48. Chapter 48

Meredith knew a jealous woman when she saw one, she herself didn't take too kindly to women throwing themselves at her husband and flirting with him. The difference though was that Meredith had the right to be jealous, Derek was hers. Mark is not Dr. Martin's. He's Addison's' and Dr. Martin was clearly jealous of someone that did not belong to her.

"Dr. Shepherd?" Derek called her. "I need some assistance over here. Step up." Meredith chose to just march ahead and not take a glance look at Izzy, Meredith knew being Marks intern is not what she thought it would have been when she got all pretty to come to work today. Meredith figured Izzy wouldn't want her pity.

Meredith stepped up next to Derek and grabbed the clamp he was signaling her to grab on to.

"Hold it right there, Dr. Shepherd."

"Okay, got it." Meredith told him.

"Isn't this cozy, it's like family time in the OR." Mark butted in while watching Meredith and Derek huddled together.

"Well, except for Addison." Meredith added in.

"Considering this patient's a young male. If she was here in the OR, that would be quite the medical miracle case." Mark laughed.

"We're also missing all the other half a dozen doctors in this clan." Derek said.

"We could form our own hospital there's so many of us, we could call it Shepherd General." Mark theorized. "You have the forest land with the trailer park, we can build it there."

"Umm no. My house is building there." Meredith said looking up and over at the scalpels and then over to glare at Mark for bringing up trailer park and personal things again.

"Oh yes, the dream house. I've been only hearing about this house since before you were even a freshman in College. About time Shep made it a reality."

Derek just said nothing, knowing again this wasn't a good path they were on. Too personal with too many people around. Luckily for him, Mark still didn't have patience to stick to one topic too long and moved on.

"Dr. Stevens, come take a look" Mark said as he was finishing re-attaching the bone fragments. At that one sentence, Meredith, Derek and even some random doctors all looked up at Mark like he had lost his mind.

Mark looked from side to side at them staring at him, "What? Can't a guy be happy to see his brother and sister in-law, doing a surgery side by side by side with them and just want to spread the happiness around? Dr. Stevens I'm serious, come hither."

Izzy moved over to near Mark and looked down at the procedure he was completely while he explained it to her and she looked completely raptured in Mark. Meredith looked up at Derek whispering "did someone slip him some drugs?"

"I heard that jail bate." Mark whispered to her seriously while still fusing the bones together and not even looking up. Meredith stifled her giggle while Derek just rolled his eyes thinking this surgery had become award winning and must see comedy TV rolled into one.