assist in anyway. With his intern stance, it would be the definition of special treatment if he treated her like a doctor and not bottom of the food chain.

While observing the procedure and doing any of the intern fetching Derek asked of her, Meredith also was observing Dr. Martin and Mark. Mark was cold, removed, and stiff around her while Dr. Martin was jumpy, flushed, and nervous around him. She seemed embarrassed of some sort.

"The gallery sure is smaller here." Mark observes glancing up. "We still got it though. We bring in the spectators"

"It's actually used for work here and not fan club meetings." Derek jokingly rebutted.

"You didn't mind the fan club meetings when a certain med student was observing you from the front row."

That comment from Mark caused Meredith to blush and then silently pray that Mark didn't talk much about their private life or New York. While Mark was here for a couple days, she and Derek had to live here and work with these people everyday. She didn't want them knowing or invading her privacy anymore than they already had.

Derek turned to look at Meredith and saw that she was slightly embarrassed and uncomfortable that an entire OR and gallery had heard something she kept close to her heart. Derek loved when Meredith would run out of class early or have time to see him perform surgery in the OR.

When ever she had spare time and he was in the OR, she was there. Cheering him on and being his biggest supporter. She was there when he stepped out the scrub rooms after losing a patient and needing her support and she was there when he stepped out of the scrub room after saving a patient and just needed someone to be proud of him.

"So Mark, did Addison mention when she will ask the babies to stop being born so she could come visit?" Derek asked him, changing the subject from Meredith and him to Mark and Addison. Meredith gave him a silent 'thank you' knowing what he did before she heard Izzy's breath hitch next to her in wonder as she muttered "Addison?"

Meredith decided to give the girl a clue and explain. "Addison Forbes-Montgomery. She's Dr. Sloan's girlfriend" she whispered to her. "The Addison Montgomery? The Neo-Natal surgeon?" Izzy stared back in shock and her mouth wide open.

"Yes." Meredith whispered back.

"She's with Dr. Sloan?" she said still trying to grasp the news.

"Yes, they've been together for years."

"Well aren't the four of you a famous group, you're like the Beckhams and the Cruises."

"Okay." Meredith warily replied back, it was all she could muster out, since she had no idea what to respond to that with. Thinking if she only knew about her mommy leading the pack of them in recognition.

After stepping back from conversation with Izzy that was starting to sound like a gossip magazine Q&A. Meredith couldn't help notice that now Dr. Martin was cold and more detached, while Mark and Derek still bantered on about New York, Addison and her coming here. Dr. Martin was visibly not liking this conversation.